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kazuhiro shimoda



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kazuhiro shimoda(下田和弘)


This series contains "past," "present," and "future. The "past" memories contain emotional expressions of joy, sorrow, and suffering that overflow from life experiences, the "present" is the joy, anger, sorrow, and pleasure that arise from daily life and the inner world of the mind, and the "future"...
This series contains "past," "present," and "future. The "past" memories contain emotional expressions of joy, sorrow, and suffering that overflow from life experiences, the "present" is the joy, anger, sorrow, and pleasure that arise from daily life and the inner world of the mind, and the "future" is a condensed version of life painted on a canvas. I would be happy if each person who sees the film can superimpose his or her own life and thoughts on it.

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Find 19 original artworks & painters by kazuhiro shimoda. Check out kazuhiro shimoda's profile, artwork prices, exhibition information, and buy art online.

“kazuhiro shimoda's Artworks”


rebirth of memory(z-16)

USD 987.23 Year.2024 w53.00 x h65.20 x d2.00 cm


rebirth of memory(Z-15)

USD 394.89 Year.2023 w33.40 x h33.40 x d2.00 cm


rebirth of memory(Z-14)

USD 394.89 Year.2022 w33.40 x h33.40 x d2.00 cm


rebirth of memory(Z-13)

USD 361.98 Year.2023 w273.00 x h273.00 x d2.00 cm


rebirth of memory(Z-12)

USD 361.98 Year.2023 w27.30 x h27.30 x d2.00 cm


rebirth of memory(Z-10)

USD 329.08 Year.2023 w27.30 x h27.30 x d2.00 cm


rebirth of memory(Z-09)

USD 644.99 Year.2022 w38.00 x h45.50 x d2.00 cm


rebirth of memory(Z-06)

USD 1,184.68 Year.2023 w91.00 x h72.70 x d2.50 cm


rebirth of memory(Z-03)

USD 493.62 Year.2024 w41.00 x h41.00 x d2.00 cm


rebirth of memory(Z-02)

USD 559.43 Year.2024 w38.00 x h45.00 x d2.00 cm


rebirth of memory(Z-01)

USD 559.43 Year.2024 w38.00 x h45.50 x d2.00 cm


rebirth of memory

USD 361.98 Year.2023 w27.30 x h27.30 x d2.00 cm


rebirth of memory

USD 855.60 Year.2023 w53.00 x h53.00 x d2.00 cm


rebirth of memory

USD 315.91 Year.2022 w45.50 x h45.50 x d2.00 cm


rebirth of memory

USD 197.45 Year.2019 w13.90 x h17.90 x d2.00 cm


rebirth of memory

USD 230.35 Year.2022 w15.80 x h22.70 x d2.00 cm


rebirth of memory

USD 296.17 Year.2017 w22.00 x h27.30 x d2.00 cm


rebirth of memory

USD 1,513.76 Year.2015 w116.70 x h72.70 x d2.50 cm


rebirth of memory

Sold Out Year.2014 w65.00 x h53.00 x d2.00 cm


Price Range

USD $197 ~ $1,514


He started out as a figurative painter, creating landscapes, figures, and still lifes, but in his 30s, after a seven-year blank due to family reasons, he switched to abstract painting, participating in exhibitions in Japan and abroad. In 2020, his work was used as a set for the filming of the drama...
He started out as a figurative painter, creating landscapes, figures, and still lifes, but in his 30s, after a seven-year blank due to family reasons, he switched to abstract painting, participating in exhibitions in Japan and abroad. In 2020, his work was used as a set for the filming of the drama "Haken no Hinkaku" starring Ryoko Shinohara. [Overseas art fair] 2013 ART INTERNATIONAL ZURICH ('14'15'17'18'19'22'23) 2019 affordable art fair milan 2018 Asia contemporary art show (hong kong)('16) 2016 affordable art fair Hamburg 2015 BANK ART FAIR SHINGAPORE 2014 ART SANTAFE 2013 RED DOT Miami 2013 DAEGU ART FAIR 2012 fountain art fair Miami

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2005 国際アートコンペティショ入賞銀座NICHE GALERY)
2005 一期会40回記念大賞展入選(都美術館)
2006 日仏現代美術展賞候補('07'08'09'10'11) 出品
2007 第33回国際美術大賞展評論家賞
2009 第35回国際美術大賞展奨励賞
2009 第39回アメリカ美術賞入選(テネシー州)
2010 オリジナル大賞展奨励賞(札幌)
2010 第36回国際美術大賞展クサカベ賞
2010 第4回ガレリア・レイノ大賞展(広島)
2012 第38回国際美術大賞展全日本新聞社賞
2013 第39回国際美術大賞展韓国文化院賞
2014 「美の起源展」入選(ダーウィンの回廊京都)
2014 第40回国際美術大賞展40回記念賞
2015 第41回国際美術大賞展優秀賞
2017 第43回国際美術大賞展永森賞
2018 第44回国際美術大賞展会長賞
2019 第45回国際美術大賞展 大賞
2022 第46回国際美術大賞展審査員長賞
2024 第48回国際美術大賞展クサカベ賞

Group Exhibitions

2008 「追跡する百人展」(銀座NICHE GALERY)
2009 ドイツファッハヴェルグ文化協会 招待出品(3ヶ月常設展示)
2012 現代中日芸術家選抜展 (上海)
2012 ART&LIFE(大黒屋ギャラリー)
2012 「Japanese artists」(N.Y noho gallery)
2014 パリ・マドレーヌ寺院「祈りの美術展」(フランス)
2014 ART YOUR MIND(六本木ストライプスペース)
2017 21 japanese artists (galerie Bohner Mannhim)
2020 Anniversary 25 years gallery Bohner(Galerie Bohner Mannheim)
2021 10 JAPANESE ARTISTS 2021 (galerie Bohner Mannheim
2022 第39回京都新聞チャリティー美術作品展(京都高島屋グランドホール)

Solo Exhibitions

2014 現代抽象画の世界個展(グローギャラリー熊本)
2019 下田和弘絵画展(SMART SHIP GALERY)
2020 下田和弘個展(鶴田一郎ギャラリー天草)
2020 下田和弘大賞記念展個展(グローギャラリー熊本)
2023 下田和弘個展(グローギャラリー)

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