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Immagine del profilo / EYDER  SALAZAR TOBON




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Animalizzare l'umano - Umanizzare l'animale Il comportamento animale riflette le dinamiche dell'ambiente abitato; analizzando questo aspetto negli animali che ci accompagnano, otteniamo un riflesso che indica le dinamiche e le condizioni in cui vivono le comunità nei loro micro universi. Arrivare in...

Trova 3 original artworks & painters di EYDER SALAZAR TOBON. Guarda il profilo di EYDER SALAZAR TOBON, i prezzi delle opere, le informazioni sulle mostre e compra arte online.



The dream

USD 100.00 Year.2023 w20.50 x h13.50 x d1.00



USD 150.00 Year.2023 w36.00 x h18.00 x d1.00


Animalize the human - Humanize the animal

USD 324.07 Year.2023 w68.00 x h18.50 x d1.00


Fascia di prezzo

USD $100 ~ $324


Artista indipendente, nato a Bogotá D.C. Colombia, il 9 marzo 1978. Fin da piccolo sviluppa le sue capacità artistiche, ricevendo diversi laboratori di formazione, fino ad iniziare il suo studio artistico professionale. La sua incursione e lo studio di importanti media artistici gli hanno permesso d...


2014 First place in Urban Art Town of Tunjuelito, Bogotá D.C. First place in Urban Art "Images for Coexistence" Kennedy town, Bogotá D.C. Honorable Mention ASAB Interuniversity Hall 2012 Bogotá D.C.
2010 First place 8th Kennedy Plastic and Visual Arts Hall "Art on the Move" Bogotá D.C.

Mostre di gruppo

2023 KANDEO. November - December / Bogotá D.C. First Plastic Arts Festival of Ciudad Bolivar April - May / Bogotá D.C.
2022 GRAPHICS OF THE SOUTH Exhibition November / Bogotá D.C. URBAN ART DAY Secretary of Environment. September / Bogotá D.C. ORIGRAFFES International Graffiti Festival July / Feu Rosa - Vitoria - Brazil
2021 RESENTI2 November - January 2022 / Bogotá D.C. MUSEUM EXHIBITION OF THE SELF-BUILT CITY August - Current / Bogotá D.C. August - Current / Bogotá D.C. Agosto - Actual / Bogotá D.C. August – Current Events / Bogotá D.C. Agosto – Actualidad / Bogotá D.C.
2020 Inclusive Art Exhibition / EXPOAIC November / Virtual
2018 LAVAMOTOMBÁ - REQUIEM November - February 2019 / Bogota D.C. Urban Art Collective Exhibition ANIMAL French Alliance of Bogota September - October / Bogota D.C.
2017 IDENTITY AND TERRITORY Guillermo Barney Materon Cultural Center October / Palmira - Valle del Cauca. THROUGH DRAWING American-Colombian center April - June / Soacha - Cundinamarca.
2015 BOG - PASSENGER - HABITAT EL DORADO International Airport January - February / Bogotá D.C. International Graffiti and Street Art Meeting AGAINST HAND - COLORS IN GALICIA October / Bogotá D.C.
2014 POINT OF DEPARTURE Space PAVAGE June / Rouen - France. SOUTH CIRCUIT Local mayor of Tunjuelito October / Bogota D.C.
2013 C53 - La Corte House April / Bogotá D.C. NUEVEOCHENTA Gallery LA GUARDIA Restaurant January / Bogotá D.C.
2012 VII SALON ASAB ASAB Faculty of Arts September / Bogotá D.C. 10th Kennedy Plastic and Visual Arts Hall ART ON THE GO March / Bogotá D.C. FIRST RELATIONAL ART SALON April / Ibagué - Tolima. KENNEDY Group exhibition Chamber of Commerce of Bogotá January/ Bogotá D.C.
2011 9th Kennedy Plastic and Visual Arts Hall 9th Kennedy Plastic and Visual Arts Hall 9° Salón Kennedy de Artes Plásticas y Visuales 9th Kennedy Plastic and Visual Arts Room 9° Salón Kennedy de Artes Plásticas y Visuales ART ON THE GO April / Bogotá D.C. COLLECTIVE 12:00 Gallery 12:00 January / Bogotá D.C.
2010 PICCOLO APERTO Second Edition ZERO Gallery October / Bogotá D.C. THE VENICE BIENNALE OF BOGOTA Version 7.0 Community hall of the Venice neighborhood October / Bogotá D.C. 8th Kennedy Plastic and Visual Arts Hall ART ON THE GO April / Bogotá D.C. First Fair of Plastic and Visual Arts of TUNJUELITO March / Bogotá D.C.
2009 LA OTRA Contemporary Art Fair Gallery Opening 12:00 October / Bogotá D.C. V ASAB Interuniversity Hall ASAB Faculty of Arts September / Bogotá D.C.
2006 First Salon of LA SABANA Bogotá La Sabana Station August / Bogotá D.C.

Mostre personali

2019 RESIDUAL Jauria House Space. May - June / Bogotá D.C.
2016 THE (THE) OTHER (THAT) IS YOU Gallery 12:00. February - March / Bogotá D.C.
2010 DONDE ESTA (X) ESTA EL YO (Y) Gallery 12:00. June / Bogotá D.C.

Galleria a contratto

12:00 Galleria

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