![프로필 이미지 / Kateryna Hnunian](https://cdn-image.tricera.net/?url=https://cdn.tricera.net/artist_assets/7253/original/1f7a0152-38b1-4a44-a06a-29355387e121.jpeg&w=200&output=jpg&q=70)
Kateryna Hnunian
Катерина Гнунян
1 기예
이 아티스트를 공유하시겠습니까?
![Катерина Гнунян(Kateryna Hnunian)](https://cdn-image.tricera.net/?url=https://cdn.tricera.net/artist_assets/7253/original/acfa7b2c-9537-4ff8-a85b-0b7c2d989854.jpeg&w=500&output=jpg&q=70)
풍경, 동물, 꽃, 사람, 초상화, 판타지, 자연, 건축, 세계
Kateryna Hnunian의 15 원본 작품 및 painters을(를) 찾습니다. :artist_var_name_ko의 프로필, 작품 가격, 전시 정보를 확인하고 온라인으로 작품을 구매하세요.
“Paintings with animals and birds.”
이 컬렉션에는 개, 카멜레온, 불사조 새, 나비와 같은 생물이 포함되어 있습니다.
“Kateryna Hnunian님의 작품”
가격 범위
USD $100 ~ $1,330전기
내 이름은 예카테리나입니다. 나는 지금 예술가이지만 그렇게 시작하지는 않았습니다. 어릴 때부터 그림 그리는 걸 좋아해서 낮에는 정규 학교에 다니고 저녁에는 미술 학교에도 다녔어요. 학교를 졸업한 후, 나는 대학에 진학하여 의학을 공부했고, 사람들을 돕고 싶어서 이 분야의 고등 교육을 받았습니다. 의료 분야에서...
더 읽기
I took part in city and regional competitions, exhibitions. I took first place in the competition "Dictionary Day" in honor of V. I. Dal
I took part in the competition of contemporary art "BATTLE OF GENRES" ART, with the painting "Frosty Patterns", oil, canvas on a stretcher 60/60, 2022. Won first place in the age category 23+. Received a cup, a medal and a diploma. Creative agency "UaFest".
Two paintings "Hope and the Sea" and "Juicy Pomegranate" took part in the Golden Time talent competition. And each painting took 2nd place. Were entered in the British register.
Successfully participated in the fair of Ukrainians masters in Yerevan, Armenia.
I won the III International Two-Tour Art Competition «Avangart Art» and received the Grand Prix for the first time! October 31, Kharkov, Ukraine.
The author's painting "Artashes I" for the second time won a prize at the international professional talent competition Country of Talents in the Czech Republic. The competition was held on the festival portal "Golden Europe-Land of Talents" in Prague, Czech Republic, from November 27 to December 3
The painting "All will be good Ukraine", oil, canvas on a stretcher 60/70, 2022, took part in exhibitions in London, published in a British magazine. -First exhibition- September 24, 2022, 154 Holland Park avenue London. -Second exhibition - October 6, 2022, 154 Holland Park avenue London. - The third exhibition was November 13, 2022, 154 Holland Park avenue London.
The painting "All will be good Ukraine", oil, canvas on a stretcher 60/70, took part in exhibition- 3-to 18 June , Northampton Town Council.