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Immagine del profilo / Romeo Dobrota

Romeo Dobrota

Romeo Dobrota


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Romeo Dobrota


1. www.paks-gallery.com/art%20project%20dont%20stop%20to%20live%202020.htm?fbclid=IwAR3VSIoeEm90yrxpgQGpjy6q1WYwjJAsiueD4Kw99EB5Hj6S8y2D_qN5bVE
2. www.paks-gallery.com/gallery%20castle%20summer%202020.htm?fbclid=IwAR1EhEzD0l-BeSlRhObqY58II3...
1. www.paks-gallery.com/art%20project%20dont%20stop%20to%20live%202020.htm?fbclid=IwAR3VSIoeEm90yrxpgQGpjy6q1WYwjJAsiueD4Kw99EB5Hj6S8y2D_qN5bVE
2. www.paks-gallery.com/gallery%20castle%20summer%202020.htm?fbclid=IwAR1EhEzD0l-BeSlRhObqY58II37tPyqf6T_obdkrLjyUNkYoELAafteGM1w
3. www.sibiunews.net/new/articole/20-rural/24841-poiana-sibiului-odihnindu-si-albastrul-dorul-in-creatiile-marelui-artist-romeo-dobrota.html?fbclid=IwAR3M096znkSTcF-qVWwjGVuI2VrypV8kZ9wsce0ByYZX3h90_qoHhJ-CEhQ
4. www.fox34.com/story/42142277/mamag-museum-starts-social-media-art-project
5. www.facebook.com/watch/?v=711276952950310. Il progetto artistico, "Don't STOP to LIVES", faccio parte di questo progetto sotto il programma dell'UNESCO! Giornata internazionale! Grazie Paks Gallery dall'Austria!
6. www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=1362486147286721&set=a.474466786088666. Un'intervista con la CNN, il cancelliere austriaco, Sebastian Kurz riguardo al progetto artistico, "Don't STOP to LIVES", faccio parte di questo progetto sotto il programma UNESCO, Giornata Internazionale! Grazie Galleria Paks dall'Austria!
7. https://clalindar.wordpress.com/2020/02/20/laureatul-premiului-international-leonardo-da-vinci-artist-universal-2019-romeo-dobrota-romi-din-toronto-artistul-plastic-din-vecini/?fbclid=IwAR1NIq3IZkczsOn15j96TkPfuHBz0TzsEZsUTWYqdPgqE5x8G82qutLPwQc
8. Cotidianul.ro: www.cotidianul.ro/romeo-dobrota-din-toronto-artistul-plastic-din-vecini/?fbclid=IwAR01_U_w1gkkbSzVKQVHEUlZlHEBcrm9_0pmVl_hjeFVabxxpno4DKC_V0Q
9. zhd.ro/eveniment/laureatul-premiului-international-leonardo-da-vinci-artist-universal-2019-romeo-dobrota-romi-din-toronto-artistul-plastic-din-vecini/
10. Il Premio Internazionale Leonardo da Vinci - L'artista universale Firenze Italia 2019. https://www.mais-art.nl/index/205196377_Leonardo+Da+Vinci.html#.XdXjV0qJJPY
11. www.ziare.com/deva/stiri-actualitate/laureatul-premiului-international-leonardo-da-vinci-artist-universal-2019-romeo-dobrota-romi-din-toronto-artistul-plastic-din-vecini-7989555
12. www.reusita.ro/cultura/235-avem-un-roman-distins-cu-premiul-leonardo-da-vinci-artist-universal-romeo-dobrota
13. stirilazi.ro/avem-cu-cine-sa-ne-mandrim-poienarul-romeo-dobrota-distins-cu-premiul-leonardo-da-vinci-artista-universale/
14. www.ziarelive.ro/stiri/avem-cu-cine-sa-ne-mandrim-poienarul-romeo-dobrota-distins-cu-premiul-leonardo-da-vinci-artist-universal.html
15. www.sibiunews.net/component/search/?searchword=romeo%20dobrota&ordering=newest&searchphrase=all&limit=20
16. www.bucurestibusiness.ro/?s=Romeo+Dobrota
17. The Circle Foundation For The Arts, Artist oft he Year Award 2019- Honorable Mention - Romeo Dobrota [51707]
18. www.artupclose.com/romi-dobrota
19. Catalogo della mostra d'arte moderna, Louvre Parigi 2019.
20. About Art Magazine Europe 2019, Paks Gallery nr. 2/2019
21. www.paks-gallery.com/gallery%20munich%20winter%202020.htm
22. www.paks-gallery.com/art%20shopping%20louvre%20exhibition%202019.htm
23. www.artshopping-expo.com/info_artiste/11221/dobrota.html
24. www.paks-gallery.com/artists.htm
25. www.paks-gallery.com/gallery%20vienna%20winter%202020.htm
26. www.paks-gallery.com/gallery%20castle%20winter%202020.htm
27. www.facebook.com/PAKS-Gallery-International-474292792772732/
28. www.unternehmen-heute.de/news.php?newsid=615694
29. www.fair-news.de/2746218/paks-gallery-eine-galerie-der-besonderen-art
30. www.wien-news.de/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=6126
31. www.instagram.com/paksgallery/
32. Catalogo Ufficiale della Fiera Internazionale d'Arte, Amsterdam, 2019
33. Catalogo Ufficiale della Fiera Internazionale d'Arte, Tokyo, 2019.
34. Barcellona: Intervista "On line" a Contemporary Art Station Exhibition Barcelona, luglio 2019. www.contemporaryartstation.com/interviews/2019/6/14/interview-with-romi-dobrota
35. Barcellona: www.contemporaryartstation.com/barcelona-2019/2019/6/14/romi-dobrota-canada?fbclid=IwAR0uAO8EjnMz--2CBBI4JLn7nYjoOu2sRo3vuBGChvvISitNvWNOTaO3pfY
36. Barcellona: www.contemporaryartstation.com/barcelona-july-2019/2019/6/14/romi-dobrota-canada
37. Barcellona: www.contemporaryartstation.com/
38. Certificato di partecipazione a Contemporary Art Station Barcellona.
39. Amsterdam Interviw 10H Faustino Creative Media TV: www.youtube.com/watch?v=WTpszSTO6xI
40. Intervista a 10 H Faustino Creative Media per TV Portugal 2019.
41. Intervista a 10 H Faustino Creative Media per TV Olanda 2019.
42. Tokyo: https://issuu.com/globalartagency/docs/tiaf2019_final_catalogue_singlep
43. "Puzzle", il libro di copertina, di Letitia Vladislav, Edizioni "Eikon", Spagna 2019.
44. Observatorul, Toronto, aprile 2019. www.observatorul.com/articles_main.asp?action=articleviewdetail&ID=19749
45. New York RoMagazin, New York, marzo, aprile, maggio, giugno 2019.
46. Toronto Sun, Toronto, 8 novembre 2010.
47. Premio della mostra collettiva all'Art Gallery Of Ontario 2010!
48. Premi Mostre Scultura in Marmo in Europa 1985 e 1987!
o essere aggiornato

