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One more sunset - colorful watercolor seascape, sun over the sea, horizon, soft pink sky, tela ocean watersOne more sunset - colorful watercolor seascape, sun over the sea, horizon, soft pink sky, tela ocean watersOne more sunset - colorful watercolor seascape, sun over the sea, horizon, soft pink sky, tela ocean watersOne more sunset - colorful watercolor seascape, sun over the sea, horizon, soft pink sky, tela ocean watersOne more sunset - colorful watercolor seascape, sun over the sea, horizon, soft pink sky, tela ocean watersOne more sunset - colorful watercolor seascape, sun over the sea, horizon, soft pink sky, tela ocean waters



One more sunset - colorful watercolor seascape, sun over the sea, horizon, soft pink sky, tela ocean waters
One more sunset - colorful watercolor seascape, sun over the sea, horizon, soft pink sky, tela ocean waters
One more sunset - colorful watercolor seascape, sun over the sea, horizon, soft pink sky, tela ocean waters
One more sunset - colorful watercolor seascape, sun over the sea, horizon, soft pink sky, tela ocean waters
One more sunset - colorful watercolor seascape, sun over the sea, horizon, soft pink sky, tela ocean waters
One more sunset - colorful watercolor seascape, sun over the sea, horizon, soft pink sky, tela ocean waters
One more sunset - colorful watercolor seascape, sun over the sea, horizon, soft pink sky, tela ocean waters

One more sunset - colorful watercolor seascape, sun over the sea, horizon, soft pink sky, tela ocean waters


W 31.00cm x H 23.00cm x D 0.10cm

USD $500.00



  • 關於這個 One more sunset - colorful watercolor seascape, sun over the sea, horizon, soft pink sky, tela ocean waters



    畫 (水彩畫)


    Original Artwork







    在 Sarsala 灣製作的普萊因空氣水彩畫。 Aseeva 熱愛海洋題材,在原地創作了很多作品,收集回憶和地點。帆船與大海是絕配。她認為水彩畫是一種理想的媒介。我在 2 歲時嘗試了水彩畫,多年來它一直是我最喜歡的媒介。當我嘗試不同風格的水彩時,我從寫實風格轉向抽象和難以捉摸的風格。我喜歡創造水彩畫的特效,這不僅僅是繪畫——它是魔法和煉金術。水彩畫需要一種特殊的態度,這不是事件,你需要發揮你的想像力和創造力。白色框架和墊子非常適合水彩畫和舒適的空間。

  • 關於這位藝術家



    你有沒有註意到最強大的東西是簡單的東西?人們長時間看什麼?不是在畫廊裡的畫。在日落時,在水邊,在超越地平線的田野裡。最簡單的事情其實是最複雜的。沒有人計算樹上有多少葉子。但是你看,哪個節目有更多社會階層的觀眾?日落。我們對顏色做出反應,對我們看到和感受到的和諧做出反應。構圖好,色彩逼真都可以。但我想談談生命的能量。每一刻的脈動。我們可以在平凡的事物中找到力量。做一個傳送門,直接獲得這種能量。只有在 khaos 才有可能誕生新事物。


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