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Mana Osawa

大沢愛 | Mana Osawa


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Mana Osawa(大沢愛 | Mana Osawa)


What I express in my work is not the loveliness of flowers, but their boldness and strength as they use clever traps to spread their seeds, produce substances that interfere with the growth of other plants, and even absorb nutrients in order to survive. I am in awe and respect of these plants, and I...
What I express in my work is not the loveliness of flowers, but their boldness and strength as they use clever traps to spread their seeds, produce substances that interfere with the growth of other plants, and even absorb nutrients in order to survive. I am in awe and respect of these plants, and I sincerely hope that people can experience this overwhelming energy through my work. That is why the flowers I depict have a bit of venom in them. In the series of flowers and vases, which are my representative works, I dared not to depict flowers blooming in the wild. I wanted to express the moment when flowers are stored in a vase and feel more powerful as they desperately absorb water and grow in pursuit of sunlight, even in a short period of time, just one week. The flowers are like a mass of life force that blooms every day when it feels sunlight and closes when it gets dark, even though they have already been cut off. In our long life, joy and happiness are only found in a flash of light, and other than that, we always feel as if we are in the dark. The darkness in the background reflects this, and is meant to show the flower in its most vivid and brilliant form when illuminated by the flash of light. I also wanted to capture the plant's powerful appearance forever by using lines and dots to depict the plant emitting a vapor-like particle, a kind of "chi" that I could see. In this way, I believe that even the cut flowers will help in the goal of preserving the "seeds". The <自然>that we humans continue to destroy are not docile in their ecology just because they do not speak, but they are actually very intelligent and are wonderful people who are trying to survive in this age, no different from us. Through my artwork, I hope that as many people as possible will realize the beauty of coexisting with them while feeling awe and respect for them, and that my art will inspire them to take action. That action is for humans to respect nature more, to care for flowers and trees, and to save them from extinction.

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Find 19 original artworks & painters by Mana Osawa. Check out Mana Osawa's profile, artwork prices, exhibition information, and buy art online.



The animals depicted by Ai Osawa are a popular series following the flowers. The wild and unique animals have an unforgettable impact once seen. Among her works, the owls she draws based on her own guardian deities are gaining recognition.



Sold Out Year.2022 w91.00 x h91.00 x d3.00 cm


“King Protea series”

This series is based on the King Protea, the national flower of South Africa, which has a distinctive presence. The flower of the King Protea is "the stature of a king," and its flowers are sometimes as large as a person's face. After the flowers wither, birds use them as nests, and they are of immeasurable value. Osawa, who encountered such a wonderful flower, has continued to paint it in his works ever since.


King Protea Trinity MAJESTYS

Sold Out Year.2023 w112.00 x h162.00 x d3.00 cm


King Protea & Monstera with Flower vase

USD 2,764.25 Year.2021 w45.50 x h65.20 x d2.50 cm


King Protea GRASS

Sold Out Year.2022 w33.40 x h33.40 x d2.50 cm


Red Sensation 2021

USD 8,226.93 Year.2021 w112.00 x h162.00 x d3.00 cm


King Protea Splash

Sold Out Year.2022 w33.40 x h33.40 x d2.50 cm

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“Flower series (M15号)”

Among Flower paintings by Ai Osawa, the work size M15 is classified as SPECIAL. It is the most popular size. The vase portion is a collage of cut-outs and collages of dripping on canvas rolls. This series is perfect for decorating living rooms, entryways, and rooms. Please enjoy the variations of the vase part created with various ideas.


Anemone with Flower vase Wonderland

Sold Out Year.2021 w45.50 x h65.20 x d2.50 cm


Fabulous Anemone with flower vase

Sold Out Year.2021 w45.50 x h65.20 x d2.50 cm


Red Anemone 4 with Flower vase

Sold Out Year.2021 w45.50 x h65.20 x d2.50 cm


White Dot Anemone with flower vase

Sold Out Year.2022 w45.50 x h65.20 x d2.50 cm


“Flower series (M30号)”

Among the Flowers painted by Ai Osawa, those with a size of M30 are classified as PREMIUM. The larger size allows for more areas to be painted, making the lineup even more spectacular than the Flower series of No. 15.


Brilliantly Flowers BULE

Sold Out Year.2022 w60.60 x h91.00 x d3.00 cm


Brilliantly Flowers RED

USD 3,455.31 Year.2022 w60.60 x h91.00 x d3.00 cm

“Mana Osawa's Artworks”


