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Large still life of a bouquet of flowers in a vase and blue budgies. Hyperrealism Orchids, anthuriums, roses, beautiful flowers, birds and grapes on a gray background.Large still life of a bouquet of flowers in a vase and blue budgies. Hyperrealism Orchids, anthuriums, roses, beautiful flowers, birds and grapes on a gray background.Large still life of a bouquet of flowers in a vase and blue budgies. Hyperrealism Orchids, anthuriums, roses, beautiful flowers, birds and grapes on a gray background.Large still life of a bouquet of flowers in a vase and blue budgies. Hyperrealism Orchids, anthuriums, roses, beautiful flowers, birds and grapes on a gray background.Large still life of a bouquet of flowers in a vase and blue budgies. Hyperrealism Orchids, anthuriums, roses, beautiful flowers, birds and grapes on a gray background.Large still life of a bouquet of flowers in a vase and blue budgies. Hyperrealism Orchids, anthuriums, roses, beautiful flowers, birds and grapes on a gray background.Large still life of a bouquet of flowers in a vase and blue budgies. Hyperrealism Orchids, anthuriums, roses, beautiful flowers, birds and grapes on a gray background.

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Large still life of a bouquet of flowers in a vase and blue budgies. Hyperrealism Orchids, anthuriums, roses, beautiful flowers, birds and grapes on a gray background.
Large still life of a bouquet of flowers in a vase and blue budgies. Hyperrealism Orchids, anthuriums, roses, beautiful flowers, birds and grapes on a gray background.
Large still life of a bouquet of flowers in a vase and blue budgies. Hyperrealism Orchids, anthuriums, roses, beautiful flowers, birds and grapes on a gray background.
Large still life of a bouquet of flowers in a vase and blue budgies. Hyperrealism Orchids, anthuriums, roses, beautiful flowers, birds and grapes on a gray background.
Large still life of a bouquet of flowers in a vase and blue budgies. Hyperrealism Orchids, anthuriums, roses, beautiful flowers, birds and grapes on a gray background.
Large still life of a bouquet of flowers in a vase and blue budgies. Hyperrealism Orchids, anthuriums, roses, beautiful flowers, birds and grapes on a gray background.
Large still life of a bouquet of flowers in a vase and blue budgies. Hyperrealism Orchids, anthuriums, roses, beautiful flowers, birds and grapes on a gray background.
Large still life of a bouquet of flowers in a vase and blue budgies. Hyperrealism Orchids, anthuriums, roses, beautiful flowers, birds and grapes on a gray background.

Large still life of a bouquet of flowers in a vase and blue budgies. Hyperrealism Orchids, anthuriums, roses, beautiful flowers, birds and grapes on a gray background.

W 70.00cm x H 100.00cm x D 1.50cm

USD $3,500.00

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  • Informazioni su questo Large still life of a bouquet of flowers in a vase and blue budgies. Hyperrealism Orchids, anthuriums, roses, beautiful flowers, birds and grapes on a gray background.



    Pittura (Pittura a olio)


    Original Artwork




    Firmato a mano dall'artista sul fronte della tela




    Questo quadro è disponibile. L'artista lo ha creato ispirandosi all'arte della fioritura. I moderni bouquet che i fioristi creano sono un'arte così fragile che dura solo pochi giorni. L'artista ha voluto catturare su tela questo soffio leggero di assoluta bellezza. I pappagallini rendono il quadro vivace e pieno dell'energia del volo. L'artista ha dipinto tre pappagallini perché adora gli uccelli. Gli uccelli sono creature bellissime che ispirano molto un artista. Da bambina, l'artista aveva dei pappagallini con cui era molto amica. Sono uccelli incredibilmente carini e allegri, che vi tireranno sempre su di morale! Dipingo con la tecnica multistrato degli antichi maestri olandesi, quindi i quadri risultano incredibilmente dettagliati, perfetti e chic!

  • Informazioni su questo artista

    Julia Kirillova

    Julia Kirillova

    Russian Federation


    L'artista Julia presta molta attenzione allo stato interno dello spettatore. Julia crede che i suoi dipinti ispirino il pubblico, infondano speranza nei cuori e contribuiscano alla crescita spirituale.

    Julia non dipinge mai la bruttezza o la distruzione. "La bellezza salverà il mondo" è il motto principale dell'artista.

    Julia lavora su ogni quadro per molto tempo, prestando molta attenzione alle piccole cose e ai dettagli del disegno. Julia disegna usando il metodo della pittura multistrato. Strato dopo strato, il quadro diventa più realistico e bello!

  • FAQ

Altre opere dell'artista

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  • Behind blue eyes Abstract painting blue, fuchsia, hot pink, veri peri.

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  • Macaw parrot and blue hydrangeas. Bird and flowers on a blue abstract background. Floral botanical oil art.

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  • Ice cream. Small painting. 3D wall sculpture. White, pink, gold, yellow abstraction. Textured Resin art.

    Ice cream. Small painting. 3D wall sculpture. White, pink, gold, yellow abstraction. Textured Resin art.


  • River of time. Large floral botanical painting with roses, wing, hydrangeas on an abstract multicolored background.

    River of time. Large floral botanical painting with roses, wing, hydrangeas on an abstract multicolored background.


  • Feeling of flight. Bright picture with red flowers, yellow orchids and angel wings. Birds and flowers botanical oil art.

    Feeling of flight. Bright picture with red flowers, yellow orchids and angel wings. Birds and flowers botanical oil art.


  • Poppies, clover, blue hydrangea and yellow parrot wings. Floral botanical oil art.

    Poppies, clover, blue hydrangea and yellow parrot wings. Floral botanical oil art.


  • Sparkling illusion with gold, copper and mirror mosaic. Silver metal Resin wall art. Iris flower painting. Floral botanical painting

    Sparkling illusion with gold, copper and mirror mosaic. Silver metal Resin wall art. Iris flower painting. Floral botanical painting


  • At the bottom. A beautiful naked girl and a fish in blue water. Sea, pool, river, marine oil painting.

    At the bottom. A beautiful naked girl and a fish in blue water. Sea, pool, river, marine oil painting.
