5%OFF & 무료배송 1차구매


10%OFF 첫 구매 후 두 번째 구매 시!

Cardinal bird, cardinal, bright red bird, cardinal on a branch, beautiful bird, forest bird, songbird, bird painting, wildlife, animals, small painting, red, framed paintingCardinal bird, cardinal, bright red bird, cardinal on a branch, beautiful bird, forest bird, songbird, bird painting, wildlife, animals, small painting, red, framed paintingCardinal bird, cardinal, bright red bird, cardinal on a branch, beautiful bird, forest bird, songbird, bird painting, wildlife, animals, small painting, red, framed paintingCardinal bird, cardinal, bright red bird, cardinal on a branch, beautiful bird, forest bird, songbird, bird painting, wildlife, animals, small painting, red, framed paintingCardinal bird, cardinal, bright red bird, cardinal on a branch, beautiful bird, forest bird, songbird, bird painting, wildlife, animals, small painting, red, framed paintingCardinal bird, cardinal, bright red bird, cardinal on a branch, beautiful bird, forest bird, songbird, bird painting, wildlife, animals, small painting, red, framed paintingCardinal bird, cardinal, bright red bird, cardinal on a branch, beautiful bird, forest bird, songbird, bird painting, wildlife, animals, small painting, red, framed painting

이 작품의 더 많은 이미지를 보고 싶으십니까?

알려주시면 최대한 빨리 보내드리겠습니다!

내 요청 보내기
Cardinal bird, cardinal, bright red bird, cardinal on a branch, beautiful bird, forest bird, songbird, bird painting, wildlife, animals, small painting, red, framed painting
Cardinal bird, cardinal, bright red bird, cardinal on a branch, beautiful bird, forest bird, songbird, bird painting, wildlife, animals, small painting, red, framed painting
Cardinal bird, cardinal, bright red bird, cardinal on a branch, beautiful bird, forest bird, songbird, bird painting, wildlife, animals, small painting, red, framed painting
Cardinal bird, cardinal, bright red bird, cardinal on a branch, beautiful bird, forest bird, songbird, bird painting, wildlife, animals, small painting, red, framed painting
Cardinal bird, cardinal, bright red bird, cardinal on a branch, beautiful bird, forest bird, songbird, bird painting, wildlife, animals, small painting, red, framed painting
Cardinal bird, cardinal, bright red bird, cardinal on a branch, beautiful bird, forest bird, songbird, bird painting, wildlife, animals, small painting, red, framed painting
Cardinal bird, cardinal, bright red bird, cardinal on a branch, beautiful bird, forest bird, songbird, bird painting, wildlife, animals, small painting, red, framed painting
Cardinal bird, cardinal, bright red bird, cardinal on a branch, beautiful bird, forest bird, songbird, bird painting, wildlife, animals, small painting, red, framed painting
벽에 걸린 예술 작품의 이미지
벽에 걸린 예술 작품의 이미지
벽에 걸린 예술 작품의 이미지
벽에 걸린 예술 작품의 이미지
벽에 걸린 예술 작품의 이미지

Cardinal bird, cardinal, bright red bird, cardinal on a branch, beautiful bird, forest bird, songbird, bird painting, wildlife, animals, small painting, red, framed painting


W 10.00cm x H 10.00cm x D 0.30cm

다른 사용자가 본 유사 작품

  • 이것에 대해 Cardinal bird, cardinal, bright red bird, cardinal on a branch, beautiful bird, forest bird, songbird, bird painting, wildlife, animals, small painting, red, framed painting

    세부 묘사


    페인트 등 (오일 페인팅)

    Original Artwork




    캔버스 앞면에 작가가 직접 서명 한 손



    북미에서 가장 인기 있는 새 중 하나입니다. 새빨간 깃털로 나뭇가지 사이 어딘가에서 번쩍입니다. 마치 작은 손전등이 켜졌다가 꺼지는 것 같았습니다. 그리고 지금 추기경은 다른 곳에서 그의 아름다운 노래를 부르고 있습니다. 이 "버지니아 나이팅게일"을 보고 싶다! 전시 장소: 침실, 어린이 방 판지에 캔버스에 그린 원본 유화는 디테일과 색상이 풍부합니다. 100% 손으로 그린 유화. 4x4인치(10x10cm) 1가지 크기로 제공됩니다. 프레임에 그림입니다. 프레임에 있는 그림의 크기는 14x14cm입니다. 원본 작성: 2021 READY TO HANG. 배송 준비 완료 COA 정품 인증서가 첨부되어 있습니다. 그림은 먼지와 습기로부터 보호하기 위해 광택 바니시로 덮여 있습니다. 이 그림에는 서명과 날짜가 적혀 있습니다. 서명 - 앞면과 뒷면. 색상 및 채도는 모니터 설정에 따라 원본과 약간 다를 수 있습니다. 배송: 귀하의 작품은 보호용 포장재에 전문적으로 포장되어 배송됩니다.

