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On the Silks of La Perla - large acrylic painting, woman and cat relationshipOn the Silks of La Perla - large acrylic painting, woman and cat relationshipOn the Silks of La Perla - large acrylic painting, woman and cat relationshipOn the Silks of La Perla - large acrylic painting, woman and cat relationshipOn the Silks of La Perla - large acrylic painting, woman and cat relationshipOn the Silks of La Perla - large acrylic painting, woman and cat relationshipOn the Silks of La Perla - large acrylic painting, woman and cat relationshipOn the Silks of La Perla - large acrylic painting, woman and cat relationshipOn the Silks of La Perla - large acrylic painting, woman and cat relationshipOn the Silks of La Perla - large acrylic painting, woman and cat relationship



On the Silks of La Perla - large acrylic painting, woman and cat relationship
On the Silks of La Perla - large acrylic painting, woman and cat relationship
On the Silks of La Perla - large acrylic painting, woman and cat relationship
On the Silks of La Perla - large acrylic painting, woman and cat relationship
On the Silks of La Perla - large acrylic painting, woman and cat relationship
On the Silks of La Perla - large acrylic painting, woman and cat relationship
On the Silks of La Perla - large acrylic painting, woman and cat relationship
On the Silks of La Perla - large acrylic painting, woman and cat relationship
On the Silks of La Perla - large acrylic painting, woman and cat relationship
On the Silks of La Perla - large acrylic painting, woman and cat relationship
On the Silks of La Perla - large acrylic painting, woman and cat relationship

On the Silks of La Perla - large acrylic painting, woman and cat relationship


W 100.00cm x H 81.00cm x D 1.90cm

USD $1,790.00



  • 關於這個 On the Silks of La Perla - large acrylic painting, woman and cat relationship



    畫 (壓克力畫)


    Original Artwork







    我邀請您沉浸在我最新傑作的優雅和性感的世界中。在 La Perla 精緻的夜間套裝中,躺在床單上的女人的曲線似乎是為光與影的舞蹈而精心打造的,她身體的每一條線條都凸顯了她的女性氣質。戴著時尚雷朋眼鏡的令人難以抗拒的薑黃色貓以獨特的方式呈現,創造了現實與魔法的獨特融合。這隻貓不僅出現在我的許多畫作中,也出現在我的作品中。它成為敘事的一部分,增添了魅力和神秘感。微妙的色情與時尚元素交織在一起,使這件藝術品非常適合那些不僅僅追求繪畫的人。這件藝術品不僅可以裝飾您的室內裝飾,還可以為您的一天增添優雅、熱情和風格。作品在自然光下拍攝,但根據電腦螢幕的不同,可能會有輕微差異。使用材料:100% 亞麻帆布、壓克力畫作以捲筒形式發送。也可以直接懸掛發送,在這種情況下,請寫信給我,我將提供有關運輸費用的信息

  • 關於這位藝術家

    Olesya Izmaylova

    Olesya Izmaylova

    Russian Federation




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