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RECORD T17 Wall art work made of iron plate. Contemporary artwork with the theme of time. 鉄板で創られた壁掛けタイプ 時間をテーマにした現代アート作品RECORD T17 Wall art work made of iron plate. Contemporary artwork with the theme of time. 鉄板で創られた壁掛けタイプ 時間をテーマにした現代アート作品RECORD T17 Wall art work made of iron plate. Contemporary artwork with the theme of time. 鉄板で創られた壁掛けタイプ 時間をテーマにした現代アート作品RECORD T17 Wall art work made of iron plate. Contemporary artwork with the theme of time. 鉄板で創られた壁掛けタイプ 時間をテーマにした現代アート作品RECORD T17 Wall art work made of iron plate. Contemporary artwork with the theme of time. 鉄板で創られた壁掛けタイプ 時間をテーマにした現代アート作品RECORD T17 Wall art work made of iron plate. Contemporary artwork with the theme of time. 鉄板で創られた壁掛けタイプ 時間をテーマにした現代アート作品RECORD T17 Wall art work made of iron plate. Contemporary artwork with the theme of time. 鉄板で創られた壁掛けタイプ 時間をテーマにした現代アート作品

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RECORD T17 Wall art work made of iron plate. Contemporary artwork with the theme of time. 鉄板で創られた壁掛けタイプ 時間をテーマにした現代アート作品
RECORD T17 Wall art work made of iron plate. Contemporary artwork with the theme of time. 鉄板で創られた壁掛けタイプ 時間をテーマにした現代アート作品
RECORD T17 Wall art work made of iron plate. Contemporary artwork with the theme of time. 鉄板で創られた壁掛けタイプ 時間をテーマにした現代アート作品
RECORD T17 Wall art work made of iron plate. Contemporary artwork with the theme of time. 鉄板で創られた壁掛けタイプ 時間をテーマにした現代アート作品
RECORD T17 Wall art work made of iron plate. Contemporary artwork with the theme of time. 鉄板で創られた壁掛けタイプ 時間をテーマにした現代アート作品
RECORD T17 Wall art work made of iron plate. Contemporary artwork with the theme of time. 鉄板で創られた壁掛けタイプ 時間をテーマにした現代アート作品
RECORD T17 Wall art work made of iron plate. Contemporary artwork with the theme of time. 鉄板で創られた壁掛けタイプ 時間をテーマにした現代アート作品
RECORD T17 Wall art work made of iron plate. Contemporary artwork with the theme of time. 鉄板で創られた壁掛けタイプ 時間をテーマにした現代アート作品

RECORD T17 Wall art work made of iron plate. Contemporary artwork with the theme of time. 鉄板で創られた壁掛けタイプ 時間をテーマにした現代アート作品

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W 40.00cm x H 25.00cm x D 25.00cm

USD $1,939.41

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  • Informazioni su questo RECORD T17 Wall art work made of iron plate. Contemporary artwork with the theme of time. 鉄板で創られた壁掛けタイプ 時間をテーマにした現代アート作品





    Original Artwork




    Firmato a mano dall'artista sul retro delle opere




    Opere d'arte contemporanea
    Esprimere il momento in cui nasce il "tempo".

    Piastra d'acciaio
    H25 x L40 x P25cm
    Prodotto nel 1995

    Una delle serie che esplorano il concetto di tempo sotto forma di "spirale", che combina i concetti di tempo ciclico e tempo lineare.

    Quest'opera tridimensionale esprime il momento in cui il "tempo" inizia a esistere nello spazio, collegando sottili lastre d'acciaio.
    Con un peso di 1,4 kg, può essere appeso a parete.
    La firma è timbrata con "Y. HISHIDA" utilizzando un punzone. Inoltre, il tempo si è aggiunto al ferro e la ruggine è comparsa in modo positivo.

    Si tratta di un'opera da appendere a parete.
    Si prega di maneggiare con cura la lastra d'acciaio, poiché è stata tagliata.

  • Informazioni su questo artista



    Creo sculture e monumenti in acciaio e cemento sul tema del "tempo". Dal 2004 creo "profondità del tempo" stratificando immagini e suoni con diversi assi temporali ed esplorando lo spazio a cinque dimensioni. https://www.waerbt.com/

  • FAQ

Altre opere dell'artista

  • RECORD T17 Wall art work made of iron plate. Contemporary artwork with the theme of time. 鉄板で創られた壁掛けタイプ 時間をテーマにした現代アート作品

    RECORD T17 Wall art work made of iron plate. Contemporary artwork with the theme of time. 鉄板で創られた壁掛けタイプ 時間をテーマにした現代アート作品


  • RECORD T12 Contemporary art made from iron plates. Wall art object. 鉄板で創られた現代アート 壁掛けオブジェ

    RECORD T12 Contemporary art made from iron plates. Wall art object. 鉄板で創られた現代アート 壁掛けオブジェ


  • RECORD T08 Sculpture with rebar. Wall art object. 鉄筋を使った彫刻 壁掛けオブジェ

    RECORD T08 Sculpture with rebar. Wall art object. 鉄筋を使った彫刻 壁掛けオブジェ


  • RECORD T06 Contemporary art work. Wall-mounted objects made of rebar. 現代アート作品 鉄筋で壁掛けオブジェ

    RECORD T06 Contemporary art work. Wall-mounted objects made of rebar. 現代アート作品 鉄筋で壁掛けオブジェ


  • RECORD T16 Contemporary art work. Conceptual art works using iron plates. Wall art object. 現代アート作品 鉄板を使用したコンセプチュアル・アート作品 壁掛けオブジェ

    RECORD T16 Contemporary art work. Conceptual art works using iron plates. Wall art object. 現代アート作品 鉄板を使用したコンセプチュアル・アート作品 壁掛けオブジェ


  • RECORD M16 Wall art object. Rebar and White cement. 壁掛けオブジェ 鉄筋と白セメント

    RECORD M16 Wall art object. Rebar and White cement. 壁掛けオブジェ 鉄筋と白セメント


  • RECORD M20 Contemporary art work. Conceptual art made with white cement and rebar. 現代アート作品 白セメントと鉄筋で制作したコンセプチュアル・アート

    RECORD M20 Contemporary art work. Conceptual art made with white cement and rebar. 現代アート作品 白セメントと鉄筋で制作したコンセプチュアル・アート


  • RECORD M15 Contemporary art work. Desktop object. Deformed steel bars and White cement. 現代アート作品 卓上オブジェ 鉄筋と白セメント

    RECORD M15 Contemporary art work. Desktop object. Deformed steel bars and White cement. 現代アート作品 卓上オブジェ 鉄筋と白セメント


  • RECORD M21 A contemporary art work of Deformed steel bars and White cement. Tabletop and wall-mounted objects. 鉄筋と白セメントの現代アート作品 卓上・壁掛けオブジェ

    RECORD M21 A contemporary art work of Deformed steel bars and White cement. Tabletop and wall-mounted objects. 鉄筋と白セメントの現代アート作品 卓上・壁掛けオブジェ


  • RECORD M19 異形鉄筋と白セメントを使用した現代アート作品 A contemporary art piece using Deformed steel bars and White cement.

    RECORD M19 異形鉄筋と白セメントを使用した現代アート作品 A contemporary art piece using Deformed steel bars and White cement.


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