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Yellow flowers and the Joy of the contrastYellow flowers and the Joy of the contrastYellow flowers and the Joy of the contrastYellow flowers and the Joy of the contrastYellow flowers and the Joy of the contrastYellow flowers and the Joy of the contrastYellow flowers and the Joy of the contrastYellow flowers and the Joy of the contrastYellow flowers and the Joy of the contrastYellow flowers and the Joy of the contrastYellow flowers and the Joy of the contrastYellow flowers and the Joy of the contrastYellow flowers and the Joy of the contrastYellow flowers and the Joy of the contrastYellow flowers and the Joy of the contrastYellow flowers and the Joy of the contrastYellow flowers and the Joy of the contrastYellow flowers and the Joy of the contrastYellow flowers and the Joy of the contrastYellow flowers and the Joy of the contrastYellow flowers and the Joy of the contrastYellow flowers and the Joy of the contrast



Yellow flowers and the Joy of the contrast
Yellow flowers and the Joy of the contrast
Yellow flowers and the Joy of the contrast
Yellow flowers and the Joy of the contrast
Yellow flowers and the Joy of the contrast
Yellow flowers and the Joy of the contrast
Yellow flowers and the Joy of the contrast
Yellow flowers and the Joy of the contrast
Yellow flowers and the Joy of the contrast
Yellow flowers and the Joy of the contrast
Yellow flowers and the Joy of the contrast
Yellow flowers and the Joy of the contrast
Yellow flowers and the Joy of the contrast
Yellow flowers and the Joy of the contrast
Yellow flowers and the Joy of the contrast
Yellow flowers and the Joy of the contrast
Yellow flowers and the Joy of the contrast
Yellow flowers and the Joy of the contrast
Yellow flowers and the Joy of the contrast
Yellow flowers and the Joy of the contrast
Yellow flowers and the Joy of the contrast
Yellow flowers and the Joy of the contrast
Yellow flowers and the Joy of the contrast

Yellow flowers and the Joy of the contrast


W 120.00cm x H 80.00cm x D 2.00cm

USD $3,900.00



  • 關於這個 Yellow flowers and the Joy of the contrast



    畫 (油彩畫)


    Original Artwork







    廣闊而迷人的景觀,有鳶尾花、黃色花朵和深受喜愛的橄欖樹。 80/120 厘米。 Vanya 最受喜愛和最暢銷的主題之一,在 2 厘米厚的巨大副框架上使用原創油畫。和亞麻高品質帆布。你立刻就會愛上的顏色,一幅照亮任何空間的畫作,讓每個看到它的人都興奮不已。 Vanya 的每件作品都經過包裝和保護,並附有一份禮物(一幅水彩畫、帶有她的繪畫的小玩意或一幅小型原創油畫或丙烯畫),並已提供歐洲以外出口的文件。然後準備發貨。

  • 關於這位藝術家



    Vanya 使用的技術是多年實踐、驅動和實驗的結果!布面油畫,底色為深色亞克力背景,因此可以更加突出色彩……他們通常認為 Vanya 使用特殊的近乎磷光的顏色,因為效果驚人。但事實是,正是顏色本身的使用、筆觸的輕盈、將顏色放在畫布上的方式幾乎是一種愛撫……Vanya 在工作室工作 15 年後獲得的靈巧和程序。使用抹刀的人很多,但像Vanya一樣風格獨特、步法準確的人卻寥寥無幾!對藝術的熱情在她的個展和群展中獲得評論家和公眾的巨大成功,向參觀者,尤其是她的孩子們傳達了對藝術作為美和普遍情感的傳遞的熱情和熱愛!

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