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個人資料圖片 / Andrea Krnetic

Andrea Krnetic

Andrea Krnetić


銷售量 2 件



Andrea Krnetić(Andrea Krnetic)


踏入 Andrea Krnetic 的非凡世界,那裡的創造力是無限的。憑藉其獨特的藝術風格,安德里亞創造了一個既熟悉又超凡脫俗的宇宙。她錯綜複雜的繪畫和圖形證明了她無限的想像力和才華。安德里亞的宇宙與我們的宇宙緊密相連,但它卻與眾不同。她使用我們都可以識別的圖案、符號和想法營造出一種熟悉感,而她作品中精緻的美感和人...
踏入 Andrea Krnetic 的非凡世界,那裡的創造力是無限的。憑藉其獨特的藝術風格,安德里亞創造了一個既熟悉又超凡脫俗的宇宙。她錯綜複雜的繪畫和圖形證明了她無限的想像力和才華。安德里亞的宇宙與我們的宇宙緊密相連,但它卻與眾不同。她使用我們都可以識別的圖案、符號和想法營造出一種熟悉感,而她作品中精緻的美感和人文元素使其真正獨一無二。無論您是經驗豐富的藝術收藏家還是藝術界的新人,Andrea 的作品都一定會吸引並激發您的靈感。今天探索她的收藏,親身體驗其中的魔力。


超過6件Andrea Krnetic的原創藝術作品現正熱賣中。了解更多關於Andrea Krnetic的資訊如個人簡介、作品價格以及個人展覽情報等。

“Andrea Krnetic的作品”


Fish and apple

USD 1,450.00 Year.2022 w50.00 x h60.00 x d2.00 cm



USD 950.00 Year.2022 w100.00 x h80.00 x d2.00 cm



USD 900.00 Year.2021 w65.00 x h50.00 x d2.00 cm


Two fish

售罄 Year.2022 w50.00 x h50.00 x d2.00 cm



售罄 Year.2022 w60.00 x h80.00 x d2.00 cm


Blue dragonfly

售罄 Year.2022 w50.00 x h60.00 x d2.00 cm



USD $480 ~ $1,450


Andrea Krnetic 畢業於美術學院。迄今為止,她已獨立參展10次,集體參展多次。她曾在意大利、瑞士、葡萄牙、羅馬尼亞和其他歐洲國家展出。 Andrea 專注於繪畫和平面藝術,但也喜歡嘗試其他藝術領域。在她的作品中,她試圖呈現這個世界的完美。她在我們周圍的世界中找到靈感。 https://www.instagram.com/andrea.krnetic.art...
Andrea Krnetic 畢業於美術學院。迄今為止,她已獨立參展10次,集體參展多次。她曾在意大利、瑞士、葡萄牙、羅馬尼亞和其他歐洲國家展出。 Andrea 專注於繪畫和平面藝術,但也喜歡嘗試其他藝術領域。在她的作品中,她試圖呈現這個世界的完美。她在我們周圍的世界中找到靈感。 https://www.instagram.com/andrea.krnetic.art/



2010 <>Award for the drawings of the Art Academy in Banja Luka
2022 <>Award for graphic print in Gallery ‘Dušan Starčevic’, Serbia
2022 <>First award for graphic print in XX international exhibition “Women Painters” 2022. Majdanpek, Serbia


2008 <>Exhibition participants in the art colony, Gallery 96 Prijedor, Bosnia and Herzegovina
2009 <>Exhibition of participants in the art colony, Cultural Center, Smederevo, Serbia
2009 <>October Art Salon in Kovin, Serbia
2010 <>International exhibition of graphic prints, Romania
2011 <>International exhibition of graphic prints, Romania
2012 <>The second exhibition of the Association of Fine Artists of Prijedor, the museum Kozara, Prijedor, Bosnia and Herzegovina
2013 <>International Biennial of small graphic forms, gallery of contemporary art, Nis, Serbia
2014 <>Small print form exhibition, Gallery Grafički kolektiv, Serbia
2016 <>Osten biennial of drawing Skopje, Macedonia
2016 <>Vll international exibition "Art in miniature" MAJDANART 2016’’ , Serbia
2016 <>XIV international exhibition “Women Painters” Majdanpek, Serbia
2016 <>XI International Ex Libris competition, Gliwice, Poland
2016 <>ArtExpo Winter Rome, Galleria Domus Romana in Via Quattro Fontane, Rome, Italy
2017 <>The 5th International Salon of Print Art, Kraljevo, Serbia
2017 <>May Exhibition of the Print Art, Gallery Grafički kolektiv, Belgrade, Serbia
2018 <>The fifth exhibition of the Association of Fine Artists of Prijedor, the museum Kozara, Prijedor, Bosnia and Herzegovina
2018 <>The third international biennale of drawings, Memorial gallery ′′ DUSAN STARCEVIC ′′ Smederevska Palanka, Serbia
2020 <>EX LIBRIS Exhibition, Gallery Meander Apatin, Serbia
2020 <>Small print form exhibition, Gallery Grafički kolektiv, Belgrade, Serbia
2021 <>May Exhibition of the Print Art, Gallery Grafički kolektiv, Belgrade, Serbia
2021 <>Cultural Center of Kikinda, Serbia
2021 <>10th International Triennial of graphic art Bitola, Macedonia
2021 <>2nd International Print Trienal in Cieszyn,Poland
2021 <>22nd Triennale Grenchen, Switzerland
2022 <>The May Exhibition of Printmaking, Graficki Kolektiv Gallery, Belgrade, Serbia


2009 <>Paintings, Art Academy, Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina
2009 <>Graphic prints, Gallery UDAS, Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina
2011 <>Paintings and drawings, Museum of Kozara, Prijedor, Bosnia and Herzegovina
2013 <>Paintings,Museum of Kozara, Prijedor, Bosnia and Herzegovina
2017 <>Paintings, Gallery UDAS,Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina
2017 <>Paintings and drawings ,Gallery Meander, Apatin, Serbia
2019 <>Paintings and drawings, Gallery of the Cultural Center "Laza Kostic" Sombor, Serbia
2021 <>Drawings, Cultural Center of Pancevo, Serbia
2021 <>Drawings, Gallery ‘Dušan Starčevic’ Smederevska Palanka, Serbia
2021 <>Graphic prints and drawings, Atrijum gallery the Belgrade City Library, Serbia
2022 <>Exhibition of graphic prints and paintings “About Animals”, Museum of Kozara, Prijedor, Bosnia and Herzegovina
2022 <>Graphic prints from cycle “Animals”, Masuka Culture Center Gallery, Velika Plana, Serbia
2022 <>Exhibition “Casual Acquaintances”, Contemporary Art Gallery Java, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
