Most of my animal series works are anthropomorphic expressions. I use the images of animals to express people with different roles. They are all in acertain identity and environment, showing a side that transcends animality.
In the era of lack of production materials, it is a manifestation of superiority to make one's body fat and lenient, and pigs are lazy and stupid. In the work "Tycoon Series - Jazz", I used the image of "pig" to set up a tycoon character who is domineering and exposing the rivers and lakes. He was wearing a tall jazzhat, reclining gracefully on a sofa that was very disproportionate to his body, with a pipe in his mouth, looking very comfortable, all of which seemed toshow the world his success and self-confidence, Shows his pretentiousness.
我的动物系列的作品大都是一种拟人化表现手法,我借助动物的外壳形象来表达不同角色的人。它们都处在某种 身份和环境中,展现了超越动物性的一面。
生产资料匮乏的时代,能让自己的体态肥胖宽大是一种优越性的体现,而猪的慵懒与愚笨也有着同一属性, “猪”的描述与人挂钩时,大都是贬义词。在《大亨系列 ——爵士》这件作品中,我用“猪”的形象设定了一位霸气外露、纵横江湖的大亨角色。他戴着高高的爵士帽,体态雍容地斜躺在与他体形极不相称的沙发上,嘴里叼着烟 斗显得十分惬意自在,这一切好像都在向世人展示着一种成功的自信风貌,举手投足间彰显着他的自命不凡。