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The hour in which the state of the world is changingThe hour in which the state of the world is changingThe hour in which the state of the world is changingThe hour in which the state of the world is changingThe hour in which the state of the world is changingThe hour in which the state of the world is changingThe hour in which the state of the world is changingThe hour in which the state of the world is changingThe hour in which the state of the world is changingThe hour in which the state of the world is changingThe hour in which the state of the world is changingThe hour in which the state of the world is changingThe hour in which the state of the world is changingThe hour in which the state of the world is changingThe hour in which the state of the world is changingThe hour in which the state of the world is changingThe hour in which the state of the world is changingThe hour in which the state of the world is changingThe hour in which the state of the world is changingThe hour in which the state of the world is changing



The hour in which the state of the world is changing
The hour in which the state of the world is changing
The hour in which the state of the world is changing
The hour in which the state of the world is changing
The hour in which the state of the world is changing
The hour in which the state of the world is changing
The hour in which the state of the world is changing
The hour in which the state of the world is changing
The hour in which the state of the world is changing
The hour in which the state of the world is changing
The hour in which the state of the world is changing
The hour in which the state of the world is changing
The hour in which the state of the world is changing
The hour in which the state of the world is changing
The hour in which the state of the world is changing
The hour in which the state of the world is changing
The hour in which the state of the world is changing
The hour in which the state of the world is changing
The hour in which the state of the world is changing
The hour in which the state of the world is changing
The hour in which the state of the world is changing

The hour in which the state of the world is changing


W 205.00cm x H 110.00cm x D 0.10cm

USD $2,800.00



  • 關於這個 The hour in which the state of the world is changing




    Original Artwork







    ~~ 標題:「世界狀況正在改變的時刻」 藝術:191132 「在這個時刻,物體失去了夜間伴隨它們的陰影的一致性,並逐漸重新獲得顏色,但同時似乎交叉了一種不確定的邊緣,被微弱的觸碰,只是被光所呼吸;在這個時刻,人們最不確定世界的存在。” ~~技術:繪畫採用多層油漆技術製成。在後續塗裝之前,一百萬個多彩的潑濺物將乾燥。波洛克風格的潑濺。各種深淺的夜光和日落。 ~~未拉筋。您會收到捲裝在管子裡的它。準備拉伸。我建議您在當地的客製化畫框店或畫廊拉伸您的畫作。這將是您獲得大畫布的最實惠、最簡單的方法。 ~~ 繪畫尺寸:43 英吋 x 80 英吋/110 x 205 公分。這幅畫在藝術品周圍有額外的4 英寸(10 厘米)邊框,方便拉伸。~~ 帶邊框的畫布尺寸47 英寸x 84 英寸/ 120 x 214 厘米。畫布的額外邊框已塗漆,因此在拉伸後可以根據喜好懸掛或不帶框架。~~ 快遞運輸 • 您的畫作將被專業包裝和運輸。• 處理:2-3 天 • 全球運輸:5-10 個工作日~~ 請查看客戶反饋:* 我們'我現在從Nadin 購買了兩幅畫,非常喜歡它們!美麗的藝術、快速交貨、安全可靠的包裝以及出色的溝通和客戶服務。強烈推薦!Joe 和Alona Joe Harrison,2023 年1月30 日*這是第二幅畫我從Nadin 購買了。從開始到結束的溝通非常好,對細節的關注也很棒。每次我在房子裡經過這幅畫時,我真的很喜歡這幅畫,臉上掛著微笑。對於任何想從Nadin 購買畫作的人,只要去做,你就不會後悔。再次感謝您對 Nadin 的幫助,直到下次。保持安全 Chris Chris Rampton,2022 年 4 月 6 日 * 這是我們從 Nadins ART 購買的第二幅畫,我們再次對購買感到興奮!這幅畫絕對美麗,符合我們的期望,甚至更多。我們極力推薦她!謝謝納丁又畫了一幅美麗的畫!喬伊·尼爾 2022 年 4 月 2 日

  • 關於這位藝術家






    Nadine Antoniuk,藝術家。她是來自烏克蘭的抽像畫家。她的丙烯畫受到自然界的影響,捕捉了自然界中存在的能量和活力。她的畫作充滿活力、歡樂和自由。 Nadin 傳達了我所看到的世界——明亮、多汁、快樂!她用力而快樂地作畫,總是在畫布上留下我的正能量和豐富的快樂。 Nadin 的繪畫和風格受到大自然、人際關係、思想、音樂和和諧感中每一刻的美的影響。我可以說我的畫是我在畫布上的感受。她說; “我的目標是為您創造一個機會,讓您在與我的畫作對話中找到自己的故事,找到共同的振動和共同的積極情緒。它可以邀請您與我的畫作對話。如果您有 -我已經達到了我的目標……”她目前正在使用繪畫/調色刀和畫筆來處理丙烯酸。納丁以她的風格寫作。這是一個多層油漆覆蓋。在完全乾燥後,隨後的每一層油漆都會落在油漆上。因此,這幅畫具有大量的色調和顏色組合。這使得繪畫具有豐富的質感,豐富的色彩,以及窺探每一種情感的渴望。


  • 常見問題


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  • Coffee with cream

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  • Pearls



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    Where Dreams Meet the Horizon


  • Haze



  • Life tree

    Life tree


  • Light’s First Kiss

    Light’s First Kiss


  • House of Happiness

    House of Happiness