Three Anemone with Flower vase Modern

USD 1,316.31 Year.2021 w33.30 x h45.50 x d3.00 cm


Anemone Ranbu

USD 3,455.31 Year.2021 w60.60 x h91.00 x d3.00 cm



USD 6,318.28 Year.2020 w112.00 x h194.00 x d3.00 cm



Sold Out Year.2020 w29.70 x h21.00 x d1.90 cm


Kenyan Rose

Sold Out Year.2019 w15.80 x h22.70 x d1.90 cm


Passion Flowers

Sold Out Year.2021 w60.60 x h91.00 x d3.00 cm


King Protea II

Sold Out Year.2020 w21.00 x h29.70 x d1.90 cm


Price Range

USD $230 ~ $8,227


Artist born in 2000. Osawa's works are unique and self-taught. His works are characterized by the decorative and innovative materials he uses, which are collaged on a canvas that has been polled using a technique called mixed media, and various parts and spangles are pasted on. By depicting the ener...
Artist born in 2000. Osawa's works are unique and self-taught. His works are characterized by the decorative and innovative materials he uses, which are collaged on a canvas that has been polled using a technique called mixed media, and various parts and spangles are pasted on. By depicting the energy of nature and cells and particles invisible to the naked eye in a modern way, he creates an unforgettable worldview that captivates viewers once they have seen his work. In recent years, he has exhibited his works both in Japan and abroad, mainly in department stores, and is also involved in a wide range of other activities such as photography and NFT art. Major exhibitions include "RedSensation" at Shibuya Hikarie in 2009, "CURIOUS" at Matsuzakaya Ueno in 2010, "Midnight Circus" at Artglorieux in 2011, "ART In '23, he was introduced as a contemporary Japanese artist in Harper's BAZAAR ART China edition. Media 2014 "Kyoiku Bijutsu" November 2014 issue, frontispiece appeared in 2020 BS Fuji "The Night Before the Break - Artists of the Next Generation", artist Ai Osawa #242 (aired November 24, 2020), available on YouTube 2021 Photo book "PICTURE x PICTURE" Mana Osawa Mirai Published by Mirai Publishing "Gekkan Bijutsu December 2021 issue" as a next breakthrough artist (November 20, 2021) Artist HP/ https://art.manaosawa.red Works/ https://manaosawa.myportfolio.com SNS/ https://mobile.twitter.com/artist_mana https://www.instagram.com/artist_mana https://m.facebook.com/artistmana/

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2013 第73回 全国教育美術展 特選
2014 第15回 JQA地球環境世界児童画コンテスト 国内入選
2015 さくら芸術文化応援団あなたのさくら色 優秀賞
2016 ターナーアワード 優秀賞
2017 第27回 紙わざ大賞27 入選
2019 ポコラート全国公募 vol.9 入選
2020 第3回 写真出版賞 アート部門 奨励賞
2021 いい芽ふくら芽inTokyo  2021 優秀賞
2022 100人のARTノート 審査員特別賞 藤川欣智 賞

Group Exhibitions

2016 ターナーアワード2016 ターナーギャラリー(豊島・東京、他)
2017 第11回全国公募西脇市サムホール大賞展 西脇市岡之山美術館(兵庫)
2017 紙わざ大賞 27 東京交通会館2Fギャラリー (千代田区・東京)
2020 ポコラート全国公募 vol.9 アーツ千代田3331(千代田区・東京)
2021 いい芽ふくら芽 in Tokyo 松坂屋上野店(東京)
2021 ART ART TOKYO 大丸東京店(東京)
2021 アートアートアート 松坂屋名古屋店(愛知)
2021 KENZAN 2021 東京芸術劇場 (東京)
2021 第1回アートフェア 静岡伊勢丹コリドー・フジ (富士・静岡)
2021 Artglorieux Selection Artglorieux of Tokyo GINZA SIX(東京)
2021 アートのチカラ 伊勢丹新宿店 (東京)
2022 いい芽ふくら芽受賞者展 松坂屋上野店(東京)
2022 六人の抒情詩 藤崎百貨店 美術ギャラリー(仙台)
2022 FINE ART COLLECTION 松坂屋上野店(東京)
2022 たんざく展 伊勢丹新宿(東京)
2022 大現代アート展 東武船橋(東京)
2022 ASYAAF 2022 Hongik Museum of Art in Seoul (韓国)
2022 Independent Tokyo 2022 東京ポートシティ竹芝
2022 KENZAN 2022 東京芸術劇場
2022 アートで行こう 伊勢丹浦和店 美術画廊、埼玉
2022 COLORFUL&MONO 丸善・丸の内本店ギャラリー B、東京
2022 Tokyo アートシーンの今展 藤崎百貨店 美術ギャラリー、仙台
2022 東武 秋の絵画市 東武百貨店池袋、東京
2022 2022年東武絵画市 東武百貨店船橋、千葉
2022 A4 WALL MATSUYA GINZA 松屋銀座、東京
2022 FINE ART COLLECTION 松坂屋名古屋店、名古屋
2023 上野松坂屋動物園展 松坂屋上野店 美術画廊、東京
2023 ART ART TOKYO DAIMARU大現代アート展 ポップ&コンテンポラリー 大丸東京店
2023 A4 1st anniversery Japanese contemporary art 2023 A4 gallery Taipei 台北流行音樂中心 (台湾 )
2023 アートフェア東武2023 東武池袋店
2023 GEISAI #22 、東京ビッグサイト
2023 現代美術展 神戸阪急、兵庫
2023 OSAKA ART FES 2023、阪神梅田本店
2023 ART TAIPEI 2023 台北國際藝術博覽會、台湾
2023 UP AND COMERS展 Vol.2、+ART GALLERY 東急プラザ渋谷3F
2023 Affordable Art Fair Singapore、シンガポール
2023 パークホテル東京 ARTcolours、25F アトリウム、東京

Solo Exhibitions

2020 Rosso Arte展 弘重ギャラリー(恵比寿・東京)
2021 ブレイク前夜in Park Hotel Tokyo / Mana Osawa solo Exhibition 27F (汐留・東京)
2021 Red Sensation展 渋谷ヒカリエCUBE8 (渋谷・東京)
2022 Mana Osawa Solo Exhibition GalleryQ(銀座・東京)
2022 「Curious」Mana Osawa Solo Exhibition 松坂屋上野店 アートギャラリー(東京)
2022 大沢愛・内藤瑶子 二人展「MIDNIGHT CIRCUS」Artglorieux of TOKYO(GSIX)東京
2023 「Rouge de Genesis」Bunkamura Wall Gallery、東京
2023 ART FAIR TOKYO 2023 東京国際フォーラム Artglorieux GALLERY OF TOKYO
2023 海外初個展「Red Sensation in Hong Kong」UBU DECO gallery、香港
2023 大沢愛個展 THE RED 伊勢丹浦和店

Contracted Gallery

No affiliation (freelance)

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