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프로필 이미지 / Monica Gewurz

Monica Gewurz

Monica Gewurz


아티스트 소셜 미디어

이 아티스트를 공유하시겠습니까?

Monica Gewurz


저는 캐나다 브리티시컬럼비아주 밴쿠버에 거주하는 혼합 미디어 아티스트입니다. 제 예술은 캐나다 밴쿠버에서의 삶에 뿌리를 두고 있지만 여행 경험에서도 영감을 받았습니다. 나는 자연의 기하학적 반복, 녹청, 시간이 지남에 따라 레이어, 그리고 새벽과 황혼의 놀라운 색상에서 영감을 받은 영감을 불러일으키고 의도...
저는 캐나다 브리티시컬럼비아주 밴쿠버에 거주하는 혼합 미디어 아티스트입니다. 제 예술은 캐나다 밴쿠버에서의 삶에 뿌리를 두고 있지만 여행 경험에서도 영감을 받았습니다. 나는 자연의 기하학적 반복, 녹청, 시간이 지남에 따라 레이어, 그리고 새벽과 황혼의 놀라운 색상에서 영감을 받은 영감을 불러일으키고 의도적으로 불완전한 그림을 만듭니다. 나는 시각을 넘어 더 촉각적이고 구체적인 과정에 도달하기 위해 혼합 매체를 사용할 수 있는 능력이 있습니다. 내가 일본 철학의 다섯 가지 요소를 통합하려고 할 때 아시아 상징주의는 내 그림에 존재합니다. 돌이나 자갈을 사용하는 흙; 질감을 사용하여 물; 금색 또는 은색 금을 사용하여 광도를 묘사하는 불, 다른 브러시 스트로크를 사용하는 바람; 및 Void 또는 "Heaven"), 수많은 투명 레이어를 통해 대기 효과를 만듭니다.

덜 읽기

Monica Gewurz의 4 원본 작품 및 painters을(를) 찾습니다. :artist_var_name_ko의 프로필, 작품 가격, 전시 정보를 확인하고 온라인으로 작품을 구매하세요.

“Monica Gewurz님의 작품”



USD 1,250.00 Year.2024 w60.90 x h45.70 x d3.80 cm



USD 750.00 Year.2024 w50.80 x h40.60 x d6.30 cm



USD 1,350.00 Year.2024 w60.90 x h50.80 x d2.50 cm



USD 1,350.00 Year.2023 w60.90 x h60.90 x d2.50 cm


가격 범위

USD $750 ~ $1,350


저는 캐나다 BC주 밴쿠버에 거주하는 혼합 미디어 아티스트입니다. 나는 과학에 대한 배경 지식을 바탕으로 자연과 새벽과 황혼의 놀라운 색상에서 영감을 받은 영감을 불러일으키고 의도적으로 불완전한 그림을 만듭니다. 나는 시각적인 것을 넘어 더 촉각적이며 유형적인 과정에 도달할 수 있는 능력을 위해 혼합 매체를...
저는 캐나다 BC주 밴쿠버에 거주하는 혼합 미디어 아티스트입니다. 나는 과학에 대한 배경 지식을 바탕으로 자연과 새벽과 황혼의 놀라운 색상에서 영감을 받은 영감을 불러일으키고 의도적으로 불완전한 그림을 만듭니다. 나는 시각적인 것을 넘어 더 촉각적이며 유형적인 과정에 도달할 수 있는 능력을 위해 혼합 매체를 사용합니다. 나는 소재와 기법을 조합하여 현실을 추상화하고 이야기를 통해 친밀한 미학적, 감정적 반응을 이끌어냅니다. 이것을 온전히 경험하려면 관객은 내 작품의 여러 겹, 음영, 질감 속으로 들어가야 하고, 시각적이고 본능적인 만남으로 이끌려 예술가와 관객 사이의 전체적인 마음의 만남을 통해 자아 발견, 공감, 명상 및 마음챙김을 고무해야 합니다. 물의 아름다움, 힘, 에너지와 물과 관련된 반사광은 과학자이자 예술가로서 항상 저를 끌어들였습니다. 물과의 이러한 연결과 일몰의 놀라운 색상 및 반사는 내 최신 작업 컬렉션에 영감을 주었습니다.

