Detached from the world, quietly existing.
Yet its presence is undeniably here.
A ghost, a symbol of summer.
Like a ghost, with its faint appearance,
isexpressed through the cool features of Matcha Sho®.*I wrote this text in "Matcha Shodo" (Japanese Matcha Calligraphy). "Matcha Shodo" is original Calligraphy of replacing the traditional ink with Organic matcha in the practice of Zen Japanese Calligraphy, is produced byShizuoka-based Calligrapher, Shoran. *Using tea leaves that are unavoidably discarded during the manufacturing process.
表現した。*抹茶書®︎とは?ほんのりと漂う抹茶の香りに心地よく包まれながら、心をこめて文字を書く。そんな特別な体験を楽しめるのが、静岡の書道家 松蘭が考案した墨の代わりに抹茶を使う書道「抹茶書®︎」です。お茶の都 静岡でもめずらしい、「抹茶書®︎専用のオーガニック抹茶」は、
島田市 Matcha Organic Japanの、製造工程でやむをえず廃棄処理されてしまう茶葉を原料としています。