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Animals Print set, Deer painting on canvas, Ready to ship, Animals wall art, Boho painting image 1 Animals Print set, Deer painting on canvas, Ready to ship, Animals wall art, Boho painting image 1  Animals Print set, Deer painting on canvas, Ready to ship, Animals wall art, Boho painting image 2 Animals Print set, Deer painting on canvas, Ready to ship, Animals wall art, Boho painting image 3 Animals Print set, Deer painting on canvas, Ready to ship, Animals wall art, Boho paintingAnimals Print set, Deer painting on canvas, Ready to ship, Animals wall art, Boho painting image 1 Animals Print set, Deer painting on canvas, Ready to ship, Animals wall art, Boho painting image 1  Animals Print set, Deer painting on canvas, Ready to ship, Animals wall art, Boho painting image 2 Animals Print set, Deer painting on canvas, Ready to ship, Animals wall art, Boho painting image 3 Animals Print set, Deer painting on canvas, Ready to ship, Animals wall art, Boho paintingAnimals Print set, Deer painting on canvas, Ready to ship, Animals wall art, Boho painting image 1 Animals Print set, Deer painting on canvas, Ready to ship, Animals wall art, Boho painting image 1  Animals Print set, Deer painting on canvas, Ready to ship, Animals wall art, Boho painting image 2 Animals Print set, Deer painting on canvas, Ready to ship, Animals wall art, Boho painting image 3 Animals Print set, Deer painting on canvas, Ready to ship, Animals wall art, Boho paintingAnimals Print set, Deer painting on canvas, Ready to ship, Animals wall art, Boho painting image 1 Animals Print set, Deer painting on canvas, Ready to ship, Animals wall art, Boho painting image 1  Animals Print set, Deer painting on canvas, Ready to ship, Animals wall art, Boho painting image 2 Animals Print set, Deer painting on canvas, Ready to ship, Animals wall art, Boho painting image 3 Animals Print set, Deer painting on canvas, Ready to ship, Animals wall art, Boho paintingAnimals Print set, Deer painting on canvas, Ready to ship, Animals wall art, Boho painting image 1 Animals Print set, Deer painting on canvas, Ready to ship, Animals wall art, Boho painting image 1  Animals Print set, Deer painting on canvas, Ready to ship, Animals wall art, Boho painting image 2 Animals Print set, Deer painting on canvas, Ready to ship, Animals wall art, Boho painting image 3 Animals Print set, Deer painting on canvas, Ready to ship, Animals wall art, Boho painting

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Animals Print set, Deer painting on canvas, Ready to ship, Animals wall art, Boho painting image 1 Animals Print set, Deer painting on canvas, Ready to ship, Animals wall art, Boho painting image 1  Animals Print set, Deer painting on canvas, Ready to ship, Animals wall art, Boho painting image 2 Animals Print set, Deer painting on canvas, Ready to ship, Animals wall art, Boho painting image 3 Animals Print set, Deer painting on canvas, Ready to ship, Animals wall art, Boho painting
Animals Print set, Deer painting on canvas, Ready to ship, Animals wall art, Boho painting image 1 Animals Print set, Deer painting on canvas, Ready to ship, Animals wall art, Boho painting image 1  Animals Print set, Deer painting on canvas, Ready to ship, Animals wall art, Boho painting image 2 Animals Print set, Deer painting on canvas, Ready to ship, Animals wall art, Boho painting image 3 Animals Print set, Deer painting on canvas, Ready to ship, Animals wall art, Boho painting
Animals Print set, Deer painting on canvas, Ready to ship, Animals wall art, Boho painting image 1 Animals Print set, Deer painting on canvas, Ready to ship, Animals wall art, Boho painting image 1  Animals Print set, Deer painting on canvas, Ready to ship, Animals wall art, Boho painting image 2 Animals Print set, Deer painting on canvas, Ready to ship, Animals wall art, Boho painting image 3 Animals Print set, Deer painting on canvas, Ready to ship, Animals wall art, Boho painting
Animals Print set, Deer painting on canvas, Ready to ship, Animals wall art, Boho painting image 1 Animals Print set, Deer painting on canvas, Ready to ship, Animals wall art, Boho painting image 1  Animals Print set, Deer painting on canvas, Ready to ship, Animals wall art, Boho painting image 2 Animals Print set, Deer painting on canvas, Ready to ship, Animals wall art, Boho painting image 3 Animals Print set, Deer painting on canvas, Ready to ship, Animals wall art, Boho painting
Animals Print set, Deer painting on canvas, Ready to ship, Animals wall art, Boho painting image 1 Animals Print set, Deer painting on canvas, Ready to ship, Animals wall art, Boho painting image 1  Animals Print set, Deer painting on canvas, Ready to ship, Animals wall art, Boho painting image 2 Animals Print set, Deer painting on canvas, Ready to ship, Animals wall art, Boho painting image 3 Animals Print set, Deer painting on canvas, Ready to ship, Animals wall art, Boho painting
Animals Print set, Deer painting on canvas, Ready to ship, Animals wall art, Boho painting image 1 Animals Print set, Deer painting on canvas, Ready to ship, Animals wall art, Boho painting image 1  Animals Print set, Deer painting on canvas, Ready to ship, Animals wall art, Boho painting image 2 Animals Print set, Deer painting on canvas, Ready to ship, Animals wall art, Boho painting image 3 Animals Print set, Deer painting on canvas, Ready to ship, Animals wall art, Boho painting