Leggere di meno

Trova 39 original artworks & painters di Romeo Dobrota. Guarda il profilo di Romeo Dobrota, i prezzi delle opere, le informazioni sulle mostre e compra arte online.

“Romeo DobrotaOpere d'arte”


Stars Gate in Universe, Oil on canvas, 60x72 inch, 152.5x183 cm, SKU 3079 -

USD 7,500.00 Year.2024 w183.00 x h152.50 x d4.00 cm


Number 666, Acrylic, on canvas, 40.5x102x4 cm, SKU 1036

USD 750.00 Year.2022 w102.00 x h42.50 x d4.00 cm


Dance of fire, 3, acrylic on canvas, 61x183x4 cm, SKU 1034

USD 950.00 Year.2022 w183.00 x h61.00 x d4.00 cm


Message from rainbow, from sky, abstract, 91.5x107 cm SKU 1022

USD 750.00 Year.2022 w107.00 x h91.50 x d4.00 cm


Van Gogh, oil on canvas, with frame, 35.5x46 cm, SKU 3044

USD 500.00 Year.2022 w35.50 x h46.00 x d4.00 cm


Juliette, acrylic on canvas, 31x61.5x4 cm, SKU 1040

USD 750.00 Year.2017 w31.00 x h61.50 x d4.00 cm


Inside of Galaxy 11, acrylic on canvas, 91.5x122 cm, SKU 1013

USD 950.00 Year.2019 w122.00 x h91.50 x d5.00 cm


Inside of Galaxy 12, acrylic on canvas, 91.5x122 cm, SKU 1012 (2)