덜 읽기


2022 Gallery Ring March Sapphire Award (second place)
2021 Visionary Project international artist organization, nominated to be part of their Eco-Artist directory
2020 Federation of Canadian Artists 3rd place in the Crisis show with Exposed II Vancouver TV interview as part of the Crisis show on climate change
2019 - 40 Knots Winery, “Waves of Tranquility” chosen to be on the label of their VinoSpa line, BC - "Textures and Fragments" podcast interview with Andrea Dancer about my art, process, life as professional full-time artists, and their sources of inspiration. https://soundcloud.com/andrea-pandancer/textures-fragments
2018 40 Knots Winery, “Ebbing” chosen to be on the label of their 2019 fortified wine, BC
2018 Living Legacies – A Collection of Narratives by Contemporary Canadian Jewish Women, -Volume VII edited by Liz Pearl, PK Press, Toronto, Canada
2018 - Winner of the Lions Bay banner contest, Lions Bay, BC
2018 - Winner of the international the Gallery 105 UK, “International Seascapes” https://www.youtube.com/watch?reload=9&v=0IkXnYtxw6w&feature=youtu.beContest” virtual contest, UK
2018 - 3rd Place Artist in the APERO’s international magazine September Issue “Gather” with my acrylic mixed media “Exposed “, US http://www.showapero.com/september-2018-catalogue.html) - Inclusion in the APERO's international magazine October Issue "Colour" with my acrylic mixed media "Luminescence II , US http://www.showapero.com/october-2018-catalogue.html)
2013 - Incite 3- “The Art of Storytelling” featuring “Turquoise Rock-Mazel Tov” published by North Light books as an example of the best of mixed media in North America.
2024 -Federation of Canadian Artists 1st place “Abstracted” show, July
2024 Boldbrush International competition “Abstract” overall best award, January -Boldrush International competition “Abstract” 3rd place, November.


