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TRAKA. Your pet turned into a piece of art.TRAKA. Your pet turned into a piece of art.TRAKA. Your pet turned into a piece of art.

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TRAKA. Your pet turned into a piece of art.
TRAKA. Your pet turned into a piece of art.
TRAKA. Your pet turned into a piece of art.
TRAKA. Your pet turned into a piece of art.
Immagine della tua opera d'arte appesa al muro
Immagine della tua opera d'arte appesa al muro
Immagine della tua opera d'arte appesa al muro
Immagine della tua opera d'arte appesa al muro
Immagine della tua opera d'arte appesa al muro
Immagine della tua opera d'arte appesa al muro

TRAKA. Your pet turned into a piece of art.

Lista dei desideri

W 60.00cm x H 50.00cm x D 2.00cm

USD $507.52

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  • Informazioni su questo TRAKA. Your pet turned into a piece of art.



    Pittura (Pittura a olio)


    Original Artwork




    Firmato a mano dall'artista sul fronte della tela




    Questo lavoro è un omaggio all'amore, alla fedeltà e alla gratitudine verso i nostri animali domestici.
    Invia un'immagine del tuo cane, gatto...
    Olio su tela

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Altre opere dell'artista

  • VASILY. Your pet turned into a piece of art.

    VASILY. Your pet turned into a piece of art.


  • WILLY. Your pet turned into a piece of art.

    WILLY. Your pet turned into a piece of art.


  • HOPE & JOE. Your pet turned into a piece of art.

    HOPE & JOE. Your pet turned into a piece of art.


  • PAUL. Your pet turned into a piece of art.

    PAUL. Your pet turned into a piece of art.


  • SR. XOLOTL (FRIDA’S DOG). Your pet turned into a piece of art

    SR. XOLOTL (FRIDA’S DOG). Your pet turned into a piece of art


  • FITO. Your pet turned into a piece of art

    FITO. Your pet turned into a piece of art


  • TRAKA. Your pet turned into a piece of art.

    TRAKA. Your pet turned into a piece of art.


  • TESLA. .Your pet turned into a piece of art.

    TESLA. .Your pet turned into a piece of art.


  • LANA. Your pet turned into a piece of art.

    LANA. Your pet turned into a piece of art.


  • NINA. Your pet turned into a piece of art.

    NINA. Your pet turned into a piece of art.


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