艺术室小贴士Vol.1 清爽:蓝色艺术清凉一夏
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画 (亚克力画)
Original Artwork
我创作我的画与我的情绪的一天,我表达自己在不同的大小:从20x20厘米到100x100厘米。 ✔温柔的时刻在清晨到来,我窃取它从夫人夜的怀抱。这些温柔的色彩让我融化,我很想品味与你相处的每一刻,特别是在清晨。我呼吸着这些温柔的时刻,我吸收着这些温柔的时刻,然后我用这种能量在这两个看起来太短,但美味的甜蜜和温柔的时刻之间生存,像棉花糖的颜色。
画布是在一个 "画廊 "质量的框架上,使用高质量的油漆和模制浆糊,涂了两层清漆。我在画画时做了很多实验,当我拿着一块空画布时,我不知道我要画什么,这完全是一种即兴创作。我所知道的只是一个颜色的组合,我想用它来表达我的感情和情绪,让它们在空画布上生活。这次是蓝色和粉色,以及它们在黎明时分不同层次的光线中的组合。 ✔我所有绘画的视频都可以在我的YouTube频道上看到,《白天的律师,晚上的艺术家》,文件夹里有我的抽象画。
Style : Abstract, Figurative, Minimalist, Illustration, Comics
My mission : Save an empty canvas.
My artistic statement is : « A painting is like an "emotions-cather". I'm sure you'll find your painting in my rainbow of emotions."
I never paint what I see, or supposedly see. My paintings are a synthesis of my emotions of the day. Everything I paint is
sponteneous, I don't know what I would like to paint but I know which colours I would like to use.
Painting is not only my passion, it's my oxygen, my way of recharging my batteries and my way of reflecting of my life emotional life experience on the surface of my paintings.
Most of my works are completely abstract. However, some of my paintings contain recognizable images, sometimes you can see flowers, landscapes or human faces or human figures in them.
I paint mostly using acrylic paint of great quality such as Golden and Liquitex brands. My canvases are of "gallery quality", 4 cm deep so you don't need to add a frame to your painting. I have also some small and average paintings created on other support, frames are provided on demand for these paintings.
I experiment a lot, almost every night, I use all the traditional methods of painting (moulding paste, gesso, brushes, knives) and I love using mixed media like stones, sand and other natural materials. I think it gives a great volume to my paintings and I love this 3D dimension effects.
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