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Shougo Abiru

アビル ショウゴ


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Shougo Abiru(アビル ショウゴ)


In my exploration of spatial expression, I became interested in glass as a material.

There are various techniques for glass production, but I did not find a technique that corresponded to what I wanted to express, so I started by developing an original technique to create my works.
In my exploration of spatial expression, I became interested in glass as a material.

There are various techniques for glass production, but I did not find a technique that corresponded to what I wanted to express, so I started by developing an original technique to create my works.

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“Shougo Abiru's Artworks”


Heat Quantity

USD 2,068.82 Year.2019 w48.00 x h24.00 x d48.00 cm


Price Range

USD $2,069 ~ $2,069


He was born in 1961 in Tsushima City, Nagasaki Prefecture.
At the time of his birth, the island's population was about 70,000, and today it is 35,000.
There were no museums, and the countryside was virtually devoid of art.
In such an environment, only natural formations stimulated and nurtured my...
He was born in 1961 in Tsushima City, Nagasaki Prefecture.
At the time of his birth, the island's population was about 70,000, and today it is 35,000.
There were no museums, and the countryside was virtually devoid of art.
In such an environment, only natural formations stimulated and nurtured my sensibility.

When I was in junior high school, I had a good art teacher, and this gave me the desire to become a sculptor, albeit vaguely.

When I was in high school, although I had a yearning for art, I chose science and mathematics and managed to enter the engineering department of a local national university.

After entering university, I began to visit art museums more often and decided to drop out of college because my longing to become a sculptor, which had sprouted when I was in junior high school, grew too great and took my mind off the engineering field.
After that, there was a period of hesitation, but I was able to enter the sculpture department of Tokyo University of the Arts at the age of 26 while working part-time.
During my university years, I mainly used metal as my main material, but there was a subtle discomfort between what I wanted to express and the texture of the material, and I had a vague feeling that I was not quite right.

I had a feeling that glass was close to the spatial expression I was looking for, so I decided to study glass as well, partly to reopen my mind to the fact that I had started art late.

After I started working with glass, I no longer felt a gap in the sense of materiality, but I ran into a big wall in terms of size. It had never occurred to me when I was working with metal, but the larger the glass, the more difficult it became to produce.
To solve the size problem, I managed to develop an original technique after much hard work.
All of my works are built on the foundation of such techniques.

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1998 第5回KAJIMA彫刻コンクール 奨励賞
2003 第20回現代日本彫刻展(宇部) 入選
2006 第8回大分アジア彫刻展 優秀賞
2006 第3回現代ガラス展in山陽小野田 大賞
2008 第3回現代ガラス大賞展・富山2008 大賞
2008 第9回大分アジア彫刻展 大賞
2008 大一美術館第1回現代ガラス大賞展 優秀賞
2012 第12回KAJIMA彫刻コンクール 入選
2012 座ってみたい北の創作椅子展2012 入賞
2013 第25回UBEビエンナーレ 入選
2016 国際ガラス展・金沢2016 審査員特別賞
2018 第15回特別記念KAJIMA彫刻コンクール 大賞

Group Exhibitions

1999 「3人のガラス展」 下山芸術の森 発電所美術館
2001 「現代日本のガラス展」 琉園水晶博物館 (台湾)
2005 「グラスアピール」 目黒区美術館
2006 「グラスアピール」 目黒区美術館
2009 「FLAT GLASS」 瀬戸市新世紀工芸館
2011 「ガラスの変貌Ⅱ」 多治見市文化工房ギャラリーヴォイス
2013 「彫刻4人展」 茶廊法邑 (札幌市)
2014 「いばらき工芸大全Ⅰガラスの巻」 茨城県陶芸美術館
2014 「時空を旅する彫刻展」 ときわ湖水ホール (宇部市)
2014 「第1回品品法邑国際立体展2014」 品品法邑 (札幌市)
2014 「4人の形」 セッションハウス (東京都)
2015 「ガラス造形の未来学」 gallery O2 (東京都)
2016 華道家増野光晴氏とのコラボ展「透明な共鳴」 ギャラリーguild (東京都)
2017 「板ガラスの表現」 石川県能登島ガラス美術館
2017 華道家増野光晴氏とのコラボ展「透明な共鳴2」 ギャラリーguild (東京都)
2018 華道家増野光晴氏とのコラボ展「透明な共鳴3」 ギャラリーguild (東京都)
2020 「桃源郷芸術祭2020」 茨城県天心記念五浦美術館
2020 「6つの個展2020」 茨城県近代美術館
2021 「富山ガラス造形研究所創立30周年記念展 未来へのかたち」 富山市ガラス美術館
2022 「光のART展Ⅷ 光と影‐SHADOW‐」 史跡旧崇広堂 (伊賀市)

Solo Exhibitions

1997 富山市北陸労働金庫であい館
2011 オリエギャラリー (東京都)
2014 「アビルショウゴ展」 ギャラリーguild (東京都)
2017 「アビルショウゴ展」 gallery O2 (金沢市)
2018 「アビルショウゴ展」 アートスペース エリコーナ (いわき市)

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