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The King Symbols of music, acrylic on canvas, with gold leafs 24 K, 36x36x1.5 inch, 91.5x91.5x4 cm, SKU 1035The King Symbols of music, acrylic on canvas, with gold leafs 24 K, 36x36x1.5 inch, 91.5x91.5x4 cm, SKU 1035The King Symbols of music, acrylic on canvas, with gold leafs 24 K, 36x36x1.5 inch, 91.5x91.5x4 cm, SKU 1035The King Symbols of music, acrylic on canvas, with gold leafs 24 K, 36x36x1.5 inch, 91.5x91.5x4 cm, SKU 1035The King Symbols of music, acrylic on canvas, with gold leafs 24 K, 36x36x1.5 inch, 91.5x91.5x4 cm, SKU 1035The King Symbols of music, acrylic on canvas, with gold leafs 24 K, 36x36x1.5 inch, 91.5x91.5x4 cm, SKU 1035The King Symbols of music, acrylic on canvas, with gold leafs 24 K, 36x36x1.5 inch, 91.5x91.5x4 cm, SKU 1035The King Symbols of music, acrylic on canvas, with gold leafs 24 K, 36x36x1.5 inch, 91.5x91.5x4 cm, SKU 1035The King Symbols of music, acrylic on canvas, with gold leafs 24 K, 36x36x1.5 inch, 91.5x91.5x4 cm, SKU 1035The King Symbols of music, acrylic on canvas, with gold leafs 24 K, 36x36x1.5 inch, 91.5x91.5x4 cm, SKU 1035



The King Symbols of music, acrylic on canvas, with gold leafs 24 K, 36x36x1.5 inch, 91.5x91.5x4 cm, SKU 1035
The King Symbols of music, acrylic on canvas, with gold leafs 24 K, 36x36x1.5 inch, 91.5x91.5x4 cm, SKU 1035
The King Symbols of music, acrylic on canvas, with gold leafs 24 K, 36x36x1.5 inch, 91.5x91.5x4 cm, SKU 1035
The King Symbols of music, acrylic on canvas, with gold leafs 24 K, 36x36x1.5 inch, 91.5x91.5x4 cm, SKU 1035
The King Symbols of music, acrylic on canvas, with gold leafs 24 K, 36x36x1.5 inch, 91.5x91.5x4 cm, SKU 1035
The King Symbols of music, acrylic on canvas, with gold leafs 24 K, 36x36x1.5 inch, 91.5x91.5x4 cm, SKU 1035
The King Symbols of music, acrylic on canvas, with gold leafs 24 K, 36x36x1.5 inch, 91.5x91.5x4 cm, SKU 1035
The King Symbols of music, acrylic on canvas, with gold leafs 24 K, 36x36x1.5 inch, 91.5x91.5x4 cm, SKU 1035
The King Symbols of music, acrylic on canvas, with gold leafs 24 K, 36x36x1.5 inch, 91.5x91.5x4 cm, SKU 1035
The King Symbols of music, acrylic on canvas, with gold leafs 24 K, 36x36x1.5 inch, 91.5x91.5x4 cm, SKU 1035
The King Symbols of music, acrylic on canvas, with gold leafs 24 K, 36x36x1.5 inch, 91.5x91.5x4 cm, SKU 1035

The King Symbols of music, acrylic on canvas, with gold leafs 24 K, 36x36x1.5 inch, 91.5x91.5x4 cm, SKU 1035


W 91.50cm x H 91.50cm x D 4.00cm

USD $750.00



  • 關於這個 The King Symbols of music, acrylic on canvas, with gold leafs 24 K, 36x36x1.5 inch, 91.5x91.5x4 cm, SKU 1035



    畫 (壓克力畫)


    Original Artwork







    國王的意思是權威……君主佩戴的圓形裝飾頭飾,作為權威的象徵,通常由貴重金屬和珠寶製成或裝飾。靈感來自古代建築歷史!由 3 個元件(部件)組成,尺寸為 30.5x91.5 厘米

