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vanessa longo


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Find 30 original artworks & painters by vanessa longo. Check out vanessa longo's profile, artwork prices, exhibition information, and buy art online.

“vanessa longo's Artworks”


Pensi di riuscire a guardare mentre beffarda abbandono il mio piumaggio_

USD 2,080.00 Year.2018 w47.00 x h62.00 x d2.50 cm


for the love of dog

USD 2,080.00 Year.2018 w40.00 x h60.00 x d1.00 cm


il cervo blu

USD 187.20 Year.2022 w37.00 x h60.00 x d0.50 cm


#affordable 5

USD 187.20 Year.2022 w20.00 x h25.00 x d2.00 cm


#affordable 4

USD 187.20 Year.2022 w20.00 x h25.00 x d2.00 cm


#affordable 7

USD 187.20 Year.2022 w20.00 x h25.00 x d2.00 cm


anatomia di un'inclusione

USD 124.80 Year.2022 w40.00 x h120.00 x d0.10 cm



USD 187.20 Year.2022 w21.00 x h59.00 x d0.10 cm


il ballo dei devoti

USD 260.00 Year.2021 w132.00 x h24.00 x d0.10 cm


danza coreana

USD 260.00 Year.2020 w131.00 x h24.00 x d0.10 cm


La strategia di Scolopendra per sopravvivere ai cattivissimi virus della terra" "the strategy of Scolopendra to survive the very bad viruses of the earth"

USD 312.00 Year.2021 w44.00 x h22.00 x d0.10 cm


Una solitudine a forma di uomo

USD 228.80 Year.2019 w106.00 x h271.00 x d0.10 cm


Sboccia e germoglia figlia

USD 228.80 Year.2022 w33.00 x h43.00 x d0.10 cm


Una solitudine a forma di uomo/ a man shaped solitude

USD 468.00 Year.2019 w42.50 x h106.00 x d0.10 cm


Doride, la dea che venne gettata nel cuore delle tenebre. Mazu, la dea che gettò le tenebre nel cuore

USD 312.00 Year.2020 w38.50 x h50.00 x d3.00 cm


ogni tuo respiro è mio, ogni tuo sogno lo devi a me. Allora perché desidero avere il tuo futuro?/your every breath is mine, your every dream you owe it to me. so why do I desire to have your future?

USD 6,760.00 Year.2020 w74.00 x h160.00 x d2.00 cm


Doride, la dea che venne gettata nel cuore delle tenebre. Mazu, la dea che gettò le tenebre nel cuore.

USD 4,680.00 Year.2019 w61.00 x h85.00 x d2.00 cm


vi narro del principe che sposò la sua dama, la portò nel suo castello, la rivestì d'oro e di gioielli, la rese infelice.

USD 3,640.00 Year.2019 w46.00 x h64.00 x d2.00 cm



USD 187.20 Year.2022 w20.00 x h25.00 x d2.00 cm


The fearful Agata, with shuted eyes, guided her shadows La pavida Agata, con occhi serrati guidò le sue ombre

USD 7,280.00 Year.2019 w60.00 x h130.00 x d2.00 cm


"quel che di Angelica resta" / What remains of Angelica

USD 4,160.00 Year.2021 w130.00 x h61.00 x d2.00 cm



USD 187.20 Year.2022 w20.00 x h25.00 x d2.00 cm



USD 187.20 Year.2022 w20.00 x h25.00 x d2.00 cm



USD 260.00 Year.2022 w20.00 x h25.00 x d2.00 cm



USD 187.20 Year.2022 w20.00 x h25.00 x d2.00 cm


I am Anna Delvey. I am Anna Sorokin

USD 728.00 Year.2022 w21.00 x h59.00 x d0.10 cm


Mida, la regina che trasformò il virus in arte(?) Midas, the queen who turned the virus into art(?)

USD 2,912.00 Year.2018 w60.00 x h100.00 x d2.00 cm


io vengo dal fango, io vivo al fuera I Come From The Mud, I Live At fuera

USD 5,200.00 Year.2022 w65.00 x h150.00 x d2.00 cm


Sboccia e germoglia figlia, tua madre brama di nascere

USD 5,200.00 Year.2022 w106.00 x h131.00 x d2.00 cm


La strategia di Scolopendra per sopravvivere ai cattivissimi virus della terra" "the strategy of Scolopendra to survive the very bad viruses of the earth"

USD 5,200.00 Year.2021 w105.00 x h50.00 x d2.00 cm


2020/21 - Vanessa exhibits at Elite fine arts, London https://finearts-elite.com/
2019/21 - Vanessa exhibits at Max Laniado fine arts, Chelsea. New York
2015/18 - Vanessa exhibits at Visio dell'arte gallery. 522 west, 23 st, Chelsea. New York
(Gallery listed among...
2020/21 - Vanessa exhibits at Elite fine arts, London https://finearts-elite.com/
2019/21 - Vanessa exhibits at Max Laniado fine arts, Chelsea. New York
2015/18 - Vanessa exhibits at Visio dell'arte gallery. 522 west, 23 st, Chelsea. New York
(Gallery listed among the 20 best in New York city by "time out" magazine, May and October
2017 - italian representative at the Encuentro Nacional de Muralismo y Arte publico de

