「絹本著色」という技法に出会って間もなく、描きたいものが描けると感じて描いた大作です。「夜桜の精のような 怖ろしいほど美しい姫君 」を着物の柄や背景の花びらを描き過ぎるほど描き込んだ、私の "愛 "が詰まった作品です。制作から時間が経っても色褪せは少なく、描き始めの頃と比べて光沢も増しています。画家はこの作品を誰かに届けるために作家活動を再開しました。◆技法/絹本着色日本画
This is a large work that I painted when I first encountered the "silk painting" technique and felt that I was able to paint the work I wanted topaint. With the kimono pattern and scattered petals in the background, the work was completed with my "love" for the "terribly beautiful princess" like aspirit of night cherry blossoms, which I liked. It has not faded much over time since its creation, and has become more lustrous with each passing year. Theartist resumed her artistic activities in order to deliver this work to someone.
◆Technique/Peinted on silk