  • 關於這位藝術家



    獎項、獎品、文憑、大眾媒體、目錄、證書。 1. www.paks-gallery.com/art%20project%20dont%20stop%20to%20live%202020.htm?fbclid=IwAR3VSIoeEm90yrxpgQGpjy6q1WYwjJAsiueD4Kw99EB5Hj6S8y2D_qN5bVE 2. www.paks-gallery.com/gallery%2020.ht%? =IwAR1EhEzD0l-BeSlRhObqY58II37tPyqf6T_obdkrLjyUNkYoELAafteGM1w 3. www.sibiunews.net/new/articole/20-rural/24841-poiana-sibiului-odihnindu-si-albastrul-dorul-in-creatiile-marelui-artist-romeo-do.html?bbro IwAR3M096znkSTcF-qVWwjGVuI2VrypV8kZ9wsce0ByYZX3h90_qoHhJ-CEhQ 4. www.fox34.com/story/42142277/mamag-museum-starts-social-media-art-project 5. www.facebook.com/watch/?v=711276952950310。藝術項目,“不要停止生活”!,我是聯合國教科文組織計劃下這個項目的一部分!國際日!感謝來自奧地利的 Paks Gallery! 6. www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=1362486147286721&set=a.474466786088666。接受美國有線電視新聞網採訪,奧地利總理塞巴斯蒂安·庫爾茨就藝術項目“不要停下來生活”!,我是聯合國教科文組織國際日項目下的這個項目的一部分!感謝來自奧地利的 Paks Gallery! 7. https://clalindar.wordpress.com/2020/02/20/laureatul-premiului-international-leonardo-da-vinci-artist-universal-2019-romeo-dobrota-romi-din-toronto-artistul-plastic- ?DIN-vecini / fbclid = IwAR1NIq3IZkczsOn15j96TkPfuHBz0TzsEZsUTWYqdPgqE5x8G82qutLPwQc 8. Cotidianul.ro:www.cotidianul.ro/romeo-dobrota-din-toronto-artistul-plastic-din-vecini/?fbclid=IwAR01_U_w1gkkbSzVKQVHEUlZlHEBcrm9_0pmVl_hjeFVabxxpno4DKC_V0Q 9. zhd.ro/eveniment/laureatul- premiului-international-leonardo-da-vinci-artist-universal-2019-romeo-dobrota-romi-din-toronto-artistul-plastic-din-vecini/ 10. 國際獎 Leonardo da Vinci - 2019 年意大利佛羅倫薩環球藝術家。 https://www.mais-art.nl/index/205196377_Leonardo+Da+Vinci.html#.XdXjV0qJJPY 11. www.ziare.com/deva/stiri-actualitate/laureatul-premiului-international-leonardo-da-vinci- artist-universal-2019-romeo-dobrota-romi-din-toronto-artistul-plastic-din-vecini-7989555 12. www.reusita.ro/cultura/235-avem-un-roman-distins-cu-premiul-leonardo -達芬奇藝術家- Universal-romeo-dobrota 13.stirilazi.ro/avem-cu-cine-sa-ne-mandrim-poienarul-romeo-dobrota-distins-cu-premiul-leonardo-da-vinci-artist-universal/ 14. www.ziarelive .ro/stiri/avem-cu-cine-sa-ne-mandrim-poienarul-romeo-dobrota-distins-cu-premiul-leonardo-da-vinci-artist-universal.html 15. www.sibiunews.net/component/ search/?searchword=romeo%20dobrota&ordering=newest&searchphrase=all&limit=20 16. www.bucurestibusiness.ro/?s=Romeo+Dobrota 17. The Circle 藝術基金會,2019 年度藝術家獎 - 榮譽獎 - Romeo Dobrota [ 51707] 18. www.artupclose.com/romi-dobrota 19. 現代藝術展覽目錄,2019 年巴黎盧浮宮。 20. About Art Magazine Europe 2019,Paks Gallery nr. 2/2019 21. www.paks-gallery.com/gallery%20munich%20winter%202020.htm 22. www.paks-gallery.com/art%20shopping%20louvre%20exhibition%202019.htm 23. www.artshopping-expo .com/info_artiste/11221/dobrota.html 24. www.paks-gallery.com/artists.htm 25. www.paks-gallery.com/gallery%20vienna%20winter%202020.htm 26. www.paks-gallery. com/gallery%20castle%20winter%202020.htm 27. www.facebook.com/PAKS-Gallery-International-474292792772732/ 28. www.unternehmen-heute.de/news.php?newsid=615694 29. www.fair- news.de/2746218/paks-gallery-eine-galerie-der-besonderen-art 30. www.wien-news.de/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=6126 31. www.instagram.com/paksgallery/ 32. 國際藝術博覽會官方圖錄,阿姆斯特丹,2019 年 33. 國際藝術博覽會官方圖錄,東京,2019 年。 34. 巴塞羅那:2019 年 7 月巴塞羅那當代藝術站展覽“在線”訪談。 www.contemporaryartstation.com/interviews/ 2019/6/14/interview-with-romi-dobrota 35. 巴塞羅那:www.contemporaryartstation.com/barc elona-2019/2019/6/14/romi-dobrota-canada?fbclid=IwAR0uAO8EjnMz--2CBBI4JLn7nYjoOu2sRo3vuBGChvvISitNvWNOTaO3pfY 36. 巴塞羅那:www.contemporaryartstation.com/brocelona-july-2019/2019/6/14/romi-ado . 巴塞羅那:www.contemporaryartstation.com/ 38. 巴塞羅那當代藝術站的參與證書。 39. 阿姆斯特丹 Interviw 10H Faustino Creative Media TV:www.youtube.com/watch?v=WTpszSTO6xI 40. 10 H Faustino Creative Media for TV Portugal 2019 採訪。 41. 10 H Faustino Creative Media 採訪荷蘭 TV 2019. 42 . 東京:https://issuu.com/globalartagency/docs/tiaf2019_final_catalogue_singlep 43. “拼圖”,封面書,Letitia Vladislav,出版“Eikon”版,西班牙,2019 年。44. Observatorul,多倫多,2019 年 4 月。 observatorul.com/articles_main.asp?action=articleviewdetail&ID=19749 45. 紐約 RoMagazin,紐約,2019 年 3 月、4 月、5 月、6 月。 46. 多倫多太陽報,多倫多,2010 年 11 月 8 日。 47. 群展獎在安大略美術館 2010 年! 48. 1985 年和 1987 年歐洲大理石雕塑獎展覽! o 被更新

