Maestro Internazionale d'Arte e Artista internazionale rinomato in Italia e in alcune parti del mondo.
Crea arte a 360 gradi, riconosciuto come l'artista che unisce l'arte al design.
Ambiti principali sono la scultura, non tradizionale, si concentro sui componenti di arredo, in contesti di lusso...
Maestro Internazionale d'Arte e Artista internazionale rinomato in Italia e in alcune parti del mondo.
Crea arte a 360 gradi, riconosciuto come l'artista che unisce l'arte al design.
Ambiti principali sono la scultura, non tradizionale, si concentro sui componenti di arredo, in contesti di lusso ed extra lusso.
La sua arte è stata criticata dai più noti e attuali critici d’arte del panorama italiano, e ha esposto nelle più importanti sedi istituzionali come Il Campidoglio, sala della Protomoteca, a Roma, e la sede italiana a Roma del Parlamento Europeo e presso la Sala Capitolare del Senato della Repubblica Italiana.
Riconosciuta dalle Istituzioni Italiane, tanto che l’ accolgono nei loro palazzi.
Il suo Atelier si trova nel quadrilatero della moda più prestigioso d'Italia, precisamente in via Bagutta, a Milano, nel cuore del centro storico e commerciale di Milano, che forse è ben noto all'estero come una delle zone italiane più esclusive della moda e dello shopping, Montenapoleone Distict.
International Master of Art and International Artist renowned in Italy and in some parts of the world.
She creates art at 360 degrees, recognized as the artist who combines art with design.
The main areas are sculpture, non-traditional, focusing on furnishing components, in luxury and extra-luxury contexts.
Her art has been criticized by the most well-known and current art critics on the Italian scene, and she has exhibited in the most important institutional venues such as the Campidoglio, Sala della Protomoteca, in Rome, and the Italian headquarters in Rome of the European Parliament and at the Chapter House of the Senate of the Italian Republic.
Recognized by the Italian institutions, so much so that they welcome it in their palaces.
Her Atelier is located in the most prestigious fashion district of Italy, precisely in via Bagutta, Milan, in the heart of the historic and commercial center of Milan, which is perhaps well known abroad as one of the most exclusive Italian fashion areas and shopping, Montenapoleone district.
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Personal criticism on my art, received by the most famous Art Italian Historian and Critic Vittorio Sgarbi
Personal criticism on my art, received by the International Artist, International Master Of Art and Critic Josè Van Roy Dalì, son of the famous artist Salvador Dali
Mostre di gruppo
Group exhibition “ La Forza delle Donne” in Art Luxury Gallery Milano
Group exhibition “Rocca Colonna” with an italian Institutions in Institutional location
Group exhibition International Biennial of Art of Fondi with an italian Institutions in Institutional location
Group exhibition International Biennial “Mediterranean Art” in Pisa
Group exhibition International “Premio Vittorio Sgarbi” in Ferrara with the most famous critic in Italy, Vittorio Sgarbi
Mostre personali
Personal exhibition “Natural Luxury” in the private gallery in the center of the city of Milano with many italian Institutions
Personal exhibition at the Capitoline museums, in the "Sala Protomoteca" of the Campidoglio Roma, Institutional location
Personal exhibition “Ars et Materia” at the Stadio di Domiziano Museum in Piazza Navona in Roma, Institutional location
Personal exhibition “Ars et Materia” in the European Parlament in the Spazio Europa conference room, Roma, with an italian Institutions in Institutional location
Personal exhibition “La Donna nell’Arte” in at the Sala Capitolare of the Senate of the Italian Republic, Roma, with an italian Institutions in Institutional location