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Portrait of a cat painting animal art oil pastel cozy artPortrait of a cat painting animal art oil pastel cozy artPortrait of a cat painting animal art oil pastel cozy artPortrait of a cat painting animal art oil pastel cozy artPortrait of a cat painting animal art oil pastel cozy artPortrait of a cat painting animal art oil pastel cozy artPortrait of a cat painting animal art oil pastel cozy artPortrait of a cat painting animal art oil pastel cozy artPortrait of a cat painting animal art oil pastel cozy art



Portrait of a cat painting animal art oil pastel cozy art
Portrait of a cat painting animal art oil pastel cozy art
Portrait of a cat painting animal art oil pastel cozy art
Portrait of a cat painting animal art oil pastel cozy art
Portrait of a cat painting animal art oil pastel cozy art
Portrait of a cat painting animal art oil pastel cozy art
Portrait of a cat painting animal art oil pastel cozy art
Portrait of a cat painting animal art oil pastel cozy art
Portrait of a cat painting animal art oil pastel cozy art
Portrait of a cat painting animal art oil pastel cozy art

Portrait of a cat painting animal art oil pastel cozy art


W 29.70cm x H 42.00cm x D 0.20cm

USD $300.00




  • 關於這個 Portrait of a cat painting animal art oil pastel cozy art





    Original Artwork







    “貓的肖像。舒適的冬夜。”- 紙,油畫棒。原創油畫棒作品。作者 Kokorina Nadezhda。一幅舒適的畫作將是聖誕節或新年的絕佳禮物。舒適的冬夜。燈裡點著蠟燭。而窗外的霜畫著花紋。房子溫暖舒適,一隻紅貓在毯子上咕嚕咕嚕叫。 --- 獨特的油畫棒,不是印刷品。 --- 尺寸:11.69 x 16.54 英寸,29.7 / 42 厘米,A3 --- 此圖片未裝裱。它應該在玻璃後面創建。 - - 記錄。顏色可能與您在屏幕上看到的略有不同。 --- 簽名在背面。 --- 帶跟踪號的運輸。我會為您製作您最喜歡的動物的肖像!即將到來的 2023 年的象徵是一隻黑水兔(貓)——一種可愛友好的動物,承諾和平與穩定。兔子和貓在某種程度上是相似的生物——都毛茸茸的、深情的,同時在跌倒後能夠用四隻爪子著地。但是在不同的文化中,對待他們的態度是不一樣的。因此,對於中國人來說,即將到來的一年與兔子有關,而貓則受到日本人、泰國人和越南人的崇敬。這是由於八字的地方差異。

  • 關於這位藝術家

    Nadezhda Kokorina

    Nadezhda Kokorina

    Russian Federation




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