USD 950.00 Year.2019 w122.00 x h91.50 x d5.00 cm


The Volcano in Ocean, acrylic on canvas, 91.5x91.5 cm, SKU 1061

USD 900.00 Year.2019 w91.50 x h91.50 x d5.00 cm


Earth, fire, air and water, acrylic on canvas

USD 950.00 Year.2022 w122.00 x h61.50 x d5.00 cm


Diem red ... (Russia - Ukraine war), Acrylic on canvas, 61.5x122 cm, SKU 1095

USD 950.00 Year.2022 w122.00 x h61.50 x d5.00 cm


Fantastic view, Acrylic on canvas, 61x91.5 cm, SKU 1184

USD 750.00 Year.2022 w91.50 x h61.00 x d4.00 cm


Et Dieu Crea la Femme, Acrylic on canvas, 51x102 cm, SKU 1175

USD 950.00 Year.2022 w51.00 x h102.00 x d4.00 cm


Inside of Galaxy, oil on canvas, no frame, 61.5x61.5x4 cm, SKU 3033

USD 750.00 Year.2022 w61.50 x h61.50 x d4.00 cm


Matrix, Einstein & Roman Numerals 1, oil on canvas, 76xx91.5x4 cm, SKU 3017

USD 1,250.00 Year.2022 w76.00 x h91.50 x d4.00 cm


Matrix, Binary number, oil of canvas, 61.5x122 cm SKU 3016) (1)

USD 1,250.00 Year.2022 w61.50 x h122.00 x d5.00 cm


The Last Chance Eve, nude , 61x76.4 cm SKU 3006

USD 950.00 Year.2020 w76.40 x h61.00 x d4.00 cm


Connection with The Universe, 15x22 inch, watercolours SKU 4083

USD 400.00 Year.2022 w38.00 x h56.00 x d0.10 cm


Triplets, stainless steel, 15.5x20.25x5 cm, each piece pc. size: 16x6.7x4 cm

USD 450.00 Year.2018 w15.50 x h20.25 x d4.00 cm


Dignity, 38x56 cm, watercolours on cold press paper SKU 4084

USD 400.00 Year.2022 w38.00 x h56.00 x d0.10 cm


1 Million light years Galaxy, Oil on Panel, 61.5x122 cm, SKU 3057

USD 950.00 Year.2022 w122.00 x h61.50 x d4.00 cm


Cosmic vibrations, organic beeswax on plywood, with watch, 61x121 cm SKU 2023

USD 950.00 Year.2022 w122.50 x h61.50 x d5.00 cm


Heaven and Hell, oil on plywood 31x91.5 cm, SKU 3056

USD 750.00 Year.2022 w91.50 x h31.00 x d4.00 cm


Gold and Silver, oil on canvas, 20.5x20.5 cm, SKU 3046

USD 550.00 Year.2022 w20.50 x h20.50 x d5.00 cm


Photosynthesis, watercolours on cold press paper, 38x56 cm , SKU 4075

USD 500.00 Year.2022 w38.00 x h56.00 x d0.10 cm


Nativity, organic bees-wax and gold leaf, 61.5x122 cm, SKU 2021

USD 950.00 Year.2022 w122.50 x h61.50 x d6.00 cm


Inside of Galaxy 20, 91.6x101.5 cm, SKU 1008 (2)

USD 950.00 Year.2022 w101.50 x h91.60 x d4.00 cm


Inside of Galaxy 13, acrylic on canvas, 91.5x101.5 cm, SKU 1011 (2)

USD 950.00 Year.2019 w101.50 x h91.50 x d4.00 cm


The King Symbols of music, acrylic on canvas, with gold leafs 24 K, 36x36x1.5 inch, 91.5x91.5x4 cm, SKU 1035

USD 750.00 Year.2022 w91.50 x h91.50 x d4.00 cm


Air's King, inspired from Aboriginal People from Alaska, USA and North-West Territories, Canada, 47.5x34.5x9 cm,

