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個人資料圖片 / Fascetto Gianluca

Fascetto Gianluca

Fascetto Gianluca



Fascetto Gianluca


“我於 1983 年出生在托斯卡納馬雷馬 (Tuscan Maremma) 的一個小鎮 Cinigiano (Grosseto),從小就對繪畫和藝術充滿熱情。我是一名畫家/紋身藝術家,這讓我能夠與藝術共存,特別是它給了我提高技術和知識的機會,創造了我個人的“工作室”。我們背負著巨大的記憶包袱......我們生活中讓我們與眾不同的一切,我們以藝術的形式複...

超過25件Fascetto Gianluca的原創藝術作品現正熱賣中。了解更多關於Fascetto Gianluca的資訊如個人簡介、作品價格以及個人展覽情報等。

“Fascetto Gianluca的作品”



USD 3,144.96 Year.2024 w70.00 x h70.00 x d3.00


Infinito Abbandono

USD 3,224.00 Year.2024 w70.00 x h70.00 x d1.00


End Lunar Effect

USD 4,056.00 Year.2023 w70.00 x h90.00 x d1.00


Mask off

USD 2,496.00 Year.2020 w70.00 x h90.00 x d1.00


The Event

USD 11,648.00 Year.2021 w350.00 x h210.00 x d10.00



USD 1,000.00 Year.2022 w66.00 x h66.00 x d3.00



USD 1,560.00 Year.2021 w50.00 x h63.00 x d1.00


5 Dimension

USD 2,500.00 Year.2021 w123.00 x h88.00 x d5.00



USD 2,200.00 Year.2019 w70.00 x h100.00 x d2.00



USD 2,200.00 Year.2018 w70.00 x h90.00 x d2.00



USD 2,200.00 Year.2018 w70.00 x h90.00 x d2.00



USD 2,200.00 Year.2018 w70.00 x h90.00 x d2.00



USD 1,700.00 Year.2019 w50.00 x h70.00 x d2.00



USD 2,200.00 Year.2015 w50.00 x h111.00 x d2.00


Conversation with Pleione

USD 2,000.00 Year.2019 w46.00 x h79.00 x d2.00



USD 300.00 Year.2019 w37.00 x h37.00 x d2.00



USD $300 ~ $11,648


1- 與 Vittorio Sgarbi、Edoardo Labini Sylos、PhIlippe Daverio、Sandro Serradifalco、Angelo Crespi、Luca Beatrice、Luna Berlusconi 合作的 ArtistiMondadori 2020 年鑑。 Vittorio Sgarbi 2018 系列中的 2 位藝術家獎。存檔作品N:P0172、P0173 3-文化與身份獎。拉斯佩齊亞 2019 Vittorio Sgarbi、Edoardo Labini Sy...


2000 Events / Awards. 1- ArtistiMondadori 2020 Yearbook with Vittorio Sgarbi, Edoardo Labini Sylos, PhIlippe Daverio, Sandro Serradifalco, Angelo Crespi, Luca Beatrice, Luna Berlusconi. 2-Artists Award in the Vittorio Sgarbi 2018 collection. Archived works N: P0172, P0173 3-Culture and Identity Award. La Spezia 2019 Vittorio Sgarbi, Edoardo Labini Sylos, PhIlippe Daverio, Sandro Serradifalco, Angelo Crespi, Luca Beatrice, Luna Berlusconi. 4-Prize Budapest Art Exp 1- ArtistiMondadori 2020 Yearbook with Vittorio Sgarbi, Edoardo Labini Sylos, PhIlippe Daverio, Sandro Serradifalco, Angelo Crespi, Luca Beatrice, Luna Berlusconi. 2-Artists Award in the Vittorio Sgarbi 2018 collection. Archived works N: P0172, P0173 3-Culture and Identity Award. La Spezia 2019 Vittorio Sgarbi, Edoardo Labini Sylos, PhIlippe Daverio, Sandro Serradifalco, Angelo Crespi, Luca Beatrice, Luna Berlusconi. 4-Budapest Art Expo 2019 Prize Vittorio Sgarbi, Edoardo Labini Sylos, PhIlippe Daverio, Sandro Serradifalco, Angelo Crespi, Luca Beatrice Luna Berlusconi. 5-Personal Gallerique Art Gallery Chicago 2016 6-Michael Hussar At the First workshop in Florence 2014 7-Worl Wide Tattoo Conference 2014. 8-Paradise Artist Retreat new York 2010 9-World Wide Tattoo Conference 2011 10-Venetian Tattoo Gathering 2016 11-Florence experince 2017 12-Venetian interactive Tattoo seminar 2019 Exibitions of paintings in 2006 to 2020 in the following cities: Italy: Rome (Rome T Expó from 2010 - to 2016 "ArtExportSummer" 2016, World Wide T conference 2011) Florence (Florence T Convention From 2008 to 2017, Michael Hussar "At the first workshop" Florence 2014, Michael Hussar At the first workshop Florence 2016, "Florence Experince" Henrick Uldalen 2017) Milan (Milan T Expó 2006, Spazio Arte Tolomeo Exhibition Ambientari 2019. Pescara (East Cost T 2009) Sanremo (Sanremo T Convention 2014) La Spezia (La Spezia T show 2015) Trieste (Trieste T expó 2014) Casarano (Southside T expó 2006) Padua (Maison d’Art "Art Festival In The World" 2019, "The imponderable beauty of women" 2019) Bologna (Farini Restart 2020 Gallery,) Grosseto (Events Gallery. Collective exhibition Christmas 2017, Exhibition "Tell me about yourself" 2018, Exhibition "Macchia Fest" 2018, Exhibition "Our Spring" 2018, Exhibition "Il Filo Rosso" 2019, Exhibition Talk to me about her 2019.) Venice ("Venice T conference" 2012, "Venetian T Gathering" 2016, "Intractive T seminar" 2019 Falconara t Expó 2014-2015 Fabriano T Expó 2015 Manduria T Expó 2008, Lecce T Expó 2008, Como "La Primula Rossa Expó 2019, Bressanone" Alpein Fleir "2013. USA Chicago T Expo 2019, New York "Paradise Artist Retreat" 2010. Australia: Sydney T Expó 2013 " Melbourne T Expó 2013 Thailand: Bangkok Art Fest 2006, Hua Hin Art fest 2006 Holland: Breda T Expó 2011-12-13 Eindhoven T Expó 2011-12-13, Rotterdam T Expó 2013 Denmark: Chopenagen T Expó 2017, Odder T Expó 2017 Sweden: Stockholm "Inkbasch 2010"


