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简介的形象 / Olga Skorokhod

Olga Skorokhod

Olga Skorokhod




Olga Skorokhod




超过30件Olga Skorokhod的原创艺术作品现正热卖中。了解更多关于Olga Skorokhod的资讯如个人简介、作品价格以及个人展览情报等。

“Olga Skorokhod的作品列表”


Snow Portal

USD 1,150.00 Year.2020 w26.00 x h26.00 x d5.00 cm


Traces of Time 3/3

USD 1,500.00 Year.2019 w50.80 x h50.80 x d3.80 cm


Traces of Time 2/3

USD 1,500.00 Year.2019 w50.80 x h50.80 x d3.80 cm


Traces of Time 1/3

USD 1,500.00 Year.2019 w50.80 x h50.80 x d3.80 cm


Bloom #2

USD 2,100.00 Year.2023 w50.80 x h50.80 x d3.80 cm


Bloom #3

USD 2,200.00 Year.2023 w60.90 x h60.90 x d3.80 cm


Bloom #4

USD 2,200.00 Year.2023 w60.90 x h60.90 x d3.80 cm


Bloom #5

USD 2,200.00 Year.2023 w60.90 x h60.90 x d3.80 cm


Bloom #6

USD 2,200.00 Year.2023 w60.90 x h60.90 x d3.80 cm


Swirling Silence

USD 440.00 Year.2023 w10.10 x h10.10 x d3.80 cm


Golden Swirl

USD 550.00 Year.2023 w25.40 x h25.40 x d3.80 cm


Silver Swirl

USD 550.00 Year.2023 w25.40 x h25.40 x d3.80 cm


On The Edge

USD 2,200.00 Year.2023 w60.90 x h60.90 x d3.80 cm


Infinite Mountains #2

USD 1,200.00 Year.2023 w50.80 x h50.80 x d1.20 cm


Big Bend National Park #2

USD 550.00 Year.2024 w22.80 x h22.80 x d2.50 cm


Death Valley National Park #2

USD 550.00 Year.2024 w22.80 x h22.80 x d2.50 cm


Bloom #9

USD 650.00 Year.2024 w15.20 x h15.20 x d6.30 cm


Bloom #7

USD 650.00 Year.2024 w15.20 x h15.20 x d6.30 cm


Half Dome #1

USD 550.00 Year.2024 w22.80 x h22.80 x d3.10 cm


Yosemite National Park (Valley View) #2

USD 550.00 Year.2024 w22.80 x h22.80 x d3.10 cm


Shenandoah National Park #1

USD 550.00 Year.2024 w22.80 x h22.80 x d3.10 cm


Great Smoky Mountains #6

USD 550.00 Year.2024 w22.80 x h22.80 x d3.10 cm


Great Smoky Mountains #7

USD 550.00 Year.2024 w22.80 x h22.80 x d3.10 cm


Great Smoky Mountains #8

USD 550.00 Year.2024 w22.80 x h22.80 x d3.10 cm


Haleakala National Park #2

USD 600.00 Year.2024 w22.80 x h22.80 x d3.10 cm


Haleakala National Park #2

USD 600.00 Year.2024 w22.80 x h22.80 x d3.10 cm


Half Dome #2

USD 600.00 Year.2024 w22.80 x h22.80 x d2.50 cm


Frosty Swirl

售罄 Year.2023 w25.40 x h25.40 x d3.80 cm


Bloom #8

售罄 Year.2024 w30.40 x h30.40 x d6.30 cm


Bloom #10

售罄 Year.2024 w30.40 x h30.40 x d6.30 cm



USD $440 ~ $2,200


奥尔加-斯科罗霍德于 1986 年在乌克兰出生和长大,从小就对艺术充满热情。她觉得自己注定要成为一名艺术家,于是自然而然地选择了创意职业。在她的职业生涯中,她曾担任过插图画家、平面设计师和受委托的写实肖像画家,后来全身心地投入到纸雕艺术中。 在乌克兰,奥尔加尝试了各种技术和材料,努力探索自己独特的艺术风格。...
奥尔加-斯科罗霍德于 1986 年在乌克兰出生和长大,从小就对艺术充满热情。她觉得自己注定要成为一名艺术家,于是自然而然地选择了创意职业。在她的职业生涯中,她曾担任过插图画家、平面设计师和受委托的写实肖像画家,后来全身心地投入到纸雕艺术中。 在乌克兰,奥尔加尝试了各种技术和材料,努力探索自己独特的艺术风格。她渴望找到一种能让自己持续发展并获得世界认可的风格。当她搬到美国后,对艺术身份的追求发生了重大转变,完全走出了自己的舒适区。在那里,她真正找到了自己的艺术使命。 艺术对奥尔加来说至关重要,就像呼吸一样。创作的冲动是她生命的基本组成部分。由于预算有限,她开始使用价格低廉的打印纸进行创作,事实证明这是一种完美的媒介。奥尔加一直很欣赏单色、高质感的艺术作品,手工剪纸对她来说是一种治疗冥想的方式。"如果你是一名专业艺术家,你有一种创造的命运感,那么你可以用任何东西制作一件艺术品。使用什么材料和工具并不重要,"她认为。因此,她开始了纸艺之旅。 奥尔加的雕塑作品灵感来源于令人着迷的自然之美,侧重于自然形态及其纹理。她的目标是通过艺术表达分享她的宇宙,唤起观众的情感反应。她的作品在空间和形状之间表现出强烈的节奏感,并经常采用互补色调。她采用的纸雕技术创造出一种三维错觉,增加了作品的深度和趣味性。 如今,奥尔加-斯科罗霍德是一位获奖艺术家,其作品已在国内外 50 多次展览中展出。她的艺术作品被 15 个以上国家的私人收藏,她的作品还被 15 篇以上的博客文章报道过。奥尔加对艺术界的贡献也得到了杰西卡-鲍德里(Jessica Baldry)所著《纸艺创意书》等出版物的认可。她的纸雕作品被奥地利 "MM Carton "公司从全球 13 位艺术家中选中,用于其 2018 年和 2019 年的企业激情纸板日历。 一些学生根据奥尔加的作品撰写了他们的毕业证书和博士学位,许多教师使用她的纸墙艺术来激发学生用纸进行创作。"奥尔加说:"创造遗产的最佳方式莫过于用自己的艺术影响他人,鼓励人们进行创作。通过创新的纸雕作品,奥尔加-斯科罗霍德不断激发灵感,并在艺术界留下了持久的影响。



2016 Award of Merit, IN, ON, OF PAPER juried exhibition, Ccycle 2, Southeast Ohio's Center for Paper and Book Arts, Nelsonville, OH
2016 The Main Award - Joan Eliot Sappington Award, Special Exhibit Chasing Paper, 2016 Lake Oswego Festival of the Arts, Lakewood Center for the Arts, Lake Oswego, OR


2019 Art FTLfair ArtCURATED by Lisa Rockford, Fort Lauderdale, FL
2018 Pushing Paper, Barrett Art Center, Poughkeepsie, NY
2018 THE LA ART SHOW, MODERN + CONTEMPORARY, Los Angeles Convention Center, Los Angeles, CA
2017 SMALL WORKS, Catalyst Gallery, Beacon, NY
2017 Representational Abstract, bG Gallery, Santa Monica, CA
2017 2017 Annual Member’s Show for UVAA Artist Members, Umpqua Valley Arts Association, Roseburg, OR
2017 Paper Works, Fort Works Art Gallery, Fort Worth, TX (Paper Works ​will be shown in conjunction with ​Tropism, ​a solo exhibition by installation artist Crystal Wagner)
2017 Spectrum Gestalt 4, bG Gallery, Santa Monica, CA
2017 6x6x2017, RoCo (Rochester Contemporary Art Center), Rochester, NY
2017 2017 mon-o-chrome, Las Laguna Gallery, Laguna Beach, CA
2017 Blue Show, Core New Art Space, Denver, CO
2017 The Seventh Annual ArtWorks Northwest, Umpqua Valley Arts Association, Roseburg, OR
2017 Art On Paper, MFA Circle Gallery, Annapolis, MD
2017 Outside the Box, bG Gallery, Santa Monica, CA
2017 Water and Sky, bG Gallery, Santa Monica, CA
2017 A Radical Light, Umpqua Valley Arts Association, Roseburg, OR
2016 Artists draw. Requirements: A4, ballpoint pen, at the Karas Gallery - Kyiv, Ukraine (catalog)
2016 SMALL WORKS, Catalyst Gallery, Beacon, NY
2016 Earth, Wind, and Fire, Umpqua Valley Arts Association, Roseburg, OR
2016 N, ON, OF PAPER JURIED EXHIBITION, CYCLE 2, Southeast Ohio's Center for Paper and Book Arts, Nelsonville, OH
2016 Hawai‘i National Parks 2016 Centennial, International Gallery Maui Arts & Cultural Center, Kahului, Hawaii
2016 PAPERWORKS 2016, B.J. Spoke Gallery, Huntington, NY
2016 Chasing Paper, 2016 Lake Oswego Festival of the Arts, Lakewood Center for the Arts, Lake Oswego, OR
2016 6x6x2016, Rochester Contemporary Art Center, Rochester, NY
2016 Small Works Exhibit, the Lemonade Stand Gallery, Key West, Florida
2016 The Big Draw, the Catalyst Gallery, Beacon, NY (the paper artwork is shown on The Big Draw website)
2015 Small Works, the Catalyst Gallery, Beacon, NY
2015 White on White, LHUCA, Lubbock, TX
2015 2015 Small Works, Big Presents, the White River Valley Museum, Auburn, WA
2015 Five by Five. Small art for s big cause, the Arts Council of Hillsborough County, the Tampa Museum of Art, Tampa, FL
2015 Oregon Wonders: Crater Lake and Oregon State Parks, Giustina Gallery, Corvallis, OR
2015 The 30th Annual Tallahassee International exhibition, FSU Museum of Fine Arts, Tallahassee, FL
2015 IF IT FITS, MAIL IT!, Acme Art Studios, Wilmington, NC
2015 6x6x2015, RoCo (Rochester Contemporary Art Center), Rochester, NY
2015 cARTography, Ryan James Fine Arts, Kirkland, WA (curated by Dawn Laurant)
2015 THIRTY UNDER 30, Acme Art Studios, Wilmington, NC (curated by Kristen Crouch)
2015 The Big Draw, Catalyst Gallery, Beacon, NY (the paper artwork is shown on The Big Draw website)
2015 Sincerely Yours, at the SLANT Gallery - Dallas, TX
2015 TURQUOISE, International Mail-Art-Project, Austria (the paper artwork is shown on the Monika Mori's blog post)
2014 Artists draw. Requirements: A4, ballpoint pen, at the Karas Gallery - Kyiv, Ukraine (catalog)
2014 Polish, at the ROX Gallery - New York, NY (the paper artwork was included in a press release for the ROX Gallery)
2013 Semi-finalist of SNAC Ukraine 2012 (SNAC - Social Network Art Competition), at the ArtPeople Gallery - San Francisco,CA (catalog)
2013 Artists draw. Requirements: A4, ballpoint pen, at the Karas Gallery - Kyiv, Ukraine (catalog)
2012 The exhibition devoted to the international creative camp in Baja, Hungary
2012 Exhibition - E-book - Event „The Interpersonally Happy ” - Island Hano, Sweden (the book was released in the Fall of 2012 )
2012 Territory of the Soul, Plast-Art Gallery, Chernihiv, Ukraine (catalog)
2011 Artists draw, Requirements: A4, ballpoint pen, Karas Gallery, Kyiv, Ukraine (catalog)
