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The Ladies of the Far East. Woman Mountain. oil painting on canvas, fantastic landscape painting mountain, asian woman, wall art, interior designThe Ladies of the Far East. Woman Mountain. oil painting on canvas, fantastic landscape painting mountain, asian woman, wall art, interior designThe Ladies of the Far East. Woman Mountain. oil painting on canvas, fantastic landscape painting mountain, asian woman, wall art, interior designThe Ladies of the Far East. Woman Mountain. oil painting on canvas, fantastic landscape painting mountain, asian woman, wall art, interior designThe Ladies of the Far East. Woman Mountain. oil painting on canvas, fantastic landscape painting mountain, asian woman, wall art, interior designThe Ladies of the Far East. Woman Mountain. oil painting on canvas, fantastic landscape painting mountain, asian woman, wall art, interior designThe Ladies of the Far East. Woman Mountain. oil painting on canvas, fantastic landscape painting mountain, asian woman, wall art, interior design



The Ladies of the Far East. Woman Mountain. oil painting on canvas, fantastic landscape painting mountain, asian woman, wall art, interior design
The Ladies of the Far East. Woman Mountain. oil painting on canvas, fantastic landscape painting mountain, asian woman, wall art, interior design
The Ladies of the Far East. Woman Mountain. oil painting on canvas, fantastic landscape painting mountain, asian woman, wall art, interior design
The Ladies of the Far East. Woman Mountain. oil painting on canvas, fantastic landscape painting mountain, asian woman, wall art, interior design
The Ladies of the Far East. Woman Mountain. oil painting on canvas, fantastic landscape painting mountain, asian woman, wall art, interior design
The Ladies of the Far East. Woman Mountain. oil painting on canvas, fantastic landscape painting mountain, asian woman, wall art, interior design
The Ladies of the Far East. Woman Mountain. oil painting on canvas, fantastic landscape painting mountain, asian woman, wall art, interior design
The Ladies of the Far East. Woman Mountain. oil painting on canvas, fantastic landscape painting mountain, asian woman, wall art, interior design

The Ladies of the Far East. Woman Mountain. oil painting on canvas, fantastic landscape painting mountain, asian woman, wall art, interior design


W 80.00cm x H 70.00cm x D 2.00cm

USD $3,900.00




  • 關於這個 The Ladies of the Far East. Woman Mountain. oil painting on canvas, fantastic landscape painting mountain, asian woman, wall art, interior design



    畫 (油彩畫)


    Original Artwork







    在我的“遠東女士”系列畫作中,我的靈感來自東方女性的美麗和山景。我拍攝了一個名為巴爾古津斯基山脈的風景,並賦予其女性形象。一個人包含關於他的人民的文化,關於他來自哪裡的土地的信息。通過結合景觀和人類,我想展示這種聯繫。 “遠東女士”系列中的“女人山” 尺寸:27.5 x 31.5 英寸,70 x 80 厘米 材質:帆布、油畫 2021 重要信息 - 不包括框架。圖片不加框!照片顯示了內部繪畫的示例,但套件中不包含框架! - 請注意,顯示的顏色可能因顯示器而異。 - 畫布背面有簽名。 - 保養說明:用乾布擦去灰塵。

  • 關於這位藝術家

    Anastasia Dashevskaya

    Anastasia Dashevskaya

    Russian Federation



    系列“遠東金星”這個系列的主要思想是人類是她或他的文化的承載者。而在我的作品中,女主人公把大地像衣服一樣扛在肩上,山峰展現了他們家鄉、文化和歷史的形象。我用風景來代替或替代民族服裝,它採取頭飾、衣服的形式,或者它被編織到女主人公的頭髮中。線、珠子和刺繡縫合併連接自然與人類。藉此,我希望表明一個人和她的土地是相互關聯的,一個人自己擁有關於她的人民文化的所有知識。系列“女人” 曾幾何時,生命誕生在大海中,那是一個看起來像嬰兒的小島。她長大了,隨著時間的推移,她的輪廓和輪廓開始像一個女人。女人島成長繁衍,最終變成了大陸和大陸。生命出現在上面,人們開始建造城市和國家。而這片土地上的一切都是不尋常的,因為生活重演了女人原本的形象。山巒、島嶼、湖泊、河流,讓人們想起了生命開始時的樣子。系列“拼布動物” 堪察加半島之旅讓我對大自然的多樣性印象深刻。我把它看作是一張馬賽克地圖,我渴望用這片土地的不同紋理來填充它——大地的顏色、民族音樂和裝飾品。我拿了一張古老的鹿洞圖,用它組成了一張像徵性的地理地圖,並用拼湊的碎片填滿了它。有時補丁會變成彩色玻璃。

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