2022 Lions Bay selected artist with “SOS” created from found materials collected by the Diving In team, to be showcased at 9 public venues in the Sea to Sky corridor in BC
2021 Federation of Canadian Artists "Artist of the Year Award" juried show, Vancouver, BC West Vancouver Art Council “Bellow the Surface”, juried show, Vancouver, BC Federation of Canadian Artists “Artist of the Year Award”, juried show, Vancouver, BC Federation of Canadian Artists "Artist’s Choice" juried show, Vancouver, BC Federation of Canadian Artists "Abstract" juried show, Vancouver, BC West Vancouver Art Council “Spectrum” juried show, Vancouver, BC North Shore Arts Crawl, virtual juried show, BC Artwrk, solo virtual juried show, BC
2020 Federation of Canadian Artists "Scenes of Western Canada" juried show, Vancouver, BC Federation of Canadian Artists "Crisis" juried show, 3rd place with Exposed II, Vancouver, BC Federation of Canadian Artists “Salon” juried show, Federation Gallery, Vancouver, BC Federation of Canadian Artists “Abstracted” juried show, Federation Gallery, Vancouver, BC Federation of Canadian Artists "Muse" juried show, Vancouver, BC Federation of Canadian Artists "Canvas Unbound" juried show, Vancouver, BC
2020 Federation of Canadian Artists "Landscape" juried show, Vancouver, BC Art Vancouver group exhibition, Vancouver, BC North Shore Art Crawl, West Vancouver, BC Gallery Pendulum & Art Vancouver show POMO Arts Gallery “Igniting Hope” virtual juried show, Port Moody, BC Fusion Art Annual “Lines, Shapes & Objects” online juried art exhibition, US The Gallery@Cove Commons “Saving Sea to Sky juried show, Bowen Island, BC
2019 International Arts Gallery, Celebration the Chinese New Year 2019, group exhibition, Vancouver, BC Art Vancouver group exhibition as part of Lipont’s Gallery booth, Vancouver, BC Lipont Gallery, two artist show “All That Light”, Vancouver, BC 40 Knots Winery, winner of a label competition for their 2019 fortified wine, Comox, BC 40 Knots Winery, winner of a label competition for their 2019 wine-spa line, Comox, BC Ukama Gallery pop-up show “Rising Tides”, Doris Crowston public gallery, 2 artists show “Textures and Fragments”, Sechelt, BC, 5th Singapore “Bank Art Fair” exhibit, Singapore The Beaumont Studios Gallery, group show “INIZIO”, Vancouver, BC, Karen Cooper Gallery “Inspired by Nature”, 2 artists show fundraiser for The Nature Trust of BC, Federation of Canadian Artists “Abstracted” juried show, Federation Gallery, Vancouver, BC
2018 Silk Purse Gallery-West Vancouver, “Remixing”, group artist exhibit, Vancouver, BC Winner of the Lions Bay banner contest, Lions Bay, BC, Winner of the international Gallery 105 “International Seascapes Contest” virtual contest Video #2, UK, 3rd Place Artist in the APERO’s international magazine September Issue “Gather” with my acrylic mixed media “Exposed”, California, US , Doris Crowston public gallery, “Trashform”, group artist exhibit, Sechelt, BC , International Artists Gallery group artist exhibit, International Village, Vancouver, BC, Britannia Mine, “Picks and Pixels”, group artist exhibit, Britannia, BC,. Art Vancouver International Art Show, Vancouver, BC, Silk Purse Gallery-West Vancouver, “Local Artists Local Scenes”, group artist exhibit, West Vancouver, BC, North Vancouver Art Council Art in the Garden group artist exhibit, Vancouver, BC, Scott Milo Gallery- Bellingham Washington, group artist exhibit, Anacortes, WA, CityScape Community Art Gallery, “Journey of the Salmon” group artist exhibit, Vancouver, BC, Painter’s Lodge, A World About Art Exhibit “Winterland”, group artist exhibit, Campbell River, BC
2017 Sooke Harbour House Gallery, Sooke, Vancouver Island, BC Harmony Festival Art Beat, Vancouver, BC Federation of Canadian Artists “Landscape” juried show, Federation Gallery, Vancouver, BC Sidney and Gertrude Zack gallery, Community Art exhibit, Vancouver, BC Burnaby Arts Council “Luminescence”, group artist exhibit, Deer Lake Gallery, Burnaby, BC Ferry Building Gallery and West Vancouver City Hall, solo exhibit, Vancouver, BC Anonymous Art Show, CityScape Gallery, Vancouver, BC
2016 Circle Craft Christmas Market (booth display), Vancouver, BC, Federation of Canadian Artists “10 square show”, Vancouver, BC Sidney and Gertrude Zack gallery, Community Art Show and Gallery Benefit, Vancouver, BC, Harmony Festival “Art Beat”, Vancouver, BC, Museum of Northwest Art (MONA) annual juried fundraiser, La Conner, WA, Art Vancouver International Group exhibit, Vancouver BC, Sidney and Gertrude Zack gallery, ‘Festival Ha’Rikud – A Tapestry of Cultures’ group exhibit, Vancouver, BC, Ron Andrews Gallery group exhibit, Vancouver, BC, Children Heart Network silent auction fundraiser, Vancouver, BC Vancouver, Aquarium Annual Gala Fundraiser, Vancouver, BC, Ferry Building Gallery Group Show, “Love in any Language” group art exhibit, Vancouver, BC, Seymour Art Gallery, Discovery-Line group art exhibit, Vancouver, BC, Federation of Canadian Artists “Concept” juried show, Federation Gallery, Vancouver, BC
2015 Canadian Aboriginal Mining Conference, Vancouver, BC, Federation of Canadian Artists juried group show “Muse”, Vancouver, BC, Harmony Festival “Art Beat”, Vancouver, BC, Britannia Mine Museum “No Future without Past”, Britannia, BC, Museum of Northwest Art (MONA) La Conner, WA, Children Heart Network silent auction fundraiser, Vancouver, BC, Ferry Building Gallery - Sea to Sky studio tour, West Vancouver, BC, Commercial commission for an international hotel, “A Blissful Moment” a mixed media and acrylic paint on canvas 7’x 4’, Guangdong, China, Lions Bay Art in the Garden, Lions Bay, BC, Northshore Art Crawl, Lions Bay, BC, Federation of Canadian Artists –Active members painting show, Vancouver, BC, Federation of Canadian Artists- Landscape juried show, Vancouver, BC, Federation of Canadian Artists- Muse juried show, Vancouver, BC, Seymour Art Gallery, Discovery-Fire painting show, North Vancouver, Incite 3: “The Art of Storytelling” “Turquoise Rock-Mazel Tov” published by North Light books as an example of the best of mixed media
2014 Federation of Canadian Artists –Active members painting show, Vancouver, BC, Federation of Canadian Artists- 10 square show, Vancouver, BC, Seymour Art Gallery, Discovery-Air painting show, Vancouver, BC, Splash Arts Umbrella fundraiser, Vancouver, BC, Sidney and Gertrude Zack gallery “Envisioning Women”, Vancouver, BC , Circle Craft Summer Market, Vancouver, BC, Children Heart Network silent auction fundraiser, Vancouver, BC, Silk Purse Gallery non-juried show “Rebirth and Renewal”, Vancouver, BC, Federation of Canadian Artists- Abstract show, Vancouver, BC, CityScape Community Art Space NVAC Art rental, Vancouver, BC, CityScape Community Art Space Anonymous Show, Vancouver, BC, Harmony Art Festival, Pacific Arbour Group Exhibition, Vancouver, BC, Northshore Art Crawl, North Vancouver, BC
2013 Seymour Art Gallery, fundraising show, North Vancouver, BC, Sea to Sky studio tour, Lions Bay, BC, Ferry Building Gallery Group Show “Abstract Narratives”, Vancouver, BC, Lions Bay Art in the Garden, Lions Bay, BC, Harmony Art Festival “Pacific Arbour Group Exhibition”, Vancouver, BC Harmony Art Festival “Grand Prix Plein Air Challenge”- painting competition, Vancouver, BC
2012 Lions Bay Art Council “Arts and Garden Festival”, Harmony Arts “Grand Prix Plein Air Challenge” 3rd place honorary mention – painting competition, Vancouver, BC
2023 -Silk Purse Gallery: “Elements”, juried show, Vancouver, BC -Artists for Conservation Festival, international juried show, Vancouver, BC -Federation of Canadian Artists “Abstract” show, Vancouver, BC -NS Art Creative- France “Home Away from Home” international exhibit, Provence, France
2024 Federation of Canadian Artists, “Abstract” show, 1st Place, July, 2024, BC - Harmony Festival group show, West Vancouver, BC -Ferry Building Gallery “Sea to Sky Tour”, BC -North Shore Artist Guild juried show, West Vancouver, BC -OMG It’s Small gallery solo show, June-August, BC


2018 West Vancouver City Hall, “Earth-Wind-Water and Fire” solo exhibit, Vancouver

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