  • 常見問題


  • Earth, fire, air and water, acrylic on canvas

    Earth, fire, air and water, acrylic on canvas


  • Triplets, stainless steel, 15.5x20.25x5 cm, each piece pc. size: 16x6.7x4 cm

    Triplets, stainless steel, 15.5x20.25x5 cm, each piece pc. size: 16x6.7x4 cm


  • Connection with The Universe, 15x22 inch, watercolours SKU 4083

    Connection with The Universe, 15x22 inch, watercolours SKU 4083


  • The Last Chance Eve, nude , 61x76.4 cm SKU 3006

    The Last Chance Eve, nude , 61x76.4 cm SKU 3006


  • Matrix, Binary number, oil of canvas, 61.5x122 cm SKU 3016) (1)

    Matrix, Binary number, oil of canvas, 61.5x122 cm SKU 3016) (1)


  • Matrix, Einstein & Roman Numerals 1, oil on canvas, 76xx91.5x4 cm, SKU 3017

    Matrix, Einstein & Roman Numerals 1, oil on canvas, 76xx91.5x4 cm, SKU 3017


  • Inside of Galaxy, oil on canvas, no frame, 61.5x61.5x4 cm, SKU 3033

    Inside of Galaxy, oil on canvas, no frame, 61.5x61.5x4 cm, SKU 3033


  • Et Dieu Crea la Femme, Acrylic on canvas, 51x102 cm, SKU 1175

    Et Dieu Crea la Femme, Acrylic on canvas, 51x102 cm, SKU 1175


  • Fantastic view, Acrylic on canvas, 61x91.5 cm, SKU 1184

    Fantastic view, Acrylic on canvas, 61x91.5 cm, SKU 1184


  • Diem red ... (Russia - Ukraine war), Acrylic on canvas, 61.5x122 cm, SKU 1095

    Diem red ... (Russia - Ukraine war), Acrylic on canvas, 61.5x122 cm, SKU 1095

