藝術室小貼士Vol.1 清爽:藍色藝術清涼一夏
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畫 (壓克力畫)
Original Artwork
✔ 我用我當天的情緒創作我的畫,我用不同的尺寸表達自己:從 20x20 厘米到 100x100 厘米。 ✔ 這幅畫是“藍天心情”系列的第一幅。我需要藍色,藍色是我生命、呼吸、靈感、希望和假期的顏色!這項工作適用於所有這些州的藍色愛好者,這裡是天藍色或“牛仔褲藍色”(查看細節照片)。這種藍色點綴著明亮的粉紅色小船,它們在天空中巡遊,尋找新的夏季冒險。這種顏色組合將通過添加浸泡在夏季和旅行色彩中的新鮮感來昇華您的室內裝飾。 ✔ 畫佈在“畫廊”質量框架上,塗有兩層清漆。運輸是謹慎和個性化的。 ✔ 當我拿一塊空的畫佈時,我在繪畫時進行了很多實驗,我不知道我要畫什麼,這完全是即興創作。我所知道的只是我想在空白畫布上表達我的感受和情緒的顏色組合。它是夏季的藍色和粉紅色,帶有一點白色,就像冬天的象徵一樣。 ✔ 特別優惠僅適用於 Tricera,且僅在 2022 年 11 月 1 日(含)之前提供。
Style : Abstract, Figurative, Minimalist, Illustration, Comics
My mission : Save an empty canvas.
My artistic statement is : « A painting is like an "emotions-cather". I'm sure you'll find your painting in my rainbow of emotions."
I never paint what I see, or supposedly see. My paintings are a synthesis of my emotions of the day. Everything I paint is
sponteneous, I don't know what I would like to paint but I know which colours I would like to use.
Painting is not only my passion, it's my oxygen, my way of recharging my batteries and my way of reflecting of my life emotional life experience on the surface of my paintings.
Most of my works are completely abstract. However, some of my paintings contain recognizable images, sometimes you can see flowers, landscapes or human faces or human figures in them.
I paint mostly using acrylic paint of great quality such as Golden and Liquitex brands. My canvases are of "gallery quality", 4 cm deep so you don't need to add a frame to your painting. I have also some small and average paintings created on other support, frames are provided on demand for these paintings.
I experiment a lot, almost every night, I use all the traditional methods of painting (moulding paste, gesso, brushes, knives) and I love using mixed media like stones, sand and other natural materials. I think it gives a great volume to my paintings and I love this 3D dimension effects.
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