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Immagine del profilo / Kateryna Repa

Kateryna Repa

Kateryna Repa


Artista social media

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Kateryna Repa


Nelle mie opere nel campo della pittura, della scultura e dei media, tocco il tema dell'ecologia e l'impatto del consumo umano su di essa, così come i tipi delle sue conseguenze per l'ambiente e per noi.
Nella grafica, si tratta di diverse manifestazioni dell'essenza umana, così com'è, secondo me,...
Nelle mie opere nel campo della pittura, della scultura e dei media, tocco il tema dell'ecologia e l'impatto del consumo umano su di essa, così come i tipi delle sue conseguenze per l'ambiente e per noi.
Nella grafica, si tratta di diverse manifestazioni dell'essenza umana, così com'è, secondo me, in un dato momento di sviluppo.
Tocco anche il tema dell'evoluzione e delle sue manifestazioni, collegandolo con le tecnologie e la loro influenza, così come con i possibili temi della loro manifestazione.
Così, nel progetto "Evolution" tocco il tema del possibile teletrasporto, collegandolo con il rapido sviluppo e la penetrazione in tutti gli aspetti dell'attività umana, creando la mia realtà una dopo l'altra e sovrapponendola al mondo reale, invitando lo spettatore a immergersi nella mia realtà alternativa, in cui le immaginazioni intersecano le mie opere letterarie e il designer visivo di abiti e accessori.

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Trova 39 original artworks & painters di Kateryna Repa. Guarda il profilo di Kateryna Repa, i prezzi delle opere, le informazioni sulle mostre e compra arte online.

“Kateryna RepaOpere d'arte”



