This is an art toy of Mills, a character from the original story “FuturePunks”, printed by 3D printer and finished by hand, oneby one. The color of the plastic material is preserved as much as possible in this piece,
This work is only partially painted to preserve the color of theplastic material as much as possible. This allows you to enjoy the transparency of the plastic. Each figure is signed, dated, and serial numbered on thesole.
The serial number of this one is #0111. Thank you for your cooperation.
こちらはFuturePunksというオリジナルストーリーの登場人物 Mills(ミルズ)のアートトイとなります。3Dプリンターでプリントし、1点づつ手作業で仕上げております。こちらの作品は、プラスティックのもつ素材としての色をできるだけ残すように、