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In Search of Undefined Truth; Abstract Painting at Home - Part 1

Isaac Ishimatsu Isaac Ishimatsu
As an Imaginary Being

Have you ever looked up at the sky with a telescope to discover the mysteries of the universe? Just as children never stop asking "why" about anything and everything, we humans have an inordinate amount of curiosity and an unusually rich imagination. In most civilizations, we search for gods or their absence, we look up at pictures in the sky full of stars, and we debate whether or not there are aliens. What is it that drives us to believe that the earth is flat and that seawater flows down to the other side? It is the fantasy of something "unknown" and "inexplicable".

Exploring Wonder at Home

Art, like the existence of aliens, has grown into something rare that we don't necessarily understand. This is one of the reasons why contemporary art is so valuable and intriguing to many people. If you want to create a neutral atmosphere that will stimulate your daily life but also make your family and guests feel relaxed, among the various art forms, buying an abstract painting is the way to go. You'll never get tired of exploring the uncertain truths of abstraction, and others will feel at home in its beauty (or even happier if they join you in your exploration).

In this article, I'm going to show you how abstract paintings and homes can go hand in hand, using Anja Stemmer's abstract artworks as an example. More artists will be featured in the next issue, but in the meantime, readers who want to review tips on how to coordinate art in your home can read This way Please read on. Art at Home - A Simple Guide to Stylish Decorating

Konifers by Anja Stemmer 70 x 50 cm
Aquamarin by Anja Stemmer 60 x 70 cm
You can see how well it fits in.
The easiest technique is to choose one color from your
The easiest technique is to choose one color from your room or furniture and match it with the art.
Floral Abstract I by Anja Stemmer Anja Stemmer 70 x 50 cm
And voila! Click on the image for more details!
Flashlight by Anja Stemmer 120 x 100 cm
Sigh-inducing details at home
Who said abstract paintings don't go well with Japanese rooms?
A pair is even more elegant!

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Isaac Ishimatsu


Isaac Ishimatsu

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