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個人資料圖片 / Aleksandra Rey

Aleksandra Rey

Aleksandra Rej




Aleksandra Rej(Aleksandra Rey)


誰親眼見過一片草地?大家真的見過嗎?如果是這樣,為什麼亞歷山德拉·雷的畫會在人們的記憶中停留這麼久?畢竟,它們只是草地和樹木的圖像……有時,它們只是在早春的短暫時期出現了幾根樹枝,那時芽出現了,但還沒有葉子。學齡前兒童可以毫無問題地說出亞歷山德拉·雷的畫作所描繪的內容。不過,與往常一樣,這對成年人來說更是一個問題。事實上,站在這些畫作前,成年人開始懷疑他們在看什麼。這顯然是一片草地,無疑是一幅精巧的寫實畫。但怎麼可能同時存在呢?畢竟,雷伊沒有用油畫來模仿任何草地的照片文件。任何一個熟悉繪畫的人都不會懷疑,在草地的特定位置尋找一朵特定的花是徒勞的。當然,您可以閱讀標題,向作者詢問她的靈感,然後前往 Chorzów 公園尋找三棵紫色的樹或開花的連翹。你可以參觀她作畫的地方:Przybyszów、Nowy Sącz 甚至是 Granny Halusia 的果園——然而,這一切都沒有任何成功的機會。草地、灌木,甚至是在混凝土鋪路磚之間生長的一簇簇雜草,都只存在於她的畫作中。它們是由顏色構成的,即顏料和想像的獨特混合物。真實的類別,對我們來說如此重要,結果證明是一組彼此緊密相連但仍然分開的平面。一朵花以不同於其繪畫形象的方式存在,而花的概念又以另一種方式存在。我們可以看到它,感覺到它,我們知道它,但是在我們設法清楚地表達這種差異之前,語言的可能性已經耗盡。也許這就是為什麼我們如此願意重複 Gertruda Steins 顯然是同義反复的句子:“Rose is a rose is a rose is a rose”。這種分離,這種超越語言界限的能力,是西方文化中繪畫的形而上學力量。雷伊的植物畫比現實主義更重言式。我們不知道這些是自然的重言式還是我們對自然的概念的重言式。或許,這就是解釋為什麼看這些畫會如此令人愉快以及為什麼一段時間後我們不會對它們感到厭煩的秘密之一。看來,自己的想像力是唯一一個永遠不會厭倦的觀點。 Rey 是一名畫家,而不是一名園丁(儘管如果她對繪畫植物的迷戀持續更長時間,可能這兩種完全不同的技能將不可避免地融合在一起)。這些畫作的力量和美感直接源於技術技能支持的想像自由。然而,我們不無道理地認為,至少其中一些作品的美植根於藝術家對生活與世界和諧相處的信念。 Harmonia mundi 是一個古老的、幾乎被遺忘的短語,是一種死語言,但它反映了對現實的感知,這種感知並不是每天都表達出來的——一種高度主觀的感知,以及對最常見形式的生活的接受。這些是比植物更微妙的親密感覺。糾結的灌木叢,動機的暗示,顏色對比的力量並沒有使觀察這個純粹的解釋層變得更容易。矛盾的是,當我們看到開花植物時所體驗到的田園詩般的幸福並沒有為這些畫作應得的精確觀察做出貢獻。幾乎填滿展覽中所有畫作的永久彈簧也無濟於事。如果我們使用從音樂中提取的隱喻,將更容易理解這些繪畫是如何創作的。 Rey 的特點是易於編排。她有一種感覺,儘管在特定樂器部分進行了最瘋狂的即興創作,但她仍能保持一種共同的語調。看看她的草地,就好像它們是波蘭爵士樂黃金時代最好的爵士樂隊演奏的音樂會,或者是 Marek Grechuta 以完美的節奏演唱 Józef Czechowicz 的這句話:“……這些數字成倍增加,聚集了一大群人這一切都是你,你的心如鐵石般無法容納……”草葉隨著樹枝的運動而擺動。蠶豆的鈷切分出天空的藍色。野胡蘿蔔聽起來好像是白色的。所有這一切都發生在一個響亮的滾動聲音中 產生一種聞所未聞、不成文和非規範的形式的輕鬆和快樂是爵士樂的特點。更深,在最底部有一些古老的東西,更接近純粹的和諧。這是一種略帶藍調的音色,略帶巴洛克風格的低音通奏。畫筆的後續筆劃基於從比例邏輯上產生的後續色彩符號發展。在這裡,對所見事物的忠實義務終於失去了。剩下的是旋律感,渴望獲得一個連貫的整體。近年來創作的大型畫作,以各種方式由許多小框架組成,證明了亞歷山德拉·雷伊在指導草地方面具有出色的天賦。無論管弦樂隊的組成如何——無論是罌粟和洋甘菊,還是豚草和普通菊苣——在她的注視下,草地聽起來始終如一、深沉而富有表現力。它們給我們留下了在當今藝術中如此罕見的純粹愉悅感,一種比平常更獨特的愉悅感。在愛德華·克拉辛斯基(Edward Krasiński)在 1967 年塔德烏什·坎托爾(Tadeusz Kantor)的全景大海中指揮波羅的海的海浪之後,我猜波蘭藝術中沒有人表現出如此需要自然的交響樂和諧。


