西行 - 佐藤義清-Satou Norikiyoが出家したのは数え年23歳。璋子の実兄 / 藤原実能の家人として、その推挙により鳥羽院の北面の武士として仕え鳥羽上皇の覚えも目出たかったとのこと。出家後、勧進経の依頼に来た西行の事を、年下の藤原頼長は「もと兵衛尉 義清也。重代の勇士たるを以て法皇に仕ふ。俗時より心を仏道に入る。家富み、年若く、心に愁無きに、遂に以て遁世す。人これを嘆美する也」と憧れの眼差しをもって記しています。「久遠の人」として生涯慕った17歳年上の待賢門院への恋が出家の一因となったとの説があって人物像をより魅力的にしています。技法/卵黄テンペラ
Saigyo "Sato Norikiyo," a renowned poet, was ordained at the age of 23.
As a vassal of Tamako's elder brother, Fujiwara no Saneyoshi, he served asa warrior on the northern front of the Toba Palace at Saneyoshi's suggestion, and was trusted by the Toba Emperor. When Saigyo came to ask for sutra after hisordination, Fujiwara no Yorinaga, who was younger than Saigyo, said, "Norikiyo used to be a hye-nojo. He was a warrior for generations, his family waswealthy, he was young, and his heart was not sad, but at last he became an ordained priest and was praised by the people," he wrote in his diary.
Some say thatone of the reasons for his ordination was his love for Waitikenmonin, who was 17 years older than him.
Technique/ egg-yolk tempera on linen paper