USD 9,000.00 Year.2020 w34.50 x h47.50 x d9.50 cm


Flying incognito, Acrylic on canvas, 91.5x122 cm, SKU 1188

USD 1,250.00 Year.2022 w122.00 x h91.50 x d4.00 cm


Colors in Paradise, acrylic on canvas, 7 elements, 91.5X107 cm, SKU 1054

USD 950.00 Year.2022 w107.00 x h91.50 x d4.00 cm


Flying, Acrylic on canvas, 61xx122 cm, SKU 1091

USD 1,250.00 Year.2022 w122.00 x h61.00 x d4.00 cm


Melancholy, Acrylic on canvas, 76x101.5 cm, SKU 1185

USD 1,250.00 Year.2022 w101.50 x h76.00 x d5.00 cm


Genesis, Acrylic on canvas, 61.5x122.5 cm,1183

USD 950.00 Year.2021 w122.50 x h61.50 x d5.00 cm


North Subarctic Night, Acrylic, Sculpture, mixed media on canvas, 61,5x122.5 cm inch, SKU 1004

USD 1,750.00 Year.2020 w122.50 x h61.50 x d4.00 cm


Good morning, acrylic on canvas, 91.5x122 cm, SKU 1060

USD 1,250.00 Year.2019 w122.50 x h91.50 x d5.00 cm


Spring is coming, Acrylic on canvas, 30x36 inch, SKU 1186

USD 950.00 Year.2022 w76.00 x h91.50 x d4.00 cm


Fata Morgana, oil on plywood, 36x36 inch, 91.5x91.5 cm SKU 3055

USD 1,450.00 Year.2020 w91.50 x h91.50 x d4.00 cm


Fascia di prezzo

USD $400 ~ $9,000


Curriculum ... Romeo Dobrota. Romi Dobrota
Dichiarazione per Romeo Dobrota.
Sono Romeo Dobrota da Toronto, Canada! Non c'è dubbio che sono nato con la passione e il talento di produrre belle arti per il godimento intellettuale ed emotivo mio e del pubblico. La mia arte nasce all'intersezione di fi...
Curriculum ... Romeo Dobrota. Romi Dobrota
Dichiarazione per Romeo Dobrota.
Sono Romeo Dobrota da Toronto, Canada! Non c'è dubbio che sono nato con la passione e il talento di produrre belle arti per il godimento intellettuale ed emotivo mio e del pubblico. La mia arte nasce all'intersezione di filosofia, astronomia, guarigione e psicologia. I miei studi fatti in Europa e in Canada si sono concentrati sulla scultura, la pittura, il mosaico, il design, il fumetto e l'arte bizantina. Chi contempla le mie opere d'arte noterà materiali e tecniche sorprendenti come risultato della mia genuina curiosità e dell'eccitazione di esplorare strade meno battute.
Come tale, all'inizio degli anni 1990, nei miei dipinti posso introdurre elementi 3D ispirati alla scultura e usare una bellissima cera d'api organica colorata con foglie d'oro 24 K, per creare potenti immagini, idee e sentimenti legati alle tecniche come la tecnologia di un Egiziano storico: dipinti, sarcofagi, interno delle piramidi ecc.
Ho studiato l'arte bizantina al Saint Vladimir Institute di Toronto e il mosaico al Monte Nebo, in Giordania! Sono affascinato dall'Universo ... Galassia ... Spazio ... Tempo ... Infinito ... Luce ... Anima ... Storia, Religione!
Lo stesso nel 1990 ho iniziato a mettere la forma umana contro il paesaggio nel tentativo di rivelare la complessa natura intellettuale ed emotiva dei nostri esseri. Come artista credo veramente che l'arte abbia un grande potere di alleviare l'inquietudine metafisica e le ansie, quindi molte delle mie idee e la tavolozza dei colori glorificano la mente e l'anima. Più tardi nello stesso decennio, ho iniziato a portare al centro della mia arte forme geometriche combinate con elementi di astronomia in cui il pubblico trova un senso di liberazione e guarigione anche al di là dell'esperienza individuale, a livello sociale. Questa importante pietra miliare nella mia vita artistica coincide naturalmente con l'immersione da un regime totalitario in un mondo libero dalla censura e avido di abbracciare nuove idee ed espressioni artistiche.
Nel corso degli anni ho partecipato a una serie di mostre, la più significativa è stata nel 2010 alla Art Gallery of Ontario, per la quale sono stato lodato nel Toronto Sun (2010/11/08). Nel 2019 le mie arti sono state commentate in diversi giornali: New York Magazine - New York, Observatory - Toronto, e ad Amsterdam ho fatto 2 diverse interviste televisive per Olanda e Portogallo. Così nel 2019 ho fatto un'intervista on line sulla Stazione d'Arte Contemporanea di Barcellona! Nello stesso anno, il 2019, è arrivato con una moltitudine di progetti espositivi, e non sarebbe sbagliato dire che questo è uno degli anni di maggior successo per il riconoscimento del valore delle mie opere d'arte. Durante tutto l'anno 2019 ho partecipato ad una mostra collettiva presso: Hittite Gallery Yorkville Toronto (4 mostre), International Fir Art Tokyo, Contemporary Art Station Barcellona, International Art Fair ad Amsterdam, Parks Gallery in Austria, Carousel Moderns Art Louvre a Parigi, Middle East Arts Collectors Catalog, Il prossimo anno (2020) parteciperò a diverse altre mostre a New York, Miami, Los Angeles, Film Festival Arts Cannes France, Basel Switzerland, Munich, Vienna etc. Le mie opere si trovano in esposizione permanente in Europa, Nord America, Asia e Australia.
Godetevi la mia arte al mio:
sito web: www.romeofineart.com,
Email: contact@romeofineart.com.
Grazie per aver trovato il tempo di contemplare la mia arte.
Godetevi la bellezza!