2000 Events / Awards. 1- ArtistiMondadori 2020 Yearbook with Vittorio Sgarbi, Edoardo Labini Sylos, PhIlippe Daverio, Sandro Serradifalco, Angelo Crespi, Luca Beatrice, Luna Berlusconi. 2-Artists Award in the Vittorio Sgarbi 2018 collection. Archived works N: P0172, P0173 3-Culture and Identity Award. La Spezia 2019 Vittorio Sgarbi, Edoardo Labini Sylos, PhIlippe Daverio, Sandro Serradifalco, Angelo Crespi, Luca Beatrice, Luna Berlusconi. 4-Prize Budapest Art Exp 1- ArtistiMondadori 2020 Yearbook with Vittorio Sgarbi, Edoardo Labini Sylos, PhIlippe Daverio, Sandro Serradifalco, Angelo Crespi, Luca Beatrice, Luna Berlusconi. 2-Artists Award in the Vittorio Sgarbi 2018 collection. Archived works N: P0172, P0173 3-Culture and Identity Award. La Spezia 2019 Vittorio Sgarbi, Edoardo Labini Sylos, PhIlippe Daverio, Sandro Serradifalco, Angelo Crespi, Luca Beatrice, Luna Berlusconi. 4-Budapest Art Expo 2019 Prize Vittorio Sgarbi, Edoardo Labini Sylos, PhIlippe Daverio, Sandro Serradifalco, Angelo Crespi, Luca Beatrice Luna Berlusconi. 5-Personal Gallerique Art Gallery Chicago 2016 6-Michael Hussar At the First workshop in Florence 2014 7-Worl Wide Tattoo Conference 2014. 8-Paradise Artist Retreat new York 2010 9-World Wide Tattoo Conference 2011 10-Venetian Tattoo Gathering 2016 11-Florence experince 2017 12-Venetian interactive Tattoo seminar 2019 Exibitions of paintings in 2006 to 2020 in the following cities: Italy: Rome (Rome T Expó from 2010 - to 2016 "ArtExportSummer" 2016, World Wide T conference 2011) Florence (Florence T Convention From 2008 to 2017, Michael Hussar "At the first workshop" Florence 2014, Michael Hussar At the first workshop Florence 2016, "Florence Experince" Henrick Uldalen 2017) Milan (Milan T Expó 2006, Spazio Arte Tolomeo Exhibition Ambientari 2019. Pescara (East Cost T 2009) Sanremo (Sanremo T Convention 2014) La Spezia (La Spezia T show 2015) Trieste (Trieste T expó 2014) Casarano (Southside T expó 2006) Padua (Maison d’Art "Art Festival In The World" 2019, "The imponderable beauty of women" 2019) Bologna (Farini Restart 2020 Gallery,) Grosseto (Events Gallery. Collective exhibition Christmas 2017, Exhibition "Tell me about yourself" 2018, Exhibition "Macchia Fest" 2018, Exhibition "Our Spring" 2018, Exhibition "Il Filo Rosso" 2019, Exhibition Talk to me about her 2019.) Venice ("Venice T conference" 2012, "Venetian T Gathering" 2016, "Intractive T seminar" 2019 Falconara t Expó 2014-2015 Fabriano T Expó 2015 Manduria T Expó 2008, Lecce T Expó 2008, Como "La Primula Rossa Expó 2019, Bressanone" Alpein Fleir "2013. USA Chicago T Expo 2019, New York "Paradise Artist Retreat" 2010. Australia: Sydney T Expó 2013 " Melbourne T Expó 2013 Thailand: Bangkok Art Fest 2006, Hua Hin Art fest 2006 Holland: Breda T Expó 2011-12-13 Eindhoven T Expó 2011-12-13, Rotterdam T Expó 2013 Denmark: Chopenagen T Expó 2017, Odder T Expó 2017 Sweden: Stockholm "Inkbasch 2010"