Chinácota - Colombia
2017 - Wins the contest to be the italian representative at “The Schoolhouse at Mutianyu”,
China. www.theschoolhouseatmutianyu.com
2017 - Wins the contest to be the italian representative at "Sacred Homeland", the fourth
He Shun International Art Festival, He Shun, Shan Xi, China. Supported by: Government
of He Shun County Shan Xi Province
2016 - Vanessa takes part at Mothership NYC residence program: international artists’
collective and live/work space located in Greenpoint, Brooklyn, New York City
2014 - Vanessa exhibiths at Visio dell'arte gallery. 13 rue de Miromesnil, Paris
2014 - Wins the contest to exhibit at “3 Years + 3 Days, NOoSPHERE Arts’ 3rd
Anniversary Show”. NOoSPHERE Arts. 251 East Houston Street, Manhattan. New York,
NY 10002
2013 - Takes part to the first Biennal of mural painting in Argentina “Bienal Internacional
Miramar”, Aprile Miramar, Argentina
2012 - Takes part at X bienal de pintura mural “inter-noS”, 5th
January 2012,
Santiago de Cuba.
2011 - Takes part at the Art Festival in Hebden Bridge from 25th
of June to 7th
of July.
2011 - Takes part at Art exhibition in Pavia Santa Maria Gualtieri,
Vittoria’s Square.
2010 - Takes part at art exhibition “ad Maiora!” at Palazzo Ferdinando di
/2011 Savoia, via Castro Pretorio 5, Roma.
2010 - Takes part at art exhibition “Il Nudo” at art gallery“11 Dreams” , via Rinarolo 11c
15057, Tortona (AL). Cured by Sofia Sicula.
2010 - Takes part at “Suoni e luci del Piemonte in Egitto”, in Damanhour, Egipt. Cured
by International Association Cleopatra and Alma Star Association, and by regione
Piemonte. www.popolinews.net
2010 -Wins the contest “L’arte in fondo” to exhibit in Anghiari (AR).
2010 - Personal Exhibition at Sarteano Castle www.valdichiana.it/new.it.php?cod=1730
2010 - Wins a scholarship grant and takes part to Master “art management” realized by
Firenze’s province, cured by Le-Man, Firenze
2009 - Wins a special price from the jury of “nationale des beaux arts” at Carrousel du
Louvre. Paris.
2009 - Permanent exhibition at the art gallery Tornabuoni. Borgo San Jacopo Firenze.
2008 - Art exhibition at “Fine Arts Cove”, via dè Benci, 50122, Firenze. Italy.
2007 - Art exhibition at “Fine Arts Cove”, via dè Benci, 50122, Firenze. Italy.
2006 - Takes part at “London Biennale”, Stables Gallery Orlean’s Haouse - London
2006 - International exhibition at the art gallery "Schloß Lendava" in Slovenia.
2010 -Wins the contest “L’arte in fondo” to exhibit in Anghiari (AR).
2010 - Personal Exhibition at Sarteano Castle www.valdichiana.it/new.it.php?cod=1730
2010 - Wins a scholarship grant and takes part to Master “art management” realized by
Firenze’s province, cured by Le-Man, Firenze
2009 - Wins a special price from the jury of “nationale des beaux arts” at Carrousel du
Louvre. Paris.
2009 - Permanent exhibition at the art gallery Tornabuoni. Borgo San Jacopo Firenze.
2008 - Art exhibition at “Fine Arts Cove”, via dè Benci, 50122, Firenze. Italy.
2007 - Art exhibition at “Fine Arts Cove”, via dè Benci, 50122, Firenze. Italy.
2006 - Takes part at “London Biennale”, Stables Gallery Orlean’s Haouse - London
2006 - International exhibition at the art gallery "Schloß Lendava" in Slovenia.
2006 - International exhibition at the art gallery "Schloß Batthàny Körmend" in Ungheria
2006 - International art exhibition “Folate iridescenti” at monumental complex Villa Doria
d’Angri in Naples
2005 - International art exhibition at “Lerchhaus”, Eibiswald/South 2005 - Art exhibition
at “Fine Arts Cove”, via dè Benci, 50122, Firenze. Italy.
2005 - International art exhibition “Homenaje al Dr. Miguel León Portilla” at: the “Galería
del Colegio Nacional, Mexico City, México then subsequently, between 2005 and 2006, at:
- Unidad Iztapalapa Gallery at Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana, Mexico City.
- Culture Houses and Galleries of the Federal District Delegations, Tepeij Mexico.
- Hidalgo Station , System of Collective Traport Meter, Mexico City.
- State Councils for the Culture and the Arts of Republic area center that which is made up
of ten States. Mexico.
2005 - International exhibition" Stracci al Vento" - Botanical Garden of the Science Faculty
at university of studies of Naples" Federico II." Naples (Italy).
www.graffisulleden.bravehost.com - http://freeinternationalartists.bravehost.com
2005 - “VI. Women’s International Conference 2005” Kunsterhaus –Graz (Austria).
www.womens-international-conference.com -
2005 - “L’arte di Vanessa Longo” art Gallery ”Bomboniere” – Sanremo (Italia).
2004 - International art exhibition" Città nascosta" Room Dome of the Congress Center "
La Serra" in Ivrea (Italia) - www.temporealetv.org -
2004 - "International festival Lucero del Alba" - Universidad Tecnològica Tula-Tepeji.
(México) (realization of a mural). www.artemuralesinternacional.bravehost.com
2004 - “La Ruta de Quetzalcòtl en los Metros del Mundo” . Station San Lazaro of the
System of Collective Transports Meter in Mexico City. (Mexico).
2004 - “La Ruta de Quetzalcòtl en los Metros del Mundo” - Unidad Iztapalapa Gallery

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