Leggere di meno


1970 -Florence, Italy, Borgheze Palace, International Price Leonardo Da Vinci, for Universal Artrist, bronze sculpted Trophy, 2020! -Roma, Italy, International Price, Ambasador of Art, 2021. -Middle East Art Collectors Catalog Vol. 2, virtual Exhibition and Catalog, 2019 -Italy, Art International Contemporary Magazin, Catalogs, 2021 -Tokyo International Art Fair Catalog, 2019. -Amsterdam International Art Fair Catalog, 2019. -Art Market Observer Magazin, nr. 1/ 2020 -My artworks can be found in permanent display in Europe, North America, Asia, and Australia.

Mostre di gruppo

1970 -Paks Galery Museum in Villa am Kaiserweg, Austria, under UNESCO, Sept-Dec 2022; -Contemporary @ Fine Art Biennale Basel Hotel Victoria, Switzerland , With Paks Gallery, Exibition, in June 17-19, 2022; -International Film Festival Cannes, France, with Paks Gallery, Film Festival, Exhibition, in May 20-22, 2022; -New York, Lower Manhattan, 22 Pier, with ArtUp, Close Gallery, in April 10-12, 2022;-Vienna, Austria, Paks Gallery, Art Project "Don`t STOP to LIVE" to the UNESCO International Day of living together in the PEACE.The Art Project is organized by MAMAG Modern Art Museum in cooperation with the PAKS Gallery, Art Market Observer Magazine and MOCAMAG Museum. http://www.paks-gallery.com/art%20project%20dont%20stop%20to%20live%202020.htm -Cannes, France, with Paks Gallery, Film Festival, Exhibition, in May 2022 (postponed from 2020, 2021) -New York, Manhattan, 92-94 Pier Street, with ArtUp, Close Gallery, in April 2022 (postponed from 2020) -Basel, Swiss, With Paks Gallery Vienna, Exibition, in May 2022 -Vienna, Austria, Exhibitions with Paks Gallery Vienna, Austria, Exhibition, 2022 -Hubertendorf, Austria, Exhibitions with Paks Gallery, Vienna Austria, Exhibition, 2022 -Munchen, Germany, Exhibitions with Paks Gallery Vienna, Austria, Exhibition, 2022 -New York, Manhattan, 92-94 Pier Street, with ArtUp Close Gallery, Exhibition, November 2021 -Montreal, Canada, Gallea Art Gallery, Canadian Ministry Federal Of Justice, November 2021 -Montreal, Canada, Gallea Art Galery, Exhibition, in October-November, 2021 -Munchen, Germany, Paks Gallery, Exhibition Munchen, 2019-2021 -Vienna, Austria, Paks Gallery, Exhibition in Vienna, 2019-2021 -Humbertendorf Castle, Austria, Paks Gallery, Exhibition in Castle Humbertendorf 2019-2021 -Paris, France, Carousel Moderns Art Louvre in Paris, Exhibition, 2019; -Amstedam, Nethelands, Beurs van Berlage, Exhibition, 2019 -Barcelona, Spain, Contemporany art Station, Exhibition, 2019 -Tokyo, Japan, Rappongy Gallery, Exhibitiob, 2019 -Toronto, Canada, York Ville Hittite Gallery, Exhibitions, 2010-2019; -Toronto, Canada, George Brwon College, Exhibitions, 2005-2010 -Art Galery of Ontario, Exhibition Victorian Photo Collage and News Paper Toronto Sun 2010 -Toronto, Canada, Exhibition, Saint Vladimir Institute, 2005-2010; -Toronto, Canada, Exhibition, Metropolitan Church, 2010; -Toronto, Canada, All Saint Church, Exhibition 2005-2010 -Champs of Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, Exhibition 2005-2010 -Marble Sculpture and Painting Exhibitions in different East European Countries, 1980-1990!

