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Summer vacation children summer painting nature oil pastel drawing artSummer vacation children summer painting nature oil pastel drawing artSummer vacation children summer painting nature oil pastel drawing artSummer vacation children summer painting nature oil pastel drawing artSummer vacation children summer painting nature oil pastel drawing artSummer vacation children summer painting nature oil pastel drawing artSummer vacation children summer painting nature oil pastel drawing artSummer vacation children summer painting nature oil pastel drawing artSummer vacation children summer painting nature oil pastel drawing artSummer vacation children summer painting nature oil pastel drawing art



Summer vacation children summer painting nature oil pastel drawing art
Summer vacation children summer painting nature oil pastel drawing art
Summer vacation children summer painting nature oil pastel drawing art
Summer vacation children summer painting nature oil pastel drawing art
Summer vacation children summer painting nature oil pastel drawing art
Summer vacation children summer painting nature oil pastel drawing art
Summer vacation children summer painting nature oil pastel drawing art
Summer vacation children summer painting nature oil pastel drawing art
Summer vacation children summer painting nature oil pastel drawing art
Summer vacation children summer painting nature oil pastel drawing art
Summer vacation children summer painting nature oil pastel drawing art

Summer vacation children summer painting nature oil pastel drawing art


W 29.70cm x H 42.00cm x D 0.20cm

USD $100.00




  • 關於這個 Summer vacation children summer painting nature oil pastel drawing art





    Original Artwork







    《暑假》-油畫棒,A3格式 在紙上,油畫棒描繪了孩子們-一個女孩和一個男孩躺在綠色的草地上。他們身後有一輛他們最近騎過的自行車。孩子們的周圍有很多黃色的蒲公英,在風中輕快地搖曳,還有淡藍色的矢車菊。遠處,你可以看到舒適的村屋,周圍綠樹環繞。畫面充滿色彩,散發著夏日的明亮與溫暖。他讓觀眾回想起童年的快樂時光,充滿了無憂無慮、有趣的遊戲和真誠的情感。 --- 獨特的油畫棒,非印刷。 --- 尺寸:11.69 x 16.54 英寸,29.7 / 42 厘米,A3 --- 該圖片未加框。它應該在玻璃後面創建。 - - 記錄。顏色可能與您在螢幕上看到的顏色略有不同。作為一個孩子,暑假似乎是一個充滿新發現和難忘冒險的神奇時光。童年是我們隨著時間的流逝而消失的,但卻留給自己的東西。

  • 關於這位藝術家

    Nadezhda Kokorina

    Nadezhda Kokorina

    Russian Federation




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