  • 이 아티스트 정보



    Russian Federation



    Sergey는 항상 주변 세계의 야생 자연의 아름다움, 모든 표현의 다양성에 감탄했습니다. 그는 종종 숲, 공원, 강가에서 영혼을 쉬고 지켜봅니다. 따라서 그의 그림은 다양한 상태의 자연, 동물, 꽃, 식물에 관한 것입니다. 계절마다 매력이 있습니다. 그리고 정물과 꽃의 주제는 계절에 따라 바뀝니다. 그림의 각 조각에 대한 정확하고 상세한 연구는 예술가로 하여금 극사실주의에 더 가까이 다가가도록 하여 작은 세부 사항으로 이미지의 대상을 생생하고 육즙이 있게 포착할 수 있게 합니다. 그의 그림에서 그는 전통적인 다층 기법을 사용합니다. 그는 이것이 무생물과 살아있는 자연에서 묘사된 물체의 볼륨과 chiaroscuro의 놀이를 만드는 가장 좋은 방법이라고 믿습니다. 각 사진은 그 순간의 Sergey의 내면 상태를 반영하고 있으며, 이를 감상자에게 전달하고자 합니다. 기쁨, 기쁨의 느낌, 대대로 물려줄 그림을 소유하고 싶은 욕망은 예술가에게 진정한 보상입니다.

    관련 기사

  • 자주하는 질문

아티스트의 다른 작품

  • Lilac bouquet - lilac bouquet, dark floral, bouquet, lilac, openwork napkin, vintage,  dark colors, ebony, floral still life, figurines on the table, wall art, wall decor, jewelry box, elephants,  flowers, bouquet of flowers

    Lilac bouquet - lilac bouquet, dark floral, bouquet, lilac, openwork napkin, vintage, dark colors, ebony, floral still life, figurines on the table, wall art, wall decor, jewelry box, elephants, flowers, bouquet of flowers


  • Sweet couple - pear, apple, fruit, fruit still life, ripe fruit, half an apple, fruit on a dark background, sweet fruit, fruit on the table, gifts of nature, dark,  red

    Sweet couple - pear, apple, fruit, fruit still life, ripe fruit, half an apple, fruit on a dark background, sweet fruit, fruit on the table, gifts of nature, dark, red


  • Fruit delight  — fruit, tangerines, persimmon, fruit still life, fruit on the table,                    autumn harvest, citrus , sweet fruits, orange fruits, dark background,  clementines tangerine slices, orange, wall art, wall decor

    Fruit delight — fruit, tangerines, persimmon, fruit still life, fruit on the table, autumn harvest, citrus , sweet fruits, orange fruits, dark background, clementines tangerine slices, orange, wall art, wall decor


  • Still life with a pear - pear, fruit, fruit still life, ripe fruit,  pear on a dark background, fruit on the table, ripe fruit, dark background, gifts of nature, sweet pear, honey pear

    Still life with a pear - pear, fruit, fruit still life, ripe fruit, pear on a dark background, fruit on the table, ripe fruit, dark background, gifts of nature, sweet pear, honey pear


  • FIRST SNOW  -  Reproduction of a painting by I.I. Shishkin framed - winter forest landscape, trees in the snow, winter forest, winter day, melting snow, gray day, bad weather, on the edge of the forest, withered grass, sad time, Light blue, platinum

    FIRST SNOW - Reproduction of a painting by I.I. Shishkin framed - winter forest landscape, trees in the snow, winter forest, winter day, melting snow, gray day, bad weather, on the edge of the forest, withered grass, sad time, Light blue, platinum


  • AUTUMN LAKE -  Forest lake,reflection in the water, Bare branches, autumn day,  autumn forest, forest landscape, trees, walking through the forest, wall art, wall decor, autumn landscape

    AUTUMN LAKE - Forest lake,reflection in the water, Bare branches, autumn day, autumn forest, forest landscape, trees, walking through the forest, wall art, wall decor, autumn landscape


  • RYE – reproduction I. I. Shishkin, summer landscape, ripe rye, rye field, golden field, old pine trees, ripe ears, country road, road to the field, endless field

    RYE – reproduction I. I. Shishkin, summer landscape, ripe rye, rye field, golden field, old pine trees, ripe ears, country road, road to the field, endless field


  • A stream in a birch forest -  reproduction I. Shishkin, summer day, mushroom season, birch grove, summer landscape, forest path, mushroom pickers, stream in the forest, bridge over a stream, Ivan Shishkin,  forest, birch trees, nature, trees, wall art, wall décor, sap greenssap green ap green

    A stream in a birch forest - reproduction I. Shishkin, summer day, mushroom season, birch grove, summer landscape, forest path, mushroom pickers, stream in the forest, bridge over a stream, Ivan Shishkin, forest, birch trees, nature, trees, wall art, wall décor, sap greenssap green ap green


  •  Lotus in bud -water lilies, lotus, lotus flower, water flower, interior painting, pink, pink lotus, pink and green, flower painting, flower wall decor,  Indian national flower, flower wall art, wall décor

    Lotus in bud -water lilies, lotus, lotus flower, water flower, interior painting, pink, pink lotus, pink and green, flower painting, flower wall decor, Indian national flower, flower wall art, wall décor


  • Lotus - water lilies, lotus, lotus flower, water flower, interior painting, pink, pink lotus, pink and green, flower painting, flower wall decor,  Indian national flower, flower wall art, wall décor

    Lotus - water lilies, lotus, lotus flower, water flower, interior painting, pink, pink lotus, pink and green, flower painting, flower wall decor, Indian national flower, flower wall art, wall décor
