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10%OFF 첫 구매 후 두 번째 구매 시!

프로필 이미지 / TAEKO




매상 2 기예

아티스트 소셜 미디어

이 아티스트를 공유하시겠습니까?



The main theme of my works is nature and most of them are the landscape nearby my house, pictures of flowers, still lifes of the things in my room. I also draw landscapes of foreign countries I visited when I traveled as a backpacker. The painting materials I mostly uses are oil and pastel. Colors a...
The main theme of my works is nature and most of them are the landscape nearby my house, pictures of flowers, still lifes of the things in my room. I also draw landscapes of foreign countries I visited when I traveled as a backpacker. The painting materials I mostly uses are oil and pastel. Colors are the most important things for my work. So, I make ground of my oil paintings, oil, and paint because colors become more vivid. I create a joyful and slightly dreamy world in my works , trying to make people feel happy. I wish to create artworks that can give people who see them fresh pleasure forever. 내 작품의 주제는 "자연"입니다. 자택 근교의 경치, 꽃, 가까이에 있는 정물이 주된 모티프입니다. 또한 젊을 때 백패커로 방문한 해외의 경치도 많이 그려져 있습니다. 주요 그림은 유채와 파스텔입니다. 창작할 때 제일 소중히 하고 있는 것은 색채입니다. 그 때문에, 기초, 용유, 페인트는 스스로 만들고 있습니다. 그쪽이 발색이 좋아지고 색이 선명해집니다. 내가 그리는 세계는 조금 환상적이며, 본 사람이 치유되어 즐거운 기분이 되길 바래 창작하고 있습니다. 한때 유행의 스타일을 쫓는 것이 아니라 오랜 세월이 지나도 신선함을 느낄 수 있는 세계를 만들고 싶습니다.

덜 읽기

TAEKO의 9 원본 작품 및 painters을(를) 찾습니다. :artist_var_name_ko의 프로필, 작품 가격, 전시 정보를 확인하고 온라인으로 작품을 구매하세요.

“TAEKO님의 작품”



USD 153.82 Year.2024 w5.50 x h21.00 x d0.10 cm


Lotus Seed

USD 167.19 Year.2024 w20.00 x h31.50 x d0.10 cm


Dried flowers of Babies breath and Sacred Bamboo

USD 401.26 Year.2020 w21.90 x h27.30 x d1.00 cm


Pink Hydrangea / ピンクの紫陽花

USD 200.63 Year.2020 w22.00 x h29.00 x d0.10 cm


Egrets in Abandoned Fields / 鷺のいる耕作放棄地

USD 401.26 Year.2020 w27.30 x h22.00 x d2.00 cm


Pastoral Landscape in Germany

매진 Year.2017 w18.00 x h14.00 x d1.00 cm


Black Beauty

매진 Year.2015 w29.00 x h22.80 x d0.10 cm


Still Life with Kokeshi and Hatogurumaこけしと鳩ぐるまのある静物

매진 Year.2023 w65.20 x h53.00 x d2.00 cm


Pear blossoms

매진 Year.2022 w24.20 x h33.30 x d2.00 cm


가격 범위

USD $154 ~ $669


I was born in 1957 in Yokohama in Japan and lived in a rural nature-rich village in Ibaraki prefecture in my childhood. I was keen on drawing pictures since I was young and entered National Tokyo University of the Arts to learn more about oil art. I hold an exhibition once in an art gallery in Ginza...
I was born in 1957 in Yokohama in Japan and lived in a rural nature-rich village in Ibaraki prefecture in my childhood. I was keen on drawing pictures since I was young and entered National Tokyo University of the Arts to learn more about oil art. I hold an exhibition once in an art gallery in Ginza, Tokyo soon after I graduated the art university. I have kept on painting pictures through my life. I have held exhibitions of my pictures 5 times since 2012 and took part in group exhibi , such as “Zoo in Roppongi”(2013) and “Into the Forest”(2021) in Tokyo. 1957년 요코하마에서 태어난다. 이바라키현의 농촌 등에서 어린 시절을 보낸다. 어렸을 때는 만화만 그렸지만, 본격적으로 회화를 배우기 위해 도쿄 예술대학 회화과에서 유채화를 전공한다. 졸업 후 바로 긴자에서 개인전을 열고 그 후에도 창작은 이어졌다. 2012년부터 긴자의 갤러리 고토우에서 5회 개인전을 개최. 그룹전에서는, 2013년 「롯폰기 동물원」롯폰기 화랑, 2021년 "Into the Forest"전 갤러리 고토우 등.

덜 읽기


1984 "Illustration contest" held by Monthly Magazine "MOE" win
1985 "Illustration contest for Child pictures" fine work
1987 "Illustration contest for Child pictures" fine work
2021 "Luxembourg Art Prize" participation
2022 "Art Note by 100 artiest " contest held by HACKK TAG win
2023 "100 ninn 10" contest held by TRiCERA win
2024 "Theme of Green" contest held by TACKK TAG win
2024 "Corridor Art Contest" held by HACKK TAG win
2024 "Challenge Collection contest" held by HACKK TAG win
2024 "Art Note by 100 artiest " contest held by HACKK TAG win


1981 Gallery Nirenoki in Ginza,Tokyo
2013 "Roppongi Fantasy Zoo Vol.2" Roppongi Gallery in Roppongi, Tokyo
2017 "Autumn Exhibition for Small Paintings" Tokyo
2021 "Into the Forest" Gallery Goto in Ginza,Tokyo
2023 "20 artists 20 works" held by HACKK TAG
2023 "Art Line Festival" in Cafe Anne's house
2023 "Health Festival Kyoto" Special Exhibition
2024 Digital Exhibition "May Selection" by HACKK TAG
2024 Digital Exhibition selected by 2.5 Gallery


1982 Gallery Nirenoki in Ginza,Tokyo
2012 Gallery Goto in Ginza,Tokyo
2013 Gallery Goto in Ginza,Tokyo
2014 Gallery Goto in Ginza,Tokyo
2015 Jazz Cafe "Nefertiti"
2016 Gallery Goto in Ginza,Tokyo
2017 Gallery Goto in Ginza,Tokyo
2019 Cafe Anne's house
2020 Cafe Ann's house
2021 Cafe Anne's house

좋아할만한 아티스트