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個人資料圖片 / Carolina Andrada

Carolina Andrada

Carolina Andrada




Carolina Andrada


對於Carolina Andrada來說,畫布和屏風是構成她自己夢想的牆。但它們不是限制牆,而是對想像、夢境、記憶和情感開放。這些支持為她獲得了另一個物理和夢幻般的維度,作為一個孩子,他們允許她“進出”它,以及繪畫本身,現在也是。作為一個成年人,畫布、屏風和森林繼續伴隨著卡羅琳娜,就像她小時候一樣,只是加入了新的元素...

超過1件Carolina Andrada的原創藝術作品現正熱賣中。了解更多關於Carolina Andrada的資訊如個人簡介、作品價格以及個人展覽情報等。

“Carolina Andrada的作品”


Landscape in Green

USD 300.00 Year.2021 w32.00 x h18.00 x d0.20



USD $300 ~ $300


卡羅琳娜·安德拉達(Carolina Andrada,1982 年,西班牙)是美術博士、畫家和女高音歌唱家。他曾在多所西班牙和外國大學接受培訓。她曾多次參加展覽,並因其培訓而獲得獎項和重要獎學金。他在德國慕尼黑學院與著名藝術家肖恩·斯庫利一起參加了繪畫課程,並以同樣著名的德國藝術家 Markus Lüpertz 為主題完成了博士論文。他...


2016 Grant for Doctors of the XXV Meeting of the Alexander Von Humboldt Association of Spain, in Bergara and San Sebastián
2013 Grant in BAP the II Biennial of Art and Painting held in Resistencia (Chaco) Argentina
2010 Artistic Painting Grant from the BilbaoArte Foundation. Bilbao
2011 First National Painting Prize, Painter Sánchez y Juan, from the Cultural Artistic Historical Patronage d'Elig, (PHACE) Spain
2010 Third prize for the 11th International Gas Natural Show Unión Fenosa, A Coruña, Spain


2018 Victorio´s Rios Art, group exhibition, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA
2016 Harlequines, Tribute to Picasso Vallauris-Buitrago VI, Municipal Exhibition Hall of Buitrago del Lozoya, Spain
2016 Still Life, group exhibition, Marlborough Gallery, Madrid, Spain
2013 Collective exhibition at the René Brusau Museum of Fine Arts, Resistencia, (Chaco), Argentina
2013 Biennial of Art and Painting (BAP) Resistencia, Chaco, Argentina.
2010 ‘Open doors day’, BilbaoArte Foundation, Bilbao.
2010 X Painting Prize General Board of the Principality of Asturias, Oviedo.
2010 Gas Natural Unión Fenosa International Show. Union Fenosa Museum of Contemporary Art (MACUF). A Coruña, Spain
2005 Furniture Fair. IFEMA fairground, Madrid.
2004 Rojo Azul Amarillo, collective exhibition, exhibition hall of the Rector's Office of the Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain
2004 Collective exhibition at the Academie Royale des Beaux Arts de Liège. Belgium,


2011 'See in the trees', Fundación BilbaoArte Fundazioa, Bilbao, Spain
2011 Carolina Andrada at Galería Sorolla, Elche, Alicante, Spain
2014 Live Still Life, Archaeological and History Museum of Elche (MAHE), Alicante, Spain
2016 Landscapes Fortaleza, Exhibition Hall-Picasso Museum of Buitrago del Lozoya, Madrid, Spain
2017 Mystery Landscapes, La Lonja Medieval, Elche City Council, Alicante, Spain
2018 A dreamlike look at the landscape ’, Ateneo de Madrid, Spain
2019 Landscapes, Estudio Darío Villalba - Carolina Andrada, Madrid, Spain
2020 Musical Moments, Espacio Ronda Madrid, Spain,
