“Thoughts are not the truth. They are waves in the ocean of awareness; coming, going, fleeting, transient. They move in you but do not define you. You are not their slave. - Jeff Foster Leaving thoughts behind. I'm ready to move on and make a fresh start. This drawing was inspired by Jeff Foster's poem and a tarot card “Knight of Wands ” which I picked for this project. I hope you will feel her passion. * Knight of Wands: energy, passion , inspired action, adventure, impulsiveness Model: Raven Lynette Reference image by Xeno aka Artist Figure Reference via Patreon (thank you for your permission) ⭐︎ Poetic Daydream Figure Drawing ⭐︎ -Painting is poetry that atat is felt rather than seen- by Leonard Da Vinci This small figure drawing collection make you feel dreamy. All drawings express beauty of humanity and aim to find lights in the darkness. 우리가 숨은 에너지와 열정을 양식으로 전진하는 모습을 표현했습니다.