Quick Insight Vol.11A languid parallel world depicted by Japanese artist mamoru, who resets the existing meaning of reality through apathetic girls.
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<<dechi, H 30cm x W 30cm x D 3.7cm, Canvas Print, 2021
Regarding the iconic motif of the pretty woman, why do you depict a "lethargic" woman? As I mentioned a little earlier, it's because I can't draw the majority of them. I find it difficult to draw a smile. In reality, smiles have wrinkles, but when I try to express them realistically in illustrations, I can't draw them well. It makes me feel a little uncomfortable. That's why I decided to go in the direction of having no facial expressions or anything like that.《Floating, H 30cm x W 30cm x D 3.7cm, Canvas Print, 2021
It seems that many of your stories depict settings that are everyday, but with a slightly different perspective. Do you have any particular thoughts or intentions about the setting of your scenes? I think it's important that the viewers find it interesting. That's why I collect various materials as I work. Poses, clothes, hairstyles, and so on. As I look at these things, I come up with various ideas, such as adding mayonnaise to this image would be interesting. Sometimes I use a hashtag that no one else is using, and sometimes my followers comment on a different hashtag. For example, for the work "mayonnaise forever" (2021), there is an artist who says, "It would be nice if it was midnight all the time," and it's called "zutomayo" for short. My work has this kind of parody in it, and the work I posted on Instagram, "The fast food", is a parody of "The first take" that is often seen on Youtube these days.《mayonnaise forever, H 30cm x W 30cm x D 3.7cm, Canvas Print, 2021
The Fast Food, H 30cm x W 30cm x D 3.7cm, Canvas Print, 2021
Japanese motifs (sometimes in romanized form) appear in your works, what do you find meaningful in bringing Japanese into the world of your images? I think that I can make people think about everyday events by drawing them in romaji. For example, "no fire" (2021) is a work that expresses the sadness of not having a fire when smoking a cigarette. If you know the title, you'll immediately understand "no fire,"(Hi-GA-NAI) but if you don't, you'll think about it for a moment. Then, they look at the image and realize that the girl is adding a cigarette, but there is no smoke, or they look at the title and realize the meaning. I think it is important to make people think in this process. Also, as it relates to the previous questions, I value things that seem to happen in everyday life, but are not. I dare not draw facial expressions, so that the reader can imagine the character's emotions. In such cases, people try to find answers in their own experiences, so in a sense, I think there is room for empathy. A smiling person can only be seen as a happy thought, but a lethargic and expressionless image can be interpreted in any way. It's the same with words and works of art. We prepare the materials and situations, but we don't prepare the right answers, we let the people who see them think. I believe that the correct answer is the emotion and interpretation that they find.No Fire, H 30cm x W 30cm x D 3.7cm, Canvas Print, 2021
Finally, do you have any ideas for your next work that you would like to realize? I've done a lot of illustrations so far, and I've gotten 10,000 likes, and I've gained about 700 followers in a week. It's not because of that, but I think the biggest challenge is to keep doing things for people to enjoy.Scrittore
Soichiro Masuda
<<dechi, H 30cm x W 30cm x D 3.7cm, Canvas Print, 2021
Regarding the iconic motif of the pretty woman, why do you depict a "lethargic" woman? As I mentioned a little earlier, it's because I can't draw the majority of them. I find it difficult to draw a smile. In reality, smiles have wrinkles, but when I try to express them realistically in illustrations, I can't draw them well. It makes me feel a little uncomfortable. That's why I decided to go in the direction of having no facial expressions or anything like that.《Floating, H 30cm x W 30cm x D 3.7cm, Canvas Print, 2021
It seems that many of your stories depict settings that are everyday, but with a slightly different perspective. Do you have any particular thoughts or intentions about the setting of your scenes? I think it's important that the viewers find it interesting. That's why I collect various materials as I work. Poses, clothes, hairstyles, and so on. As I look at these things, I come up with various ideas, such as adding mayonnaise to this image would be interesting. Sometimes I use a hashtag that no one else is using, and sometimes my followers comment on a different hashtag. For example, for the work "mayonnaise forever" (2021), there is an artist who says, "It would be nice if it was midnight all the time," and it's called "zutomayo" for short. My work has this kind of parody in it, and the work I posted on Instagram, "The fast food", is a parody of "The first take" that is often seen on Youtube these days.《mayonnaise forever, H 30cm x W 30cm x D 3.7cm, Canvas Print, 2021
The Fast Food, H 30cm x W 30cm x D 3.7cm, Canvas Print, 2021
Japanese motifs (sometimes in romanized form) appear in your works, what do you find meaningful in bringing Japanese into the world of your images? I think that I can make people think about everyday events by drawing them in romaji. For example, "no fire" (2021) is a work that expresses the sadness of not having a fire when smoking a cigarette. If you know the title, you'll immediately understand "no fire,"(Hi-GA-NAI) but if you don't, you'll think about it for a moment. Then, they look at the image and realize that the girl is adding a cigarette, but there is no smoke, or they look at the title and realize the meaning. I think it is important to make people think in this process. Also, as it relates to the previous questions, I value things that seem to happen in everyday life, but are not. I dare not draw facial expressions, so that the reader can imagine the character's emotions. In such cases, people try to find answers in their own experiences, so in a sense, I think there is room for empathy. A smiling person can only be seen as a happy thought, but a lethargic and expressionless image can be interpreted in any way. It's the same with words and works of art. We prepare the materials and situations, but we don't prepare the right answers, we let the people who see them think. I believe that the correct answer is the emotion and interpretation that they find.No Fire, H 30cm x W 30cm x D 3.7cm, Canvas Print, 2021
Finally, do you have any ideas for your next work that you would like to realize? I've done a lot of illustrations so far, and I've gotten 10,000 likes, and I've gained about 700 followers in a week. It's not because of that, but I think the biggest challenge is to keep doing things for people to enjoy.Scrittore
Soichiro Masuda