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10%OFF 첫 구매 후 두 번째 구매 시!

Thanks for breakfast. AvocadoThanks for breakfast. AvocadoThanks for breakfast. AvocadoThanks for breakfast. AvocadoThanks for breakfast. AvocadoThanks for breakfast. AvocadoThanks for breakfast. Avocado

이 작품의 더 많은 이미지를 보고 싶으십니까?

알려주시면 최대한 빨리 보내드리겠습니다!

내 요청 보내기
Thanks for breakfast. Avocado
Thanks for breakfast. Avocado
Thanks for breakfast. Avocado
Thanks for breakfast. Avocado
Thanks for breakfast. Avocado
Thanks for breakfast. Avocado
Thanks for breakfast. Avocado
Thanks for breakfast. Avocado

Thanks for breakfast. Avocado

W 30.00cm x H 40.00cm x D 1.00cm

USD $300.00

장바구니에 담기

다른 사용자가 본 유사 작품

  • 이것에 대해 Thanks for breakfast. Avocado

    세부 묘사


    페인트 등 (오일 페인팅)

    Original Artwork




    캔버스 앞면에 작가가 직접 서명 한 손

    프레임 화


    When I moved to Australia three months ago, “Vegemite” was first thing I tried. “Vegemite” is a brown Australian food spread made from leftover brewers' yeast extract. Local people usually have “Vegemite” on toast with avocado. So it’s a traditional Australian breakfast and I like it so much. I wanted to depict three ingredients of “Vegemite” and avocado toast in a painting series. The painting represents people giving thanks for the food in such a way that it was a deeply moving experience.

  • 이 아티스트 정보


    I typically work and keep exploring the oil paints on the canvases of various sizes. Within my own body of work, I classify these types of paintings as "Composite Realism", because they involve elements of intense realism combined with abstract patterns and surrealistic dream-like scenes and symbolic images. This is a great way to interweave arcane concepts in my own way such as philosophy, the depths of mind, theories of creation, and the assorted pursuits of science with more accessible. As I continue to develop my subject painting, I successfully work in other genres - including portraiture, landscapes, and nudes. I made a significant breakthrough in the portraiture genre.

  • 자주하는 질문

아티스트의 다른 작품

  • Faith



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    The most valuable 2


  • Thanks for breakfast. Avocado

    Thanks for breakfast. Avocado


  • Thanks for breakfast. Vegemite

    Thanks for breakfast. Vegemite


  • Thanks for breakfast. Bread

    Thanks for breakfast. Bread


  • Thanks for breakfast. Mango

    Thanks for breakfast. Mango


  • Night



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    Ukrainian. February 23


  • I’ll show you the world

    I’ll show you the world


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