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"Whispering Sands in Bloom" from "Colours of Summer" collection, XXL abstract flower painting"Whispering Sands in Bloom" from "Colours of Summer" collection, XXL abstract flower painting"Whispering Sands in Bloom" from "Colours of Summer" collection, XXL abstract flower painting"Whispering Sands in Bloom" from "Colours of Summer" collection, XXL abstract flower painting"Whispering Sands in Bloom" from "Colours of Summer" collection, XXL abstract flower painting"Whispering Sands in Bloom" from "Colours of Summer" collection, XXL abstract flower painting"Whispering Sands in Bloom" from "Colours of Summer" collection, XXL abstract flower painting"Whispering Sands in Bloom" from "Colours of Summer" collection, XXL abstract flower painting"Whispering Sands in Bloom" from "Colours of Summer" collection, XXL abstract flower painting"Whispering Sands in Bloom" from "Colours of Summer" collection, XXL abstract flower painting"Whispering Sands in Bloom" from "Colours of Summer" collection, XXL abstract flower painting"Whispering Sands in Bloom" from "Colours of Summer" collection, XXL abstract flower painting"Whispering Sands in Bloom" from "Colours of Summer" collection, XXL abstract flower painting"Whispering Sands in Bloom" from "Colours of Summer" collection, XXL abstract flower painting



"Whispering Sands in Bloom" from "Colours of Summer" collection, XXL abstract flower painting
"Whispering Sands in Bloom" from "Colours of Summer" collection, XXL abstract flower painting
"Whispering Sands in Bloom" from "Colours of Summer" collection, XXL abstract flower painting
"Whispering Sands in Bloom" from "Colours of Summer" collection, XXL abstract flower painting
"Whispering Sands in Bloom" from "Colours of Summer" collection, XXL abstract flower painting
"Whispering Sands in Bloom" from "Colours of Summer" collection, XXL abstract flower painting
"Whispering Sands in Bloom" from "Colours of Summer" collection, XXL abstract flower painting
"Whispering Sands in Bloom" from "Colours of Summer" collection, XXL abstract flower painting
"Whispering Sands in Bloom" from "Colours of Summer" collection, XXL abstract flower painting
"Whispering Sands in Bloom" from "Colours of Summer" collection, XXL abstract flower painting
"Whispering Sands in Bloom" from "Colours of Summer" collection, XXL abstract flower painting
"Whispering Sands in Bloom" from "Colours of Summer" collection, XXL abstract flower painting
"Whispering Sands in Bloom" from "Colours of Summer" collection, XXL abstract flower painting
"Whispering Sands in Bloom" from "Colours of Summer" collection, XXL abstract flower painting
"Whispering Sands in Bloom" from "Colours of Summer" collection, XXL abstract flower painting

"Whispering Sands in Bloom" from "Colours of Summer" collection, XXL abstract flower painting


W 120.00cm x H 120.00cm x D 0.10cm


  • 关于这个 "Whispering Sands in Bloom" from "Colours of Summer" collection, XXL abstract flower painting



    "Whispering Sands in Bloom "是一幅超大型画作,在画布上捕捉到了大自然细腻之美的精髓。这幅作品融合了白色、米色和棕色等柔和和谐的色调,创造出一幅单色花卉杰作。 这种微妙的色彩交织营造出一种迷人的梦幻氛围,吸引观众进入一个时间仿佛静止的宁静世界。 这是一幅半抽象的质感优美的丙烯画。 这幅画将以卷筒方式运输,不带木框。*)卷装运输大型画作比运输即挂画作更安全、更环保。画布可以很容易地在您的所在地由装裱师重新拉伸,在大多数情况下,这甚至要比即挂画作增加的运输成本便宜得多。如果您想比较即挂画作的运输报价,请与我联系。 这幅画有很多结构和层次。 由于色彩、结构和不同质地的相互作用,每幅画都是独一无二的,不可复制的。 照片的颜色可能与原画略有不同。

    作品背面有标题,侧面有签名,还附有鉴定证书。 如有需要,请随时提出任何问题。 ** 艺术专业性,非标准原创技术。 ** 100% 原创和手工制作 ** 画作将卷筒装运 ** "金色 "丙烯颜料,高品质,高亮度,不褪色,无毒 ** 安全包装,全球快速运输。

  • 关于这位艺术家



    与大自然的紧密联系是我作品的核心,我的每幅作品都捕捉了周围景观的精髓,色彩、形状和纹理的细微差别是对亲近大自然的颂歌。我的艺术不仅仅是一种审美表现,更是一次探索内心深处的旅程。寻求内在知识和自我理解是我创作的核心。画布上的每一笔都是一次发现,是我通往真正本质之旅的一步。这种自我探索的过程深深植根于冥想和精神教诲的实践中,它们不仅激发了我的创作灵感,也促进了我的个人发展。 大自然的千姿百态和表现形式是我创作能量的源泉。我与大自然的艺术对话让我能够深入大自然的神秘深处,在作品中展现大自然的美景。同时,我的画作揭示了我的思想和情感的本质,激发我进行新的创造性表达。 我的艺术也是一次拓展意识的旅程,是一次深入观察和理解的邀请。我的每一幅画、每一个笔触都是对当下的生动表达,是能量和感觉的体现,这使得每个瞬间都独一无二。我希望通过这种深刻的艺术实践,在我和观众的体验之间架起一座桥梁,共同发现大自然和自我的美丽和隐藏的宝藏。


  • 常见问题


  • "Abstract 5"

    "Abstract 5"


  • "Wild Nature"

    "Wild Nature"


  • "A Dance of Soft Hues"

    "A Dance of Soft Hues"


  • "Abstract 1"

    "Abstract 1"


  • "Abstract 2"

    "Abstract 2"


  • "Flowers for a Loved One"

    "Flowers for a Loved One"


  • "Flowers for a Loved One"

    "Flowers for a Loved One"


  • "Abstract 4"

    "Abstract 4"


  • "Flowers for a Loved One"

    "Flowers for a Loved One"


  • "Abstract 12"

    "Abstract 12"