超過4件Aleksandra Rey的原創藝術作品現正熱賣中。了解更多關於Aleksandra Rey的資訊如個人簡介、作品價格以及個人展覽情報等。

“Aleksandra Rey的作品”


Spring at the Seaside

USD 1,500.00 Year.2020 w130.00 x h100.00 x d3.00 cm


This is a war from the series There Will Be a Forest

USD 1,500.00 Year.2021 w80.00 x h60.00 x d2.00 cm


Coneflowers in Przybyszow from the series Through Flowers

USD 1,500.00 Year.2012 w80.00 x h60.00 x d2.00 cm


Jalta, Ukraina, Black Sea 3 from the series Through Flowers

USD 1,500.00 Year.2012 w80.00 x h60.00 x d2.00 cm



USD $1,500 ~ $1,500


1974年7月2日出生於蒂黑。在克拉科夫美術學院和卡托維茲圖形學院學習。文憑在教授的繪畫工作室獲得獎章。 Roman Nowotarski 和教授的平面設計。 Tomasz 1998 年評委。2000-2004 年擔任霍茹夫藝術家協會主席。自 2001 年起,擔任霍茹夫市立美術館 MM 的經理。他練習繪畫、藝術(linocut)和功能圖形。 www.aleksandrarey.eu...
1974年7月2日出生於蒂黑。在克拉科夫美術學院和卡托維茲圖形學院學習。文憑在教授的繪畫工作室獲得獎章。 Roman Nowotarski 和教授的平面設計。 Tomasz 1998 年評委。2000-2004 年擔任霍茹夫藝術家協會主席。自 2001 年起,擔任霍茹夫市立美術館 MM 的經理。他練習繪畫、藝術(linocut)和功能圖形。 www.aleksandrarey.eu www.aleksandrarej.pl



2013 distinction in the Ogrody 2013 competition, BWA Wałbrzych, Książ Castle
2011 Award of the Mayor of Chorzów in the field of culture, category of Creative Achievements
2005 distinction in the Image of the Year 2004 competition Ewa Świtalska
2004 laureate of the Polish edition of the Lexmark European Art Prize 2004
1998 laureate of the Polish edition of the Lexmark European Art Prize 2004