USD 2,080.00 Year.2022 w60.00 x h80.00 x d3.50 cm


Soul 10

USD 550.00 Year.2022 w16.00 x h23.00 x d18.00 cm


Soul 9

USD 450.00 Year.2022 w14.00 x h21.50 x d15.00 cm


Soul 8

USD 500.00 Year.2022 w17.00 x h14.00 x d17.50 cm


Soul 7

USD 300.00 Year.2022 w10.00 x h15.00 x d10.50 cm


Soul 6

USD 400.00 Year.2022 w14.00 x h20.00 x d13.00 cm


Soul 5

USD 250.00 Year.2022 w9.00 x h7.50 x d9.00 cm


Ukraine 2022

USD 3,000.00 Year.2022 w100.00 x h100.00 x d2.00 cm



USD 2,500.00 Year.2022 w140.00 x h70.00 x d5.00 cm



USD 300.00 Year.2022 w48.00 x h33.00 x d0.50 cm



USD 300.00 Year.2022 w48.00 x h33.00 x d0.50 cm



USD 300.00 Year.2022 w48.00 x h33.00 x d0.50 cm



USD 300.00 Year.2022 w48.00 x h33.00 x d0.50 cm



USD 300.00 Year.2022 w48.00 x h33.00 x d0.50 cm



USD 300.00 Year.2022 w48.00 x h33.00 x d0.50 cm


Soul 4

USD 190.00 Year.2021 w5.00 x h8.00 x d5.00 cm


Soul 3

USD 200.00 Year.2021 w8.00 x h7.00 x d7.50 cm


Soul 2

USD 250.00 Year.2021 w8.00 x h13.00 x d9.00 cm


Soul 1

USD 250.00 Year.2021 w10.00 x h10.00 x d9.00 cm



USD 250.00 Year.2020 w42.00 x h29.70 x d0.20 cm



USD 250.00 Year.2020 w42.00 x h29.70 x d0.20 cm



USD 250.00 Year.2020 w42.00 x h29.70 x d0.20 cm



USD 1,000.00 Year.2018 w120.00 x h73.00 x d0.50 cm



USD 1,000.00 Year.2018 w120.00 x h73.00 x d0.50 cm


Smart Art

USD 4,000.00 Year.2017 w100.00 x h100.00 x d2.00 cm



USD 1,500.00 Year.2019 w70.00 x h60.00 x d2.00 cm



USD 1,500.00 Year.2019 w70.00 x h60.00 x d2.00 cm



USD 1,500.00 Year.2017 w70.00 x h60.00 x d2.00 cm



USD 3,500.00 Year.2018 w50.00 x h100.00 x d2.00 cm



USD 3,300.00 Year.2013 w70.00 x h50.00 x d2.00 cm



USD 2,750.00 Year.2019 w60.00 x h80.00 x d2.00 cm



USD 3,500.00 Year.2019 w70.00 x h80.00 x d2.00 cm



USD 3,300.00 Year.2013 w60.00 x h120.00 x d2.00 cm



USD 2,500.00 Year.2019 w60.00 x h80.00 x d2.00 cm



USD 550.00 Year.2020 w25.00 x h25.00 x d2.00 cm



USD 550.00 Year.2020 w25.00 x h25.00 x d2.00 cm



USD 550.00 Year.2020 w25.00 x h25.00 x d2.00 cm



USD 550.00 Year.2021 w25.00 x h25.00 x d2.00 cm



USD 2,900.00 Year.2020 w90.00 x h70.00 x d2.00 cm


Fascia di prezzo

USD $190 ~ $4,000


Lavora con pittura, grafica, media art, scultura, oggetti d'arte e fotografia. Partecipa a mostre personali e collettive a Londra, Berlino, Italia, Stati Uniti, Corea del Sud, Ucraina, ecc. Le sue opere sono presenti in collezioni private e in un museo in Corea del Sud e in Italia. Opere presentate...
Lavora con pittura, grafica, media art, scultura, oggetti d'arte e fotografia. Partecipa a mostre personali e collettive a Londra, Berlino, Italia, Stati Uniti, Corea del Sud, Ucraina, ecc. Le sue opere sono presenti in collezioni private e in un museo in Corea del Sud e in Italia. Opere presentate in gallerie online in Corea del Sud, Italia e Francia.
Ha partecipato alle 58esime Biennali di Venezia, Columbia e Lituania, nonché alla Every Woman Biennale di New York, a numerose fiere d'arte in Corea del Sud e a Parigi ed è stata membro della giuria di concorsi d'arte internazionali in Israele. Ha ricevuto il terzo Premio Internazionale Leonardo da Vinci come Artista Universale a Firenze e il Premio Internazionale a Parigi come Artista di Valore.
Ha pubblicato la stampa Le avventure di Lucinda. Ha partecipato all'Open Eurasian Creative Festival. È stata nominata per il Premio letterario nazionale "Scrittore dell'anno 2015". Ha ricevuto la medaglia Alexander Pushkin e ha fondato l'omonimo marchio di abbigliamento e accessori femminili.

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2021 - Social Art Award Book Top 100, Berlin, Germany
2021 - Special Prize-winner in the Mellow Art Award, Mellow app, Japan
2021 - SPOTLIGHT, International exhibition, Taza, Morocco
2020 -3’rd International Prize Leonardo da Vinci - Universal Artist, Borghese Palace, Florence, Italy
2022 -International Prize Paris – Value Artist, Art Gallery Marais, Paris, French