Mostre personali

2020 -Paks Galery Museum in Villa am Kaiserweg, Austria, under UNESCO, Sept-Dec 2022; -Contemporary @ Fine Art Biennale Basel Hotel Victoria, Switzerland , With Paks Gallery, Exibition, in June 17-19, 2022; -International Film Festival Cannes, France, with Paks Gallery, Film Festival, Exhibition, in May 20-22, 2022; -New York, -Lower Manhattan, 22 Pier, with ArtUp, Close Gallery, in April 10-12, 2022;-Vienna, Austria, Paks Gallery, Art Project "Don`t STOP to LIVE" to the UNESCO International Day of living together in the PEACE.The Art Project is organized by MAMAG Modern Art Museum in cooperation with the PAKS Gallery, Art Market Observer Magazine and MOCAMAG Museum. http://www.paks-gallery.com/art%20project%20dont%20stop%20to%20live%202020.htm -Cannes, France, with Paks Gallery, Film Festival, Exhibition, in May 2022 (postponed from 2020, 2021) -New York, Manhattan, 92-94 Pier Street, with ArtUp, Close Gallery, in April 2022 (postponed from 2020) -Basel, Swiss, With Paks Gallery Vienna, Exibition, in May 2022 -Vienna, Austria, Exhibitions with Paks Gallery Vienna, Austria, Exhibition, 2022 -Hubertendorf, Austria, Exhibitions with Paks Gallery, Vienna Austria, Exhibition, 2022 -Munchen, Germany, Exhibitions with Paks Gallery Vienna, Austria, Exhibition, 2022 -New York, Manhattan, 92-94 Pier Street, with ArtUp Close Gallery, Exhibition, November 2021 -Montreal, Canada, Gallea Art Gallery, Canadian Ministry Federal Of Justice, November 2021 -Montreal, Canada, Gallea Art Galery, Exhibition, in October-November, 2021 -Munchen, Germany, Paks Gallery, Exhibition Munchen, 2019-2021 -Vienna, Austria, Paks Gallery, Exhibition in Vienna, 2019-2021 -Humbertendorf Castle, Austria, Paks Gallery, Exhibition in Castle Humbertendorf 2019-2021 -Paris, France, Carousel Moderns Art Louvre in Paris, Exhibition, 2019; -Amstedam, Nethelands, Beurs van Berlage, Exhibition, 2019 -Barcelona, Spain, Contemporany art Station, Exhibition, 2019 -Tokyo, Japan, Rappongy Gallery, Exhibitiob, 2019 -Toronto, Canada, York Ville Hittite Gallery, Exhibitions, 2010-2019; -Toronto, Canada, George Brwon College, Exhibitions, 2005-2010 -Art Galery of Ontario, Exhibition Victorian Photo Collage and News Paper Toronto Sun 2010 -Toronto, Canada, Exhibition, Saint Vladimir Institute, 2005-2010; -Toronto, Canada, Exhibition, Metropolitan Church, 2010; -Toronto, Canada, All Saint Church, Exhibition 2005-2010 -Champs of Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, Exhibition 2005-2010 -Marble Sculpture and Painting Exhibitions in different East European Countries, 1980-1990!

Galleria a contratto


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