2021 Tamara Art Event, Florence Biennale, Florence;
2021 Pre-auction exhibition of the XXX Big Heart Auction, Museum of Municipal Engineering, Kraków
2021 Presentations in Nowy Targ, BWA Jatki Art Gallery in Nowy Targ
2021 XXIV Autumn Exhibition of the Association of Artists from Chorzów, Municipal Art Gallery MM, Chorzów
2020 On paper, Watercolor Gallery, Youth Palace, Katowice (online exhibition)
2020 XXIII Autumn Exhibition of the Association of Artists from Chorzów, City Art Gallery MM, Chorzów
2020 Work of the Year 2019, post-competition exhibition of the Association of Polish Artists and Designers. Katowice, ArtNova2 Gallery, Katowice (on-line exhibition)
2019 56. International Colony of Artists of Hajdú Region, Community Center, Hajdúböszörmény, Hungary
2019 Biennale Milano, International Art Meeting presentata da Vittorio Sgarbi, Brera Site, Milan
2019 Contemporary Art Meeting, Casa d'Aste Flori, Montecatini Terme
2019 Post-plein-air exhibition of the 4th International Plein-air "Pejzaż poindustriany Chorzowa", Hall under the tower, Szygarka, Chorzow
2019 Pre-auction exhibition of the XXVIII Big Heart Auction, Bunkier Sztuki, Kraków
2019 XXII Autumn Exhibition of the Association of Artists from Chorzów, Municipal Art Gallery MM, Chorzów
2018 XXI Autumn Exhibition of the Association of Artists from Chorzów, Municipal Art Gallery MM, Chorzów
2018 Pre-auction exhibition of the XXVII Auction Big Heart, Museum of Municipal Engineering, Krakow
2018 Dialogues, Polish-Korean intermedia exhibition, Antresola Gallery, Chorzów
2018 Presenze nell’arte contemporanea: Emergenti del XXI secolo e Maestri del XX secolo - Carrà, Sironi, Rosai, Guttuso, Annigoni, Basilica of San Lorenzo, Crypt of Donatella, Florence, Italy
2017 Pre-auction exhibition of the XXVI Big Heart Auction, Museum of Municipal Engineering, Krakow 20th Autumn Exhibition of the Association of Artists from Chorzów, Municipal Art Gallery MM, Chorzów
2017 Vinart 2017, Fattoria Borgo la Torre, Montecarlo di Lucca, Italy
2017 57a Biennale di Venezia, Spoleto Pavilion a cura di Vittorio Scarbi, Palazzo Grifalconi Loredan, Venice, Italy
2016 XIX Autumn Exhibition of the Association of Artists from Chorzów, Municipal Art Gallery MM, Chorzów
2016 Tychy Art 2016, Next Gallery, Tychy
2016 Pre-auction exhibition of the XXV Big Heart Auction, Museum of Municipal Engineering, Krakow
2015 XVIII Autumn Exhibition of the Association of Artists from Chorzów, Municipal Art Gallery MM, Chorzów
2014 XII International Autumn Salon of Art, BWA Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski
2014 Tychy Art 2014, Next Gallery, Tychy
2014 XVII Autumn Exhibition of the Association of Artists from Chorzów, Municipal Art Gallery MM, Chorzów
2013 Hommage à Nowotarski, Museum of the History of Katowice
2013 XVI Autumn Exhibition of the Association of Artists from Chorzów, Municipal Art Gallery MM, Chorzów
2013 Gardens 2013, BWA Wałbrzych, Książ Castle
2012 XV Autumn Exhibition of the Association of Artists from Chorzów, Municipal Art Gallery MM, Chorzów
2011 XIV Autumn Exhibition of the Association of Artists from Chorzów, Municipal Art Gallery MM, Chorzów
2010 XIV Autumn Exhibition of the Association of Artists from Chorzów, Municipal Art Gallery MM, Chorzów
2010 X Salon of Wielkopolska 2011, Museum of the Czarnków Region, Czarnków
2010 QUADRO-ART Painting Biennale, Central Museum of Textiles, Łódź
2009 XII Autumn Exhibition of the Association of Artists from Chorzów, Municipal Art Gallery MM, Chorzów
2008 XI Autumn Exhibition of the Association of Artists from Chorzów, Municipal Art Gallery MM, Chorzów
2007 Exhibition of the Association of Artists from Chorzów, Villa Heros, Remagen, Germany
2007 Exhibition of the Association of Artists from Chorzów, Galeria 9, Prague, Czech Republic Exhibition of the Association of Artists from Chorzów, City Gallery, Iserlohn, Germany
2007 10th Autumn Exhibition of the Association of Artists from Chorzów, Municipal Art Gallery MM, Chorzów
2006 I am, BWA Katowice
2006 IX Autumn Exhibition of the Association of Artists from Chorzów, Municipal Art Gallery MM, Chorzów
2005 Image of the Year 2004 named after Ewa Świtalska, Królikarnia Palace, Warsaw
2005 2nd Polish National Competition M. Michalik at the Painting for Young Painters, Municipal Art Gallery in Częstochowa, Polish Institute in Stockholm
2005 VIII Autumn Exhibition of the Association of Artists from Chorzów, Municipal Art Gallery MM, Chorzów
2005 Exhibition of the Association of Artists from Chorzów, BWA Sieradz
2004 Lexmark European Art Prize 2004, Program Gallery, Warsaw, Galicia Museum, Krakow
2004 Katowice Open Air, Museum of the History of Katowice, ArtNova Gallery, Katowice
2004 Exhibition of the Association of Artists from Chorzów, Gdynia, Gallery 78
2004 VIII Autumn Exhibition of the Association of Artists from Chorzów, Municipal Art Gallery MM, Chorzów
2003 Together and apart, Espace Matisse Gallery, Creil, France; Stara Kordegarda, Warsaw
2003 VI Autumn Exhibition of the Association of Artists from Chorzów, Municipal Art Gallery MM, Chorzów
2002 5th Autumn Exhibition of the Association of Artists from Chorzów, Municipal Art Gallery MM, Chorzów
2002 Together and Separately, Contemporary Art Gallery, Kołobrzeg
2001 mTogether and Separately, Conteporary Art Gallery, Opole; Castello Svevo di Frederico, Termoli, Italy; Istituto Polacco, Palazzo Blumenstihl, Rome, Italy; City Theater, Zlin, Czech Republic
2001 IV Autumn Exhibition of the Association of Artists from Chorzów, Municipal Art Gallery MM, Chorzów
2000 Ein Polnisches Treffen in Köln, Ignis, Köln, Germany
2000 Venus 2000, Art Cafe Gallery, Chorzów
2000 A different view, Art Cafe Gallery, Chorzów
2000 Post-plein-air exhibition of the 1st International Plein-air - Chorzów 1999, Municipal Art Gallery MM, Chorzów
2000 3rd Autumn Exhibition of the Association of Artists from Chorzów, Municipal Art Gallery MM, Chorzów
2000 To Cross the Threshold of Hope, Municipal Art Gallery MM, Chorzów, Archdiocese Museum, Katowice
1999 II Autumn Exhibition of the Association of Artists from Chorzów, Museum in Chorzów
1999 Exhibition of the Association of Artists from Chorzów, Általános Müvelödési Központ, Ózd, Hungary