Mostre di gruppo

2022 - Art Shopping Carrousel du Louvre, Video exhibition stands of EA EFFETTO ARTE, Paris, France
2022 - Art Shopping Carrousel du Louvre, “Big Heart” stands ACCES , Paris, France
2022 - DO NOT GO OUT THE WINDOW, 3D exhibition HAZE Gallery, Berlin, Germany
2022 - ArteBo gallery, Bologna, Italy
2022 -Ukraine Pavilion, International Mail Art Project with the collaboration of SACS- Dynamic Museum of Mail Art, Quiliano (SA), Italy
2022 - ArteBo gallery, Bologna, Italy
2022 - NOW, Daeson Museum, Wangchon, South Korea.
2022 - Make Art Not War, CAM Contemporary Art Museum, Naples, Italy
2022 - No War Space, MAE Movimiento de Arte Emergente , Mexico
2022 - DO NOT GO OUT THE WINDOW, 3D exhibition HAZE Gallery, Berlin, Germany
2022 - NOW, Geoje culture and platform “Badaboda”, South Korea.
2022 - 1st online Virtual Art Fair -Kunst Mela 2022, Artsteps, Art Book the Platform Germany
2022 - Make Art Not War, CAM Contemporary Art Museum, Naples, Italy
2021 - International Farewell to Remains in 2021 Online Exhibition, USART, Turkey
2021 - 365-days after, Mokonshu virtual gallery, Creative agency KAMSOMOL (Kyiv, Ukraine), Art gallery Garage Kamba (Zagreb, Croatia), “DE LICEIRAS 18” (Porto, Portugal) , Independent Institute of Contemporary Arts “Snarte Space” (Nanchang, China)
2021 - 25th Mosaic Padam Memorial Global Online Painting Competition, Happy School, New Delhi, India
2021 - Mail Art,2 international Mail Art projects, Namazgah Culture Centre, Kandira, Turkey - La Bienal en la Cuadra , IV Biennial of the South , Ciudad Tiuna , Venezuela - 3rd International Annual Art Festival, AT Vidyasagar Art Gallery, India - NOW, 6th international group exhibition, Vision Art Media, Haegeumgang Theme Museum, Yukyung Art Museum, South Korea - Beyond the Shelf, Word Revolt Gallery, Atlantic Beach, Florida, USA - IVth International Online Art Exhibition, NIRANTAR, India - Bloom, Surface Gallery, Nottingham, UK - Open Art Festival, Virtual Mesa gallery Curat10n, London, UK - Tu rostro al nombre , 22 Triennale Grenchen , Grenchen , Switzerland - 1st "North American International Arts Festival" and UGSIFF 2021 "Save the Planet", WCECA, Taipei, Republic of China - 6th Executive Committee Members Art Talk Show, Third Eye Management & Representative, India - Echigo-Tumari, International Mail Art Exhibition, Gallery YUYAMA, Matsunoyama, Tokamachi-Shi, Niigata-Pref, Japan - “COMP-ART” 2021, the House of Ecuadorian Culture Benjamin Carrion Nucleo de Cotopaxi and LEONART International Group, Ecuador, South America -“IN RED” International Art Competition \ Third edition, The Cultural Association Narda Martinez "PAINTER", Italy - My body my home, Networking glances, Brazil - No Border in Art, International virtual art festival, Vienna, Austria - Art is Wealth, VIVID Exclusive Art Gallery, Lagos, Nigeria - Summer Party, AREL Art gallery, Ankara, Turkey - FRIOUATO biennial 2021, Morocco - Wave of Thoughts, Positive Energy Art, Thailand - MY LOVE IS YOUR LOVE, Every Woman Biennial, Superchief Gallery NFT, New York, USA - Voice of Mask, Artdom platform, India - Ataturk Memorial Youth & Sports Festival, Turkey - 1st Virtual Art Exhibition, Simultaneous Territories, Argentina - Climate changes in Arctic and Antarctic, 86th International Cultural Exchange of Arts 25th Edition Virtual Art Show, Artcom Expo International Association of Artists and Partnerships, Davik, Norway - Natural Rationality, 1st International Land Art Biennale, IAVPOA, Kaunas, Lithuania - Creation of art, People art factory gallery, Mexico - Peace and Serenity, International exhibition, Taza, Morocco - Happy Easter,85th International Cultural Exchange of Arts 24th Edition Virtual Art Show, Artcom Expo International Association of Artists, Davik, Norway - Object.Text.Decision., 1st International Biennial of TEXT ART, IAVPOA, Kaunas, Lithuania - Network Society, Bilsem-Art gallery, Istanbul, Turkey - International Women’s Day, 84th International Cultural Exchange of Arts 23th Edition Virtual Art Show, Artcom Expo International Association, Davik, Norway - Beyond the Borders, 2nd international Art Exhibition / Fantapia M, Chang Kil-Hwan Art Museum, Gangneung, South Korea - Art Pilgrimage, Positive Energy Art, Bongora, India - Korea+Austria Diplomacy 129th (1892-2021) years, 44th ASROPA (since 1995), South Korea - Women’s Art exhibition, virtual gallery KunstMatrix, Berlin, Germany - Universal Confraternization, 83th International