2000 Events / Awards. 1- ArtistiMondadori 2020 Yearbook with Vittorio Sgarbi, Edoardo Labini Sylos, PhIlippe Daverio, Sandro Serradifalco, Angelo Crespi, Luca Beatrice, Luna Berlusconi. 2-Artists Award in the Vittorio Sgarbi 2018 collection. Archived works N: P0172, P0173 3-Culture and Identity Award. La Spezia 2019 Vittorio Sgarbi, Edoardo Labini Sylos, PhIlippe Daverio, Sandro Serradifalco, Angelo Crespi, Luca Beatrice, Luna Berlusconi. 4-Prize Budapest Art Exp 1- ArtistiMondadori 2020 Yearbook with Vittorio Sgarbi, Edoardo Labini Sylos, PhIlippe Daverio, Sandro Serradifalco, Angelo Crespi, Luca Beatrice, Luna Berlusconi. 2-Artists Award in the Vittorio Sgarbi 2018 collection. Archived works N: P0172, P0173 3-Culture and Identity Award. La Spezia 2019 Vittorio Sgarbi, Edoardo Labini Sylos, PhIlippe Daverio, Sandro Serradifalco, Angelo Crespi, Luca Beatrice, Luna Berlusconi. 4-Budapest Art Expo 2019 Prize Vittorio Sgarbi, Edoardo Labini Sylos, PhIlippe Daverio, Sandro Serradifalco, Angelo Crespi, Luca Beatrice Luna Berlusconi. 5-Personal Gallerique Art Gallery Chicago 2016 6-Michael Hussar At the First workshop in Florence 2014 7-Worl Wide Tattoo Conference 2014. 8-Paradise Artist Retreat new York 2010 9-World Wide Tattoo Conference 2011 10-Venetian Tattoo Gathering 2016 11-Florence experince 2017 12-Venetian interactive Tattoo seminar 2019 Exibitions of paintings in 2006 to 2020 in the following cities: Italy: Rome (Rome T Expó from 2010 - to 2016 "ArtExportSummer" 2016, World Wide T conference 2011) Florence (Florence T Convention From 2008 to 2017, Michael Hussar "At the first workshop" Florence 2014, Michael Hussar At the first workshop Florence 2016, "Florence Experince" Henrick Uldalen 2017) Milan (Milan T Expó 2006, Spazio Arte Tolomeo Exhibition Ambientari 2019. Pescara (East Cost T 2009) Sanremo (Sanremo T Convention 2014) La Spezia (La Spezia T show 2015) Trieste (Trieste T expó 2014) Casarano (Southside T expó 2006) Padua (Maison d’Art "Art Festival In The World" 2019, "The imponderable beauty of women" 2019) Bologna (Farini Restart 2020 Gallery,) Grosseto (Events Gallery. Collective exhibition Christmas 2017, Exhibition "Tell me about yourself" 2018, Exhibition "Macchia Fest" 2018, Exhibition "Our Spring" 2018, Exhibition "Il Filo Rosso" 2019, Exhibition Talk to me about her 2019.) Venice ("Venice T conference" 2012, "Venetian T Gathering" 2016, "Intractive T seminar" 2019 Falconara t Expó 2014-2015 Fabriano T Expó 2015 Manduria T Expó 2008, Lecce T Expó 2008, Como "La Primula Rossa Expó 2019, Bressanone" Alpein Fleir "2013. USA Chicago T Expo 2019, New York "Paradise Artist Retreat" 2010. Australia: Sydney T Expó 2013 " Melbourne T Expó 2013 Thailand: Bangkok Art Fest 2006, Hua Hin Art fest 2006 Holland: Breda T Expó 2011-12-13 Eindhoven T Expó 2011-12-13, Rotterdam T Expó 2013 Denmark: Chopenagen T Expó 2017, Odder T Expó 2017 Sweden: Stockholm "Inkbasch 2010"
