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Hi there! 만나뵙게 되어 반갑습니다 🎉자기소개를 부탁드립니다.
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내 작품을 판매하고 싶습니다
아티스트 소셜 미디어
I work with food, on food, and around food. The Japanese Zen concept of food as both sustenance and transitory perishable art, pleasing to the senses and meant to be ingested and transformed as life-sustaining energy, is an inspiration for my art. “Kamikaze Nori Bento”, rendered in Koshihikari rice and Nori seaweed, are faces of sacrifice in the mediums of the land and sea that sustained them and for which they perished; a powerfully compelling, transitory, visually, physically, and emotionally ingestible, digestible Zen. Through my use of food-as-media, I confront the common man and the common mass at the survival-instinct level. It is a media at once fragile, perishable, recognizable, transforming, and nourishing. “Sensual Sight and Spirit Bites” is how I view my recent works, ‘Transitory Spiritual Morsels’. The Japanese Zen concept of food is also how I view my work and creative process: as artwork – beautiful, powerfully-compelling to primary instincts; and statements made in a media perishable, edible, yet timeless: physically, and emotionally compelling “Sound Bites”; “Spiritual Hors d’ Oeuvres –In-Time”, for man on his multi-levels of existence.
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Ryo Arita의 4 원본 작품 및 mixed-media-artists을(를) 찾습니다. :artist_var_name_ko의 프로필, 작품 가격, 전시 정보를 확인하고 온라인으로 작품을 구매하세요.
USD 2,000.00 Year.2018 w50.00 x h75.00 x d10.00 cm
USD 2,000.00 Year.2018 w50.00 x h70.00 x d10.00 cm
USD 2,000.00 Year.2018 w50.00 x h69.10 x d10.00 cm
USD 2,000.00 Year.2022 w50.00 x h61.40 x d10.00 cm
제안 가격 USD$~
※ 고객님의 개인정보는 비밀로 유지되며 전문 직원이 담당자와 대행하여 상담해드립니다.
※ 본 제안은 소유자로부터 구매를 약속하는 것이 아닙니다.
※ 신청서 접수 후, 해당 부동산의 매수 가능 여부를 소유자에게 확인 후 이메일로 안내해 드립니다.