Cultural Exchange of Arts 22th Edition Virtual Art Show, Artcom Expo International Association, Davik, Norway - WHAT DOES GAPi MEAN TO ME? Genuine Art Projects International (GAPi), Netherlands - Kadin Woman, AREL Art gallery, Ankara, Turkey - Reflection of Feminine Power on Art, Classic gallery, Nepal - World Peace, Korea International Online Art Fair, Christian Culture and Art Center, South Korea - Modified Routine, 1st International Biennial of Installation and Sculpture, IAVPOA, Kaunas, Lithuania - February in Ankara, AREL Art gallery, Ankara, Turkey - My Style, 1st International Video Festival, IAVPOA, Kaunas, Lithuania - Peace No Nukes, WILPF UK, London, UK - EARTH, REDART, India - 100 Eminent International Artist, BINDAAS Artist Group, India - I see I see … you can not see, Kunst Salon Kasteel Daelenbroeck, Herkenbosch, Netherlands
2020 - Art and Colors, virtual gallery, Mexico - 24th Mosaic Padam Chand Memorial, Happy School, New Delhi, India - Hope for a better, 81st International Cultural Exchange of Art 20th Edition Virtual Art Show “ Art Quarantine”, Davik, Norway - Peace and Unity thru Art, Filipinas Institute for the Advancement, Manila, Philippines - Open Art 2020 “Human /Nature”, virtual gallery Curat10n, London, UK - Waste to Create, Eco Aware Art gallery, India - “Folk and ethnic art in the world” 80th International Cultural Exchange of Arts 19th Edition Virtual Art Show - Art Quarantine, Artcom Expo International Association of Artists, Harionm modern arts center Jamalpur and Partnerships, Davik, Norway - Gallery Kamul, ZOBRA the art village, Bangladesh - Hapeville Day of the Dead, Hapeville art trail festival, Georgia, USA - Without Borders, World University of Design WUD, Sonipat, Haryana, India - PREVIEWS, Art Space BLECH, Halle, Germany - Mail Art x After Covid, Milan, Italy - Kindness, King Street Studios and Art Gallery, Lancaster, UK - Mirror-face to face, Villa Caldogno (VI), Vicenza, Italy - Pandemia S.O.S Madre Tierra, Colombia biennale, Bogota, Colombia - Walk Bye, Pershing field, Jersey City, USA - VIVID 2020, Vivid art gallery, Lagos, Nigeria - Love Revolution, Art Novelty gallery, India - Global Conversation 2020, virtual museum UN75, New York, USA - ARTQUAKE 3, TAN EVI gallery, Istanbul, Turkey - ART for ART, Oyster Art Gallery, Pakistan - 2nd NIRANTAR, India - Nature: Morte? , Beam Collective, Israel - G’ART Fair Seoul, Nanum Gallery Blue, Seoul, South Korea - My Land My Identity, Positive Energy Art, Bongora, India - Art for Cause, Bhopal, India - Reflections Coexistence, Art Eco-Laboratory NAHR, Italy - Let Art be Infected, Trakya University Faculty of Education Department of Fine Arts Education, Turkey - Across the river, Incheon Cultural and Art Center, Incheon, South Korea - Humanos, Buenos Aires, Argentina - Social Distanzine, USA - Glow of (I’m) possible, Hidden Garden, London, UK - Fase3, project La Nuova Mariera, Italy - Dot. Dot-Dash, Surface Gallery, Nottingham, UK - Me Irl, Dalton Gallery, Georgia, USA - AQUA PEACE, Singapore - Habitat. Manifesto 2020, Lavra Gallery, Kyiv, Ukraine - Movement, Espacio Gallery, London, UK - Movement, art-space Ufundi, London, UK - OpenArt2019, virtual gallery Curat10n, London, UK
2019 - Artquake-2, Sanat Gallery, Nigde, Turkey - Project of the "Open Group" "The Shadow of" Dreams "cast upon Giardini ", 58th Venice Biennale, Venice, Italy - INSIGHTS, Spivakovska Art: Ego Gallery, Kyiv, Ukraine
2018 - BlockchainArt, Paris, France - BlockchainArt, Brussels, Belgium - BlockchainArt, Luxembourg, - BlockchainArt, Amsterdam, Netherlands - BlockchainArt, Berlin, Germany - BlockchainArt, Prague, Czech Republic - BMWARTMONTH, Emerald Motors, Odesa, Ukraine - Shred D Art, SCHAU FENSTER-Das Arty Gallery, Berlin, Germany
2017 - Pure White, Spivakovska Art: Ego Gallery, Kyiv, Ukraine
2015 - Sin mascaras, Yellow Giants Gallery, Odesa Art Museum, Ukraine - Manifest. Words of the people, IV Odesa Biennale of Contemporary Art, Museum of Modern Art Odesa, Ukraine - Other 2015. ECOURBANISM LEVEL N1, Museum of Modern Art Odesa, Ukraine - A4. Ballpen, Arsenal Museum, Kyiv, Ukraine

Mostre personali

2021 - Skeleton as an ecosystem, BREVEMENTE street gallery, Montemor-o-Novo, Portugal
2017 - Chek-in, Museum of Modern Art, Odesa, Ukraine
2017 - Manifest. Words of the people, art-space Most Center, Odesa, Ukraine
2014 -Two sides, Tea House Gallery, Odesa, Ukraine

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