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"Time mirrors 2". ArtClock and painting. 53 x 65 x 2 cm. Oil painting on acrylic glass. Quartz movement."Time mirrors 2". ArtClock and painting. 53 x 65 x 2 cm. Oil painting on acrylic glass. Quartz movement."Time mirrors 2". ArtClock and painting. 53 x 65 x 2 cm. Oil painting on acrylic glass. Quartz movement."Time mirrors 2". ArtClock and painting. 53 x 65 x 2 cm. Oil painting on acrylic glass. Quartz movement."Time mirrors 2". ArtClock and painting. 53 x 65 x 2 cm. Oil painting on acrylic glass. Quartz movement."Time mirrors 2". ArtClock and painting. 53 x 65 x 2 cm. Oil painting on acrylic glass. Quartz movement."Time mirrors 2". ArtClock and painting. 53 x 65 x 2 cm. Oil painting on acrylic glass. Quartz movement."Time mirrors 2". ArtClock and painting. 53 x 65 x 2 cm. Oil painting on acrylic glass. Quartz movement.



"Time mirrors 2". ArtClock and painting. 53 x 65 x 2 cm. Oil painting on acrylic glass. Quartz movement.
"Time mirrors 2". ArtClock and painting. 53 x 65 x 2 cm. Oil painting on acrylic glass. Quartz movement.
"Time mirrors 2". ArtClock and painting. 53 x 65 x 2 cm. Oil painting on acrylic glass. Quartz movement.
"Time mirrors 2". ArtClock and painting. 53 x 65 x 2 cm. Oil painting on acrylic glass. Quartz movement.
"Time mirrors 2". ArtClock and painting. 53 x 65 x 2 cm. Oil painting on acrylic glass. Quartz movement.
"Time mirrors 2". ArtClock and painting. 53 x 65 x 2 cm. Oil painting on acrylic glass. Quartz movement.
"Time mirrors 2". ArtClock and painting. 53 x 65 x 2 cm. Oil painting on acrylic glass. Quartz movement.
"Time mirrors 2". ArtClock and painting. 53 x 65 x 2 cm. Oil painting on acrylic glass. Quartz movement.
"Time mirrors 2". ArtClock and painting. 53 x 65 x 2 cm. Oil painting on acrylic glass. Quartz movement.

"Time mirrors 2". ArtClock and painting. 53 x 65 x 2 cm. Oil painting on acrylic glass. Quartz movement.


W 53.00cm x H 64.00cm x D 2.00cm

USD $2,000.00



  • 关于这个 "Time mirrors 2". ArtClock and painting. 53 x 65 x 2 cm. Oil painting on acrylic glass. Quartz movement.



    画 (油画)


    Original Artwork







    "时间镜 2"。艺术钟和绘画。53 x 65 x 2 厘米。丙烯酸玻璃上的油画。石英机芯。

  • 关于这位艺术家

    Alexander Klyatskiy

    Alexander Klyatskiy

    United States of America



    艺术概念(源于拉丁语 conceptus - 思想、理念)-- 对生活的形象化解释,艺术作品中的生活问题,单独作品和艺术家整体作品的特定审美取向。艺术形象具有多种含义,这就决定了任何重要作品的概念内容的多变性。传统上,抽象主义和现实主义被置于美术领域的两端。乍一看,这些标准并不能反映两种风格之间的关系。艺术家可以自由地解读和捕捉他所表现的每一个世界的独特性。无论是没有形式的,还是从现有的物体或人物中衍生出来的,艺术家都会在本质上创造出他们自己的现实版本,通过诠释为抽象铺平道路。因此,所有艺术在某种程度上都是抽象的。艺术家的目标是展现抽象与写实之间的模糊界限,理解显现的作品,展现纯粹无形的色彩的深度和情感,以及与诠释的现实之间的联系。

  • 常见问题


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    "Dance & Jazz" 26x30", oil paint on acrylic glass.


  • "Jazz & Dance". 26x30", oil painting on acrylic glass.

    "Jazz & Dance". 26x30", oil painting on acrylic glass.


  • "Circus". ArtClock and picture. Oil painting on acrylic glass. Quartz movement. 55x83x4 cm.

    "Circus". ArtClock and picture. Oil painting on acrylic glass. Quartz movement. 55x83x4 cm.


  • "Far away in the Galaxy. Space dancer". Oil painting on plastic board. 74x84x4cm. Quartz movement.

    "Far away in the Galaxy. Space dancer". Oil painting on plastic board. 74x84x4cm. Quartz movement.


  • "Far away in the Galaxy. Space dancer 2". Oil painting on plastic board. Quartz movement. 78,5 x 58 x 4 cm.

    "Far away in the Galaxy. Space dancer 2". Oil painting on plastic board. Quartz movement. 78,5 x 58 x 4 cm.


  • "Far away in the Galaxy. Space dancer 3". Oil painting on plastic board. Quartz movement. 64 x 77 x 4 cm.

    "Far away in the Galaxy. Space dancer 3". Oil painting on plastic board. Quartz movement. 64 x 77 x 4 cm.


  • "Wells of Time". Oil painting on plastic board. Quartz movement. Wood hands and numeral. 88 x 107 x 4 cm.

    "Wells of Time". Oil painting on plastic board. Quartz movement. Wood hands and numeral. 88 x 107 x 4 cm.


  • "Running clock". Oil painting on plastic board.Quartz movement. 65 x 80 x 4cm.

    "Running clock". Oil painting on plastic board.Quartz movement. 65 x 80 x 4cm.


  • "Time mirrors 2". ArtClock and painting. 53 x 65 x 2 cm. Oil painting on acrylic glass. Quartz movement.

    "Time mirrors 2". ArtClock and painting. 53 x 65 x 2 cm. Oil painting on acrylic glass. Quartz movement.


  • "Couple in a Dance". 24"x36". Acrylic and oil painting on canvas.

    "Couple in a Dance". 24"x36". Acrylic and oil painting on canvas.