Animals Print set, Deer painting on canvas, Ready to ship, Animals wall art, Boho painting image 1 Animals Print set, Deer painting on canvas, Ready to ship, Animals wall art, Boho painting image 1 Animals Print set, Deer painting on canvas, Ready to ship, Animals wall art, Boho painting image 2 Animals Print set, Deer painting on canvas, Ready to ship, Animals wall art, Boho painting image 3 Animals Print set, Deer painting on canvas, Ready to ship, Animals wall art, Boho painting

Lista dei desideri

W 35.00cm x H 45.00cm x D 2.00cm

USD $187.20

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  • Informazioni su questo Animals Print set, Deer painting on canvas, Ready to ship, Animals wall art, Boho painting image 1 Animals Print set, Deer painting on canvas, Ready to ship, Animals wall art, Boho painting image 1 Animals Print set, Deer painting on canvas, Ready to ship, Animals wall art, Boho painting image 2 Animals Print set, Deer painting on canvas, Ready to ship, Animals wall art, Boho painting image 3 Animals Print set, Deer painting on canvas, Ready to ship, Animals wall art, Boho painting



    Stampe d'arte/ Multipli/ Digitale (Stampa giclée)


    Open Edition




    Firmato a mano dall'artista sul fronte della tela




    Un bellissimo set floreale stampato su tela. Ho aggiunto un rivestimento in oro per rendere i dipinti più eleganti. Le stampe sono realizzate su attrezzature di qualità con l'uso di inchiostri d'archivio su tela naturale. Il prezzo è indicato per 2 pezzi. Pronti per la spedizione! Titolo: Cervo fiabesco Dimensioni: 14 "х18"/35х55 см. * Si tratta di stampe con disegno parziale dei dipinti, ordine personalizzato * Stile: Moderno, Astratto * Pittura su tela tesa su telaio di legno, pronta per essere appesa. È anche possibile scegliere l'opzione di stampa su rotolo e incorniciato in cornice (specificare i colori della cornice) Creerò questo quadro SPECIALMENTE PER VOI. Si prega di notare che le impostazioni di colore del monitor possono variare. Quello che si riceve è molto vicino a quello che è in immagine, ma non esattamente lo stesso. Qualsiasi dimensione è possibile, si prega di scrivermi se si desidera questo quadro in un'altra dimensione.
    Sentitevi liberi di esprimere i vostri desideri riguardo ai colori o alle tonalità, ditemi liberamente se sono necessarie modifiche ai colori o alle tonalità, posso apportare modifiche su vostra richiesta. ...................................................................................... Queste stampe su tela, meticolosamente realizzate secondo i più alti standard di qualità, evocano l'incanto dell'autunno. Con grande cura, ho aggiunto delicati tocchi di patina dorata per esaltare le ricche e calde tonalità della stagione. Due graziosi cervi, dipinti in stile autunnale, abbelliscono la tela, catturando lo spirito di questo bellissimo periodo dell'anno. Ogni stampa è una celebrazione della bellezza della natura e della tranquillità della stagione autunnale, e rappresenta un'aggiunta perfetta all'arredamento della vostra casa.

  • Informazioni su questo artista



    Il mio obiettivo è quello di raccontare queste storie incredibili, storie di bene e di magia attraverso i miei dipinti. Amo i colori succosi e puri, le linee morbide, i soggetti allegri, amo portare un sorriso e la sensazione di qualcosa di caldo dentro ...

    Nei miei dipinti, mi piace raccontare al pubblico quelle cose che spesso dimentichiamo.

    Del nostro atteggiamento nei confronti della natura, degli animali, degli altri, della bellezza dell'universo, dei nostri sentimenti. Il mondo è molto sfaccettato, e cerco di rivelare questa diversità nei soggetti dei miei dipinti, di prestare attenzione a tutta la bellezza che ci circonda. Mi piace capire che le persone, guardando i miei dipinti, provano ispirazione, un desiderio di creare e di amare. Molti dei miei clienti mi hanno detto che i miei dipinti hanno un effetto terapeutico, guariscono l'anima. Con le mie opere d'arte, cerco di risvegliare nel mio spettatore il desiderio di creare qualcosa di bello intorno a loro.

    Lo stile principale in cui lavoro è l'impressionismo. Macchie luminose su tonalità grigie monocromatiche, espressione di linee, colori, transizioni. Mi piace far suonare la tela come una musica. Uso spesso la foglia d'oro e d'argento nei miei dipinti. Molte persone caratterizzano il mio stile come luminoso e delicato, e notano il mio carattere speciale di fare colpi di vernice e la tecnica di texture insolita, un'armonia eccezionale nelle mie opere astratte. Amo l'eclettismo e gli esperimenti, quindi uso spesso materiali diversi per i miei dipinti: mosaici, perline, vetro, inchiostro, resina epossidica.

  • FAQ

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