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個人資料圖片 / Katerina Pyatakova

Katerina Pyatakova

Катерина П'ятакова




Катерина П'ятакова(Katerina Pyatakova)




超過10件Katerina Pyatakova的原創藝術作品現正熱賣中。了解更多關於Katerina Pyatakova的資訊如個人簡介、作品價格以及個人展覽情報等。

“Katerina Pyatakova的作品”


Barefoot on the evening rays

USD 500.00 Year.2018 w50.00 x h70.00 x d0.10 cm


The beginning

USD 500.00 Year.2019 w50.00 x h70.00 x d0.10 cm


Symphony of blue-yellow

USD 500.00 Year.2023 w70.00 x h50.00 x d0.10 cm


Violet vibrations

USD 500.00 Year.2020 w70.00 x h50.00 x d0.10 cm


Through the rocks

USD 250.00 Year.2021 w35.00 x h50.00 x d0.10 cm


Wild apple tree

USD 500.00 Year.2020 w50.00 x h70.00 x d0.10 cm


Music of the morning

USD 500.00 Year.2021 w70.00 x h50.00 x d0.10 cm


Memories of dreams

USD 500.00 Year.2022 w70.00 x h50.00 x d0.10 cm


One more step to sunrise

USD 500.00 Year.2021 w70.00 x h50.00 x d0.10 cm


On the threshold of autumn

售罄 Year.2021 w50.00 x h35.00 x d0.10 cm



USD $250 ~ $500


Katerina Pyatakova 出生於烏克蘭基輔。 Katerina Pyatakova 是一名藝術家,烏克蘭全國藝術家聯盟成員,歐洲粉彩協會的旅行家成員,烏克蘭女權主義藝術研究協會成員,許多展覽和比賽的獲獎者和獲獎者。她有50多個集體和個人展覽。卡捷琳娜·皮亞塔科娃 (Katerina Pyatakova) 在克羅地亞 PALETAFEST 國際音樂節上入選了來自世...
Katerina Pyatakova 出生於烏克蘭基輔。 Katerina Pyatakova 是一名藝術家,烏克蘭全國藝術家聯盟成員,歐洲粉彩協會的旅行家成員,烏克蘭女權主義藝術研究協會成員,許多展覽和比賽的獲獎者和獲獎者。她有50多個集體和個人展覽。卡捷琳娜·皮亞塔科娃 (Katerina Pyatakova) 在克羅地亞 PALETAFEST 國際音樂節上入選了來自世界 42 個國家/地區的 TOP100 最佳藝術家。她的作品還參加了波蘭第六屆國際粉彩雙年展,她的作品參加了意大利羅馬國際藝術雙年展。卡捷琳娜·皮亞塔科娃 (Katerina Pyatakova) 是 100 多門兒童藝術史課程、繪畫課程的作者。此外,她還在社會和心理康復中心擔任有特殊需要兒童的藝術志願教師 10 多年。她獲得了社會工作榮譽獎。卡捷琳娜·皮亞塔科娃 (Katerina Pyatakova) 是社會誌願者項目“我的才華,烏克蘭!”的聯合創始人。這是為了支持殘疾藝術家而創建的。 Katerinaa Pyatakova 的藝術作品被烏克蘭、美國、歐洲、澳大利亞和亞洲的私人收藏。美國和新西蘭的詩歌書籍封面裝飾著卡捷琳娜·皮亞塔科娃的作品,藝術家的作品被用作美術課本的插圖。



2012 XII International Festival of Underwater Image "Silver Shark", Grand Prix in the nomination "Painting and Sculpture" for "Best Painting" (Kiev, Ukraine)
2018 International online competition of the Pastel Guild of Europe, «Cityscape», II place
2020 II online International competition by PASIT Pastellisti Italiani, III prize for the «Landscape and still-life» category


2009 International Exhibition "Anonymous drawings" (Berlin, Germany)
2011 Charity Art Exhibition “Painting with Goal” (Adelaide, Australia)
2012 XII International Festival of Underwater Image "Silver Shark", Grand Prix in the nomination "Painting and Sculpture" for "Best Painting" (Kiev, Ukraine)
2012 International ART show "PALETAFEST", TOP100 of best artists from 42 countries (Varaždin, Croatia)
2013 VI International Pastel Biennial (Nowy Sacz, Poland)
2014 XII International Festival of Arts (Monastir, Tunisia)
2015 Ukrainian Triennial of Graphic arts "Graphics-2015" (Kiev, Ukraine)
2016 ART-project PERSONNALE 2016 (Kiev, Ukraine)
2017 International Biennial of Arts (Rome, Italy)
2018 International online competition of the Pastel Guild of Europe, «Cityscape», II place
2018 Exhibition of Modern Women's Art "NUMERI ESSE: Rhythm of Being" (Kiev, Ukraine)
2019 Exhibition of contemporary women's art "ART project" Windows "(Kiev, Ukraine)
2019 Ukrainian ART Festival "NUOVA PRIMAVERA" (Rome, Italy)
2019 Collective project of Ukraine and Germany artists “Frauen in der Kunst” (Munich, Germany)
2019 Ukrainian Art project “Greek accent: Ukrainian vision” (Athens, Lamia, Greece)
2020 II online International competition by PASIT Pastellisti Italiani, III prize for the «Landscape and still-life» category
2020 25 International exhibition «Les Pastelistes», online from The Pastel Society of Eastern Canada (PSEC)
2021 IAPS Juried Webshow The 39th Open Division
2022 123d Annual exhibition of The Pastel Society (Mall Galleries, London, United Kingdom)
2022 8 International Biennale of Pastels (Lyon, France)
2022 3d International Biennale of Pastels (Sanary, France)
2022 The Pastel Guild of Europe online exhibition «DUST OFF»
2023 International exhibition "Interart" (Greifswald, Germany)
2023 IAPS Spring Juried Exhibition - 42nd Open Division


2010 "The Power of Love" (Kiev, Ukraine)
2012 "Art from the heart" (Kiev, Ukraine)
2015 "Palm by the sky" (Kiev, Ukraine)
2016 "Love story with the Sun" (Kiev, Ukraine)
2017 "The Inner Light" (Kiev, Ukraine)
2018 "House of light" (Kiev, Ukraine)
2018 Solo exhibition (Tripoli, Ukraine)
2019 "Echo" (Kiev, Ukraine)
2020 «Step on Air» (Kiev, Ukraine)
2023 «The power of the sun» (Krakow, Poland)
2023 Personal exhibition (Lyon, France)