2021 Prześwity, DK Chwałowice, Rybnik
2019 Meristos, BWA Sandomierz
2018 Meristos, Municipal Art Gallery MM, Chorzów
2018 Painting, Galeria Dwór Karwacjanów, Gorlice
2017 Organics, Contemporary Art Gallery, Kołobrzeg
2017 Organics, Espace Matisse, Creil, France
2017 Organics, Stara Prochownia, Warsaw
2015 Prześwity, MDK Gallery, Mikołów
2015 Through flowers, Krowoderska Public Library, Krakow
2013 Through flowers, Contemporary Art Gallery, T. Zieliński Palace, Kielce
2013 Through flowers, BWA Jatki, Nowy Targ
2013 Through flowers, Municipal Art Gallery MM, Chorzów
2011 Painting, Beskidzka Gallery, Szczyrk
2010 Herbarium, Organics, Gallery of the Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice
2010 Painting, Another Silesia, Tarnowskie Góry
2010 Painting, Gallery Under the stairs at Józefa, Chorzów
2008 Organics & Geometry, Kancelara GLN, Warsaw
2007 Organics & Geometry, Municipal Art Gallery MM, Chorzów
2001 Painting, Ignis, Köln, Germany
1998 She is Alone ..., ASP Gallery, Upper Silesian Cultural Center, Katowice
