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Immagine del profilo / Elena Alekseeva (Alpha_Vita)

Elena Alekseeva (Alpha_Vita)

Елена Алексеева


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Елена Алексеева(Elena Alekseeva (Alpha_Vita))


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Trova 19 original artworks & mixed-media-artists di Elena Alekseeva (Alpha_Vita). Guarda il profilo di Elena Alekseeva (Alpha_Vita), i prezzi delle opere, le informazioni sulle mostre e compra arte online.


“Inspired by Basquiat”

In questa serie, l'artista cerca di allontanarsi dalle competenze accademiche della calligrafia e si rivolge al lavoro di Basquiat, trovando la libertà e l'energia delle sue opere affini.


Inspired by Basquiat №6

USD 150.00 Year.2022 w20.00 x h30.00 x d2.00 cm


Inspired by Basquiat №5

USD 150.00 Year.2022 w20.00 x h30.00 x d2.00 cm


Inspired by Basquiat №4

USD 150.00 Year.2022 w20.00 x h30.00 x d2.00 cm


Inspired by Basquiat №3

USD 250.00 Year.2021 w90.00 x h80.00 x d2.00 cm


Inspired by Basquiat №2

USD 250.00 Year.2021 w80.00 x h90.00 x d2.00 cm


Inspired by Basquiat №1

USD 250.00 Year.2021 w90.00 x h80.00 x d2.00 cm

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In questa serie, uso di nuovo la calligrafia, ma mi limito deliberatamente a una sola lettera "I" - essendosi moltiplicate, avanzano risolutamente in un cuneo o si muovono caoticamente chiuse, invitando lo spettatore a un dialogo con le profondità del proprio mondo.


I/We №5

USD 250.00 Year.2021 w80.00 x h90.00 x d2.00 cm


I/We №4

USD 250.00 Year.2021 w80.00 x h100.00 x d1.00 cm


I/We №3

USD 100.00 Year.2022 w20.00 x h30.00 x d2.00 cm


I/We №2

USD 100.00 Year.2022 w20.00 x h30.00 x d2.00 cm


I/We №1

USD 100.00 Year.2022 w20.00 x h30.00 x d2.00 cm

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“Instructions of happiness”

Una serie di istruzioni su tela con compiti, eseguendo i quali lo spettatore diventa felice, libero e pieno d'amore.


Instructions of happiness No 3

USD 250.00 Year.2021 w90.00 x h80.00 x d2.00 cm


Instructions of happiness No 2

USD 250.00 Year.2021 w90.00 x h80.00 x d2.00 cm


Instructions of Happiness №1

USD 250.00 Year.2021 w90.00 x h80.00 x d2.00 cm



L'arte dell'understatement: Ascoltare nell'indicibile, per ammirare l'invisibile. Il completamento incarna la vita più pienamente della completezza - un'opera in cui non tutto è concordato fino alla fine è in grado di raccontare la bellezza.


Series "Premonitions" No. 2. "Between the lines".

USD 250.00 Year.2021 w80.00 x h100.00 x d1.00 cm


The series "Premonitions" No1. "I'm exaggerating. Everything will be fine"

USD 250.00 Year.2021 w80.00 x h100.00 x d1.00 cm

“Elena Alekseeva (Alpha_Vita)Opere d'arte”


Вoubts №3

USD 100.00 Year.2021 w45.00 x h50.00 x d2.00 cm


Вoubts №2

USD 100.00 Year.2021 w45.00 x h50.00 x d2.00 cm


Вoubts №1

USD 100.00 Year.2021 w45.00 x h50.00 x d2.00 cm


Fascia di prezzo

USD $100 ~ $250


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2021 2021 - The work "I exaggerate. Everything will be fine" from the series "Premonitions" got into the list of the 22 best (out of 2696) and became part of the Yakitoria Collection project, which is being implemented with the support of https://msca.ru/. All the winning works are posted on the website art.yakitoriya.ru
2020 Awarded the diploma of the winner (1st place) of the international competition "Golden Time" (London) for the work "Reading between the lines".
2019 She was awarded the GRAND PRIX and the opportunity to represent Russia at PISA FASHION DAY for a collection of clothes with calligraphy in collaboration with fashion designer Violetta Langas, a student of V. Zaitsev. https://www.pisafashiondays.it/

Mostre di gruppo

2022 April, Karelian Biennale , Pskov, Gallery of Modern Art "House on the Embankment". https://vk.com/karelianbiennale
2021 December 27, Tomsk, gallery "In the main", festival "Toxic positivity" http://tsu-gallery.tilda.ws/depressed_fest
2021 December 16 - January 23, Moscow, State Museum, cultural center "Integration". The exhibition "Summing up" http://tverskaya14.ru/news1/novogodnee-chudo-kogda-hudozhnik-stanovitsya-avtorom-knigi-v-muzee-nikolaya-ostrovskogo-otkroetsya-art-vystavka/
2021 December 15-January 16, Moscow, gallery "Here on Taganka, exhibition "Starfall" https://vzmoscow.ru/events/archive/2021/dekabr/vistavka_zvezdopad/index.php
2021 November 26-27, Moscow, GAMMA Art Cluster, Mood Act x Gamma exhibition https://gamma-art.ru/noviyeenergii , https://gamma-art.ru/about
2021 October 8-December 3, Orenburg, Louvre Gallery, 1st Exhibition Hall of the Orenburg Governor's Museum. http://ogikm.ru/meropriyatiya/vystavka-zhivaya-liniya
2021 September 26, Nizhny Novgorod, Arsenal Museum of Modern Art (branch of the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts). The exhibition "Scriptorium. Interlacing" https://vasarifest.arsenal-museum.art/day-3/
2021 August 19-October 4, Nizhny Novgorod, Arsenal Museum of Modern Art (branch of the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts). The exhibition "Forgotten Words" dedicated to V. Dahl. https://arsenal-museum.art/ https://nizhny800.ru/news/nizhegorodcev-priglashayut-na-vystavku-zabytyh-slov-posvyashhennuyu-vladimiru-dalyu

Mostre personali

2022 Planned: Moscow, Art cluster "GAMMA". https://gamma-art.ru/about

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