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FREEZE abstract acrylic painting in red, beige and black, with simple geometrical shapes and black splashes FREEZE abstract acrylic painting in red, beige and black, with simple geometrical shapes and black splashes FREEZE abstract acrylic painting in red, beige and black, with simple geometrical shapes and black splashes FREEZE abstract acrylic painting in red, beige and black, with simple geometrical shapes and black splashes FREEZE abstract acrylic painting in red, beige and black, with simple geometrical shapes and black splashes FREEZE abstract acrylic painting in red, beige and black, with simple geometrical shapes and black splashes FREEZE abstract acrylic painting in red, beige and black, with simple geometrical shapes and black splashes FREEZE abstract acrylic painting in red, beige and black, with simple geometrical shapes and black splashes FREEZE abstract acrylic painting in red, beige and black, with simple geometrical shapes and black splashes FREEZE abstract acrylic painting in red, beige and black, with simple geometrical shapes and black splashes



FREEZE abstract acrylic painting in red, beige and black, with simple geometrical shapes and black splashes
FREEZE abstract acrylic painting in red, beige and black, with simple geometrical shapes and black splashes
FREEZE abstract acrylic painting in red, beige and black, with simple geometrical shapes and black splashes
FREEZE abstract acrylic painting in red, beige and black, with simple geometrical shapes and black splashes
FREEZE abstract acrylic painting in red, beige and black, with simple geometrical shapes and black splashes
FREEZE abstract acrylic painting in red, beige and black, with simple geometrical shapes and black splashes
FREEZE abstract acrylic painting in red, beige and black, with simple geometrical shapes and black splashes
FREEZE abstract acrylic painting in red, beige and black, with simple geometrical shapes and black splashes
FREEZE abstract acrylic painting in red, beige and black, with simple geometrical shapes and black splashes
FREEZE abstract acrylic painting in red, beige and black, with simple geometrical shapes and black splashes
FREEZE abstract acrylic painting in red, beige and black, with simple geometrical shapes and black splashes

FREEZE abstract acrylic painting in red, beige and black, with simple geometrical shapes and black splashes


W 40.00cm x H 40.00cm x D 2.00cm

USD $312.00



  • 關於這個 FREEZE abstract acrylic painting in red, beige and black, with simple geometrical shapes and black splashes



    畫 (壓克力畫)


    Original Artwork







    “凍結”是一幅抽像畫,喚起一種緊張和克制的感覺,靈感來自 Cellar Darling 強大而動感的歌曲。畫布以深紅色調為主,象徵著音樂所傳達的強烈情感和激情。在這種背景下,簡單的黑白幾何形狀被巧妙地放置,以在混亂中營造出一種結構感和秩序感。基本形狀和線條的使用暗示了一定程度的剛性,但黑色油漆的自發飛濺為構圖增添了不可預測的元素和原始能量。出現在背景中的米色柔化了這幅畫的整體效果,並與主色調的紅色形成微妙的對比。這創造了一種平衡與和諧的感覺,即使這幅畫暗示了一種不穩定和緊張的感覺。總的來說,“Freeze”是一首迷人而令人回味的藝術作品,它抓住了 Cellar Darling 音樂的精髓。這幅畫邀請觀眾參與其複雜的情感和意義層次,而其大膽使用的顏色和形式使其成為任何空間的引人注目和令人難忘的補充。 • 標題:“凍結” • 尺寸:40x40 厘米。 • 框架:無框,可直接懸掛 • 風格:簡約、現代、抽象。這將是您家或辦公室的精美裝飾,也是送給朋友和家人的好禮物。 • 顏色:紅色、米色、黑色和一些其他顏色的精緻點綴。 • 介質:丙烯顏料。每幅畫都塗有丙烯酸石膏,並塗有 3 層啞光清漆,以更長時間地保護顏色,並確保耐用性並防止室溫、紫外線、水分和灰塵的變化。 • 質量:我以快樂和熱情作畫,但同時又以責任和專業精神作畫,這樣您就可以享受到高品質的產品。這幅畫還附有真品證書。 • 包裝:我所有的畫作都經過專業的厚紙板箱包裝,然後用柔軟的紙板和氣泡膜箔紙牢固地包裹起來,並確保不會損壞或丟失。

  • 關於這位藝術家







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