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Tree of Life2, 2023, wall sculptures made of plaster and arranged on a construction gridTree of Life2, 2023, wall sculptures made of plaster and arranged on a construction gridTree of Life2, 2023, wall sculptures made of plaster and arranged on a construction gridTree of Life2, 2023, wall sculptures made of plaster and arranged on a construction grid



Tree of Life2, 2023, wall sculptures made of plaster and arranged on a construction grid
Tree of Life2, 2023, wall sculptures made of plaster and arranged on a construction grid
Tree of Life2, 2023, wall sculptures made of plaster and arranged on a construction grid
Tree of Life2, 2023, wall sculptures made of plaster and arranged on a construction grid
Tree of Life2, 2023, wall sculptures made of plaster and arranged on a construction grid

Tree of Life2, 2023, wall sculptures made of plaster and arranged on a construction grid

W 35.00cm x H 48.00cm x D 1.50cm

JPY ¥119,600

TRiCERA ARTは、紛失や破損などの不可抗力により、作品の配送を保証できない場合があります。


  • Tree of Life2, 2023, wall sculptures made of plaster and arranged on a construction gridについて



    彫刻・立体 (アートオブジェ・置物)


    Original Artwork







    Tree of Life 2 from thr Garden series, 2023 この三連作品は、石膏で作られた3つの壁面彫刻で構成され、グリッド上に配置されている。このシリーズは、様々な文化や宗教において深い意味を持つ世界樹のシンボルからインスピレーションを得ている。生命力を体現し、さまざまな領域をつなぐ巨大な樹木は、創造的な表現の基盤となっている。生命の樹はウクライナ文化に深く根ざしており、生命、豊穣、再生、統一、そして世代の連続性を象徴している。 私の作品には、現在ホットスポットで任務に就いている軍人の友人から贈られた銃弾の印象と、蚤の市で手に入れたアンティークの刺繍ブラウスの印象を利用している。これらの要素が混ざり合い、「生命の樹」を形作っている。このシリーズは、観察とアーカイブのプロジェクトである。ウクライナ人が自分たちの「生命の樹」を作り上げる瞬間を捉えている。

  • このアーティストについて



    子供の頃から、私は日記を書き続けてきました。 だから、私は自分の中に深く潜り込み、自分の人生の出来事をより寛大に生きています。私の人生で繰り返されていること、最も心配していることを問題にする必要性を感じています。こうして、私のプロジェクトは生まれ、創造されるのです。直感的で官能的なアプローチは、私の作品における主要な方法です。私のメディアは、インスタレーションとパフォーマンスです。私は、空間を物質として使い、それを変化させ、モノの力を借りて変容させることに興味があります。だから、私にとって手続き的なことは不可欠なのです。 私の作品では、ほとんどの場合、白と黒の色を使っています。白は白いシートのようなもので、始まり、浄化、新しいものの誕生の象徴です。 黒は、完成、死、変容。そして無限です。あるものが別のものに変わり、補い合い、陰影が強まります。このように、闇と光は互いに影響し合うのです。"

  • よくある質問


  • Amulet 1.1 from the series of Amulets. Made of made of reinforced plaster, covered with a water-repellent mixture. Located on a wooden base. 2022.

    Amulet 1.1 from the series of Amulets. Made of made of reinforced plaster, covered with a water-repellent mixture. Located on a wooden base. 2022.


  • Amulet 3 from the series of Amulets. Made of made of reinforced plaster, covered with a water-repellent mixture. Located on a wooden base

    Amulet 3 from the series of Amulets. Made of made of reinforced plaster, covered with a water-repellent mixture. Located on a wooden base


  • Amulet 5 from the series of Amulets. Made of made of reinforced plaster, covered with a water-repellent mixture. Located on a wooden base.

    Amulet 5 from the series of Amulets. Made of made of reinforced plaster, covered with a water-repellent mixture. Located on a wooden base.


  • Amulet 12, from the series of Amulets,bas-relief, wall art sculptural, reinforced plaster on fiberboard

    Amulet 12, from the series of Amulets,bas-relief, wall art sculptural, reinforced plaster on fiberboard


  • Amulet 4.1 from the series of Amulets. Made of made of reinforced plaster, covered with a water-repellent mixture. Located on a wooden base. 2022.

    Amulet 4.1 from the series of Amulets. Made of made of reinforced plaster, covered with a water-repellent mixture. Located on a wooden base. 2022.


  • Amulet 11.1  from the series of Amulets. Made of made of reinforced plaster, covered with a water-repellent mixture. Located on a wooden base.

    Amulet 11.1 from the series of Amulets. Made of made of reinforced plaster, covered with a water-repellent mixture. Located on a wooden base.


  • Amulet 15.1 from the series of Amulets. Made of made of reinforced plaster, covered with a water-repellent mixture. Located on a wooden base. 2022.

    Amulet 15.1 from the series of Amulets. Made of made of reinforced plaster, covered with a water-repellent mixture. Located on a wooden base. 2022.


  • Amulet 22 from the series of Amulets. Made of made of reinforced plaster, covered with a water-repellent mixture. Located on a wooden base. 2022.

    Amulet 22 from the series of Amulets. Made of made of reinforced plaster, covered with a water-repellent mixture. Located on a wooden base. 2022.


  • Amulet 24  from the series of Amulets. Made of made of reinforced plaster, covered with a water-repellent mixture. Located on a wooden base. 2022.

    Amulet 24 from the series of Amulets. Made of made of reinforced plaster, covered with a water-repellent mixture. Located on a wooden base. 2022.


  • Amulet 25 from the series of Amulets. Made of made of reinforced plaster, covered with a water-repellent mixture. Located on a wooden base. 2022.

    Amulet 25 from the series of Amulets. Made of made of reinforced plaster, covered with a water-repellent mixture. Located on a wooden base. 2022.

