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個人資料圖片 / Natalya Savenkova

Natalya Savenkova

Наталья Савенкова




Наталья Савенкова(Natalya Savenkova)


« 繪畫是一隻飛入愛、光與和諧空間的鳥。 »
« 繪畫是一隻飛入愛、光與和諧空間的鳥。 »

超過3件Natalya Savenkova的原創藝術作品現正熱賣中。了解更多關於Natalya Savenkova的資訊如個人簡介、作品價格以及個人展覽情報等。

“Natalya Savenkova的作品”


New York Painting Night Original Art NYC Canvas Rain Artwork

USD 800.00 Year.2022 w60.00 x h50.00 x d2.00 cm


New York Painting Original Art Canvas Artwork Brooklyn Bridge at Sunset

USD 3,016.00 Year.2022 w80.00 x h65.00 x d1.50 cm


New York Painting Rainy Street Original Art NYC Artwork Umbrella Girl

售罄 Year.2021 w40.00 x h30.00 x d1.50 cm



USD $800 ~ $3,016


我從事繪畫(油畫和蛋彩畫)、圖形、水彩、蠟染。我用各種類型的風景、具象和肖像以及靜物畫油畫。自 2005 年以來,我是藝術家聯盟(俄羅斯)的成員。 1981 年至 1985 年——我在布良斯克藝術學院學習。 1994 – 我畢業於聖彼得堡國立列賓繪畫、雕塑和建築學院。我住在聖彼得堡。我從小就開始畫畫。我的母親是一位藝術家。我們...
我從事繪畫(油畫和蛋彩畫)、圖形、水彩、蠟染。我用各種類型的風景、具象和肖像以及靜物畫油畫。自 2005 年以來,我是藝術家聯盟(俄羅斯)的成員。 1981 年至 1985 年——我在布良斯克藝術學院學習。 1994 – 我畢業於聖彼得堡國立列賓繪畫、雕塑和建築學院。我住在聖彼得堡。我從小就開始畫畫。我的母親是一位藝術家。我們家裡總是有很多紙和好油漆。她成了我的第一位老師和熱情的觀眾。為此,我非常感謝她。我的第一次展覽是在我 10 歲的時候。從那時起,我就不斷地參加群展和個展。摘自藝術評論家伊琳娜·格林金娜 (Irina Glinkina) 的一篇文章:“娜塔莉亞·薩維恩科娃 (Natalia Savenkova) 的世界有一種特殊的魅力和吸引力,一種安靜而迷人的美。 Savenkova 是一位作詞家,因此在她的技巧中,“情感的尺度”構成了每件作品的意義,無論是風景、肖像、靜物還是夢幻般的構圖。她特別關注奇妙的作品。任何這樣的作品都是對藝術家內心世界的邀請。在這些作品中,她的一個特徵尤其明顯——幻想與現實的融合。永恆的愛情主題,動物、昆蟲和花卉的世界,童話般的仙女和天使也在這裡交織在一起。在她所有的畫作中,主要目標是創造一種單一的多彩和諧。”



2020 “Art-Poetry” is an open All-Russian Festival of Poetry and Art. Exhibition Center of the St. Petersburg Union of Artists. 1st place-painting “Rainy Winter” Competition section: “Classical painting” Nomination: “Landscape”.


1997 “Spring-97” in the exhibition center of the Saint Petersburg Union of Artists of Russia, Petersburg, Russia
1997 “Autumn-97” in the exhibition center of the Saint Petersburg Union of Artists of Russia, Petersburg, Russia
2000 exhibition within the framework of the international art festival “Pro Art” at the Palace of Arts “Ukrainian House”, Kiev, Ukraine
2004 “Golden Christmas” in LENEXPO, Petersburg, Russia
2005 Central House of Artists, “Golden Carousel”, Moscow, Russia
2005 I International Exhibition “Finding an Angel” Center for Books and Graphics, Petersburg, Russia
2006 Saint Petersburg Union of Artists “Blue Living Room”, exhibition”Rainbow of Joy”, Petersburg, Russia
2006 Exhibition Hall of the Central Bank of the Moscow district, exhibition “The Joy of the Rainbow”, Petersburg, Russia
2007 III International Exhibition-action “Finding an Angel”, museum “World of Water of St. Petersburg”, April, Petersburg, Russia
2008 Exhibition Hall of the Center for Books and Graphics, September, Petersburg, Russia
2008 IV International Exhibition-action “Finding an Angel”, museum ” World of Water of St. Petersburg», Petersburg, Russia
2010 Exhibition Hall of the Central Library of the Moscow District, exhibition “Light, Color and Ballet”, September, Petersburg, Russia
2019 “Flowers and Forms” St. Petersburg Union of Artists, Petersburg, Russia
2020 “Art Poetry” Saint Petersburg Union of Artists, March, Petersburg, Russia
2020 “Summer” Saint Petersburg Union of Artists, August, Petersburg, Russia


1977 editorial office “Bryansk worker”, personal exhibition, Bryansk, Russia
1999 Baltic Assembly of Fine Arts, Petersburg, Russia
2000 Yaroslavna Gallery, personal exhibition, Kyiv, Ukraine
2002 Art Gallery “EOS”, personal exhibition, Zaporozhye, Ukraine
2004 Petersburg Union of Artists “Blue Living Room”, personal exhibition, Petersburg, Russia
2011 gallery “Russian Painting”, “The Sun on canvas”, December, personal exhibition, Petersburg, Russia
2018 scientific library of the G. I. Turner Institute, “Summer”, personal exhibition, Pushkin, Russia
2020 gallery “Fifth Element”, “Diversity” January, personal exhibition, Petersburg, Russia
