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Breath of the Storm. Gray blue hues, greeb brown texture. Framed PaintingBreath of the Storm. Gray blue hues, greeb brown texture. Framed PaintingBreath of the Storm. Gray blue hues, greeb brown texture. Framed PaintingBreath of the Storm. Gray blue hues, greeb brown texture. Framed PaintingBreath of the Storm. Gray blue hues, greeb brown texture. Framed PaintingBreath of the Storm. Gray blue hues, greeb brown texture. Framed PaintingBreath of the Storm. Gray blue hues, greeb brown texture. Framed PaintingBreath of the Storm. Gray blue hues, greeb brown texture. Framed PaintingBreath of the Storm. Gray blue hues, greeb brown texture. Framed PaintingBreath of the Storm. Gray blue hues, greeb brown texture. Framed PaintingBreath of the Storm. Gray blue hues, greeb brown texture. Framed PaintingBreath of the Storm. Gray blue hues, greeb brown texture. Framed PaintingBreath of the Storm. Gray blue hues, greeb brown texture. Framed PaintingBreath of the Storm. Gray blue hues, greeb brown texture. Framed PaintingBreath of the Storm. Gray blue hues, greeb brown texture. Framed Painting



Breath of the Storm. Gray blue hues, greeb brown texture. Framed Painting
Breath of the Storm. Gray blue hues, greeb brown texture. Framed Painting
Breath of the Storm. Gray blue hues, greeb brown texture. Framed Painting
Breath of the Storm. Gray blue hues, greeb brown texture. Framed Painting
Breath of the Storm. Gray blue hues, greeb brown texture. Framed Painting
Breath of the Storm. Gray blue hues, greeb brown texture. Framed Painting
Breath of the Storm. Gray blue hues, greeb brown texture. Framed Painting
Breath of the Storm. Gray blue hues, greeb brown texture. Framed Painting
Breath of the Storm. Gray blue hues, greeb brown texture. Framed Painting
Breath of the Storm. Gray blue hues, greeb brown texture. Framed Painting
Breath of the Storm. Gray blue hues, greeb brown texture. Framed Painting
Breath of the Storm. Gray blue hues, greeb brown texture. Framed Painting
Breath of the Storm. Gray blue hues, greeb brown texture. Framed Painting
Breath of the Storm. Gray blue hues, greeb brown texture. Framed Painting
Breath of the Storm. Gray blue hues, greeb brown texture. Framed Painting
Breath of the Storm. Gray blue hues, greeb brown texture. Framed Painting

Breath of the Storm. Gray blue hues, greeb brown texture. Framed Painting


W 84.00cm x H 84.00cm x D 4.00cm

USD $822.02



  • 关于这个 Breath of the Storm. Gray blue hues, greeb brown texture. Framed Painting




    Original Artwork







    这幅画是光与影的舞蹈,每一个微小的细节似乎都在演奏自己的音乐。当凝视这幅画时,人们会沉浸在一个和谐而神秘的世界中。 尺寸:84 x 84 x 4 厘米(已装框)/ 80 x 80 x 2.5 厘米(实际图像尺寸) 已装框,可悬挂 "风暴的气息 "是一幅描绘汹涌海景的戏剧性作品,在乌云密布的天空下,波涛汹涌。这幅画采用了多层丙烯酸技术,用画笔和调色刀来实现生动的纹理效果。 色调由冷灰色和钢蓝色调组成,捕捉了即将到来的风暴的气氛。前景中温暖的棕色和绿色色调平衡了整个构图,增加了深度,唤起了一种大自然强有力的过渡感。这幅作品散发着桀骜不驯的能量,是任何室内装饰的完美代表作。 这是一幅抽象风景画,每个观赏者都能从中看到自己的东西、自己的世界和自己的故事,每次观赏都能发现新的奇妙之处。 这幅画是独一无二的。
    - 画作上有艺术家的签名和日期。 - 画作上有鉴定证书。 - 发货至世界任何地方。 - 作品在木框上以拉伸方式出售(高度安全的包装)。 - 可随时悬挂 关键词: 抽象艺术、风景画、棕色调、米色调、短暂、光影、宁静、内心平和、当代艺术、柔和的色彩、宁静的氛围。

  • 关于这位艺术家

    Tatiana Malinovscaia

    Tatiana Malinovscaia

    Moldova, Republic of




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