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简介的形象 / Lana Korolievskaia

Lana Korolievskaia

Лана Королєвская




Лана Королєвская(Lana Korolievskaia)


Lana Korolievskaia 是一位来自乌克兰的艺术家。她的绘画和图形,无论主题如何(风景、静物、肖像),都充满了深刻的象征意义,其灵感来自于对我们世界中各种形式美的赞美。她作品的主要艺术主题是时间、幻想、神秘、神话、哲学和童话。拉娜希望教会观众观察和发现习惯事物的美,感受大自然和宇宙的魔力。例如,如果我画肖...
Lana Korolievskaia 是一位来自乌克兰的艺术家。她的绘画和图形,无论主题如何(风景、静物、肖像),都充满了深刻的象征意义,其灵感来自于对我们世界中各种形式美的赞美。她作品的主要艺术主题是时间、幻想、神秘、神话、哲学和童话。拉娜希望教会观众观察和发现习惯事物的美,感受大自然和宇宙的魔力。例如,如果我画肖像,我就会努力表现人的内心世界,展现他头脑中的思想运动。


超过8件Lana Korolievskaia的原创艺术作品现正热卖中。了解更多关于Lana Korolievskaia的资讯如个人简介、作品价格以及个人展览情报等。

“Lana Korolievskaia的作品列表”


Leda and Swan

USD 2,464.20 Year.2024 w51.00 x h73.00 x d0.30 cm


The dream of the sea princess

USD 2,464.20 Year.2024 w70.00 x h100.00 x d0.30 cm


Dance of freedom and fragility

USD 1,998.00 Year.2024 w51.00 x h73.00 x d0.30 cm


Metaphysical still life with parrot and snails

USD 4,440.00 Year.2024 w60.00 x h60.00 x d0.30 cm


Mermaid youth

USD 2,220.00 Year.2024 w70.00 x h100.00 x d0.05 cm


Lessons of heaven and earth

USD 1,998.00 Year.2024 w100.00 x h70.00 x d0.05 cm


Girl and dragon

USD 2,220.00 Year.2024 w66.00 x h95.00 x d0.05 cm


Abduction of Europe

USD 8,880.00 Year.2024 w80.00 x h60.00 x d2.00 cm



USD $1,998 ~ $8,880


乌克兰艺术家、艺术家插画家、艺术家舞台设计师、作家、教师。曾多次在国际插画比赛中获奖。 我有 30 多年的创作和专业经验。 1980 年至 1985 年,我在哈尔科夫艺术与工业设计学院(现为哈尔科夫国立设计与艺术学院)学习,并以优异成绩完成了工业艺术系(工业设计专业)的学业(毕业证书 ЖВ-1 № 120406)。
乌克兰艺术家、艺术家插画家、艺术家舞台设计师、作家、教师。曾多次在国际插画比赛中获奖。 我有 30 多年的创作和专业经验。 1980 年至 1985 年,我在哈尔科夫艺术与工业设计学院(现为哈尔科夫国立设计与艺术学院)学习,并以优异成绩完成了工业艺术系(工业设计专业)的学业(毕业证书 ЖВ-1 № 120406)。
曾担任平面设计师、插图画家。设计了 50 多种印刷出版物。参加过国际插图和摄影比赛(博洛尼亚儿童书展、Futura、布拉迪斯拉发插图双年展、阿勒萨尼奖、国际儿童插图双年展)。2004 年,在瑞士巴塞尔获得 iBbY(国际青少年读物理事会)2004 年优质插图荣誉榜奖,在南非开普敦获得插图荣誉证书(《海盗故事》)。1994 年至今在第聂伯艺术学院任教。



2007 the first prize on DESIGN FESTIVAL COW/07/«Illustration», Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine.
2004 iBbY (International Council for Books for Young people) Honour List 2004 for the high quality illustrations, Basel, Switzerland and by the Certificate of Honour for Illustration (for “Piratic stories”), Cape Town, South Africa.
1998 «Sicheslavna» (the highest theatrical award of Pridneprov’e) laureate in the «Dramatic art propaganda» nomination.
1988 first prize in the competition «The best project of Tiraspol’s dramatic theatre restoration (founded in 1925)».
1987 second prize in the Republic posters’ competition (Moldova, Kishinev).


2024 All-Ukrainian exhibition of pastels «Attractive world of pastels», Dnipro, Ukraine.
2024 Dnipro art museum. Joint exhibition «Labyrinths of creativity» with Volodymyr Korolievskyi, Dnipro, Ukraine.
2013 VI Bienal internacional de ilustracao para a infancia 2013, Portugal.
2011 V Bienal internacional de ilustracao para a infancia 2011, Portugal.
2011 spring international photo contest The Al-Thani award, Special themes circuit 2011, Linz, Austria.
2010 Spring international photo competition «The Al-Thani award», Special themes circuit 2010, Linz, Austria.
2009 IV Bienal internacional de ilustracao para a infancia 2009, Portugal.
2008 Autumn international photo competition «The Al-Thani award», Special themes circuit 2008, Linz, Austria.
2008 Spring international photo competition «The Al-Thani award», Special themes circuit 2008, Linz, Austria.
2007 III Bienal internacional de ilustracao para a infancia 2007, Lisboa, Portugal.
2005 II Bienal internacional de ilustracao para a infancia 2005, Lisboa, Portugal.
2004 ІІ Competition named after G. Yakutovich, the National Artists’ Union of Ukraine, Kyiv.
2003 International exhibition of professional illustrators «19-th Biennale ВIВ-2003», town Bratislava, Slovakia.
2002 Illustrator’s exhibition «Bologna Children’s Book Fair». Bologna, Italy.
2002 Illustrator’s exhibition «Futura-2002», Paris, France.
2001 International Exhibition of Professional illustrators «18-th Biennale ВIВ-2001», town Bratislava, Slovakia.
2001 Illustrators exhibition «Golden feather», Yugoslavia.
2000 Illustrators exhibition «Futura-2000», Paris, France.
2000 International Exhibition of Professional Illustrators «Sixty best artists-illustrators of the world BIB-2000» (Tokyo, Japan).
1999 International Exhibition of Professional Illustrators «17-th Biennale ВIВ-1999», Bratislava, Slovakia.
1999 Book illustration exhibition in VVC (VDNKH, Moscow, Russia) taking